7. September 2013


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translatet by Georgi Stankov


Loved ones,
Virtually unnoticed by the world and humanity,
a new state in the process of ascension has been established
in these days. After the first time in human history and in the history
of this world, a single human being could slide in spirit, soul and body
over to the fifth dimensional level of Being, the new ascension scenarios
can be defined as follows:

1) An increase in visitations by people in body,
soul and spirit to 5D, which will deepen the confidence
and knowledge in this reality and in the proximity to this reality
– End of the doubts!

2) An increase of spiritual strength and power in all those
light warriors, who will endure on the upper 4D levels until
the very end as to keep the energy, so that the ascending humans
could accomplish without any detriment their journey to the 5D and
back to the upper realms of the 4D levels.

3) An increase in self-awareness in all the people who will ascend,
as this unique event – the first ascension of a human being as a
human incarnated entity into the light – has enriched the collective
consciousness of the ascension candidates with new knowledge.
Thus, the processes at this level are seen in a completely new light
and experienced with a new serenity, as the ascending ones henceforth
know what it is and not only suspect, or – albeit justified – just accept it.

The ascension of a human being as incarnated human entity
into the light required many preparations and all the efforts
of many people who have committed themselves to this process
with body and soul. Again and again surrounded by sabotage,
confusion, misunderstandings and failure, these people did not cease
to believe in their “sacred cause” and to live accordingly.
In full dedication with their whole being and in the knowledge
that even a temporary failure is possible, they held on and stood
the course to the very end. And now this miracle on humans and
this world is finally accomplished. It is done! Every doubt is gone,
now that the worlds are separating from each other with a new radicality.

The epochal events, whereby the worlds will be separated in a
spectacular way, are really tangible to you, now that a deep inner
peace has engulfed you, paired with new decisiveness, a deep
certainty and a confidence with regard to all the coming events.
Gone are the fear and frustration, arousing your desire to leave
this world because the situations were almost intolerable to you.

New levels of light are now accessible to you and the visitations
to the 5th dimension will truly stipulate, because the way is now
paved for the ascending humans. First, you will dream it, then in
lucid states, then you will have 5D travels in subtle bodies before
you shall glide in body, soul and spirit into the upper dimensions,
as a sailing yacht that has reared every sail on a calm sea as to
sway in the breeze gently in the ocean.

I would expressly point out here that these journeys are
neither astral dreams, nor astral travels! It is what it is:
the journey in your subtle light bodies, which are now adapting
to the vibrations of the 5D, so that you can safely reach this
dimension and can come back again, until you dissolve forever
all life lines to the planes of the fourth dimension.

Please do not mess anything in this respect.
Astral travels or the discarding of your physical body (death / dying)
in order to ascend to 5D are a completely different reality than the
one described here. These provide a different model of ascension,
represent a different way to enter into the light.
Today, I speak to you of the fact that it is possible for you from
now on, to visit with your bodies the “city of love” beyond your
imagination, before you will arrive there forever and before you
shall slip away from this world forever.

New ascension test runs will be performed, so that this
first experience will be confirmed by many sources, so that
this knowledge will spread worldwide, so that the people will
realize how easy and natural is the transition from one dimension
to another. “Fear not”, you were told since long time. And verily:
every fear is gone out of you, who now claim with certainty your
spiritual inheritance.

This ascension was thwarted by the dark in the past,
who still run the game, with all possible means as to keep
the people on the ground and firmly in their claws.
This time is definitely over. From now on, the dark ones do
not have the slightest power over those children of men who
now ascend. For those who are still active in dark environments,
it is necessary to cleanse themselves daily from the energies as
soon as they leave this environment. To achieve this, you do not
need to do anything, as it happens automatically, but you should
be aware of this process every day – fully aware!

Yes, it happens because truly, and as already announced yesterday:
You are absolutely protected! Just as a mosquito net protects the
human body from the mosquitoes, so you are protected at the
energetic level from unwelcome visitors. To this end your energy
bodies were sealed and you are cleansed day by day from the
attempted attacks of the dark forces that still want to reach you.

These are mere attempts that only affect you insofar as during
the time of your “cleansing” you will feel tired. The time of the
sabotage and effective incursions and attacks of the dark forces
on the relevant light warriors are an irrevocable past.

I dreamt today that I want to travel to Paris and that
every possible hurdle has been placed on my way,
so that I cannot catch the plane …
Yes, that’s it. Paris symbolizes the “city of love”,
it is the “Crystal City in the fifth dimension.”
Thus the previous circumstances, under which you
had to work, act, and proclaim your truth  were played out to
Jahn one last time. Everything, absolutely everything has been
undertaken by the dark powers to thwart this ascension of a
human being in full human and divine consciousness into the light.
These efforts have now wholly failed, the plan of the dark forces is a
total failure. From now on they will continue their game of infamy
without you, who have inherited heaven.

You are free, because you have freed yourself. Bigger,
more powerful and more perfect cannot the victory over evil be.
Now a new lightness begins to take hold among the warriors of the
light mentioned in this message erything that has only the slightest
smell of a lack of truthfulness, has no place in your hearts and in the
world, in which you now arrive one by one.

Hence I would point out one more time that you can only
ascend if you are pure, clear and honest, if you have completed
your homework. Neither the frustration about the state-of-the-art
of this world, nor the fear of the forces of darkness will bring you to 5D.
It is only the longing for the light, the longing for God that leads you to
this end, that makes you undertake this journey of no return, to that place,
to which your soul pushes you since eons of time.

While the awareness is growing among the travelers into the light,
unconsciousness increases in those who have become entangled in
the eso- and exoteric irrelevance. The differences between the people
now emerge in a new radicality.

The ascension of the first human being in body,
soul and spirit into the light, has provided the last prerequisite
in the process of ascension of humanity. Honor, life, light and
love are given to you. You, who have accomplished what you
yearned for to complete in endless cycles and have also demanded
for. How much you are loved!

I am

Captain and Navigator - ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: