God Devotion
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
Unconditional devotion to God is the key for
and the solution for all! Whoever asks, whoever hesitates,
is still not ready
for this step, which opens all doors to reality.
How can knowledge be attained based on questions?
How can God’s closeness be experienced based on
hesitation or how can trust in God be attained based
on doubt? It is impossible!
The general human access to the divine, meaning, an
which is conditioned by human awareness, always brings forth
only lack
and disappointments. To be able to devote self
unconditionally, means
always to have overcome human
considerations and reservations, not to let self
be blocked
by the mind or other restrictions.
God devotion means,
what the mind can no longer
capture, no longer wanting to capture it with the
mind as well!
A wise one recognizes the boundaries and the
narrowness of
his human instruments, he understands how to utilize these
and he
knows to forego them at the appropriate time. A wise
one knows that God
recognition occurs beyond all human
experience and awareness possibilities and
he puts everything
aside, which hinders him to see his own reality.
The greatest
hindrance is still the human disposition,
in order to attain true and
fundamental recognition,
wanting to understand spiritual processes on the level
of the mind, and this even before a human Being has
exposed self to the actual
spiritual work.
The unconditional devotion to God is the “Master
of these days and only true Maters dispose of it.
Due to this higher consciousness, it is possible for
human Beings to free themselves gradually from their
imprints and
blockages, and to set free the true divine nature.
It is a slow and steady process, which is always
crowned with
success, as a human Being consistently and unerringly follows
path toward the Light. And on this path the unconditional
devotion to God is
the Master quality.
Humility and Innocence
The divine nature is liberated gradually, deep inner
certitude develops gradually, and the untiring seeker
knows that recognition
will be given and can never be
Here humility appears, the pure and innocent attitude
a divine creature, which longs for the Source, and knows
that only God can
quench this longing, no matter how
many efforts one undertakes.
Heart thinks, Mind feels
At the beginning of any awareness process is a clear
after that follows an obvious inner impulse, before germinating
first inkling, which means and requires in its essence the
devotion to God. And this clear thought is of
creative nature and the heart
thinks it.
Thinking with the
heart occurs as soon as a human
Being is energetically purified and to a
certain degree
is liberated from blockages. Nothing comes by itself,
even if
everything comes to you by itself!
Understand this truth, because the basis must be
in your self so that you can receive God’s Light; due to daily
on your being and due to the daily readiness to subscribe
to your own
transformation – unconditionally.
Then you bring yourself into the position to recognize
God’s Light,
to let it come into your being and due to this permeability you
become capable of genuine devotion.
Whomever the divine Light has touched begins to ache
the divine Light and the sensual world steps back, and loses
power over
such a human Being.
Recognize what is,
think with the heart
and feel with the mind, this is the way.
All is God
Understand that today it is essential to attain deep
realization, that today it is essential not to think any “godless”
thoughts, meaning, to think no thought without God, to speak
no word without
God, and that today it is essential to perform
each action in deep harmony with
the divine in you.
All is God, and everything that a human Being is, is God.
God, God’s Love, today are the greatest help for
mankind in
this intensive and great time of transformation.
Whoever wants to
realize self, yet surrenders God in
this process, strengthens his ego; whoever
lifts himself
without being uplifted by God, strengthens his lower
nature, and
whoever orients his deeds toward a reward
in this world, will receive it from
this world.
Love, Light and Grace is everywhere! Like an unborn
is surrounded by the amniotic fluid in the womb, so is the
planet and all
Life on Mother Earth surrounded by God’s Grace;
this is a natural condition,
wherein humanity lives, acts and
breathes, only that this fact is only known to
the fewest.
Understand this reality and discover it, and to the
degree as the binding to God increases the bindings to this
decrease. This occurs totally by itself and without any
effort, because any
sensation having to give up something,
in order to attain God, gets lost in
this condition.
The divine connectedness of a fully conscious entity
with Mother Earth may manifest itself. Recognize the
difference between binding to God and
the bindings to
this world, and continue to walk and walk on the path
realization! Do not relent, so that you may separate
the chaff from the wheat
and you can walk on the path of
unconditional Love.
Continue the Transformation!
Be aware of those, who want to keep you from your own
transformation, whereby they focus on outer events instead
of focusing on the
energetic healings inside of you.
Whatever you need to know comes to you, whatever you
need to experience is given to you, whatever you can recognize,
will be
conveyed to you – and it only behooves you to magnetically
attract the
knowledge, the experiences and the insights, to invite
them into your life. Thereby your essence opens up, because the
Light of
Heaven reaches your heart with new strength.
Now everything is
possible for those, who are ready
to spread out everything in front of God. Whoever opens
this truth will enter into the kingdom of Heaven,
because truly: Creation
unconditionally cares for all Life
and for each world.
So go there and do it like Mother Earth and Creation,
whereby you bring the “Master Quality” of being
unconditional to the surface.
Now, as Mother
Earth upends and as the sound of Creation
is heard everywhere, it is necessary
to devote self to the
Light and it is time to open self entirely to the divine.
I am amongst you. I instruct you and guide each
Being, who full of longing calls for me.
Under my roof you find protection, in my presence you find
shelter, and
due to my Love the Light is revealed to you.
Trust, beloved One,
Mother Earth heals and the Planet is reborn.
Your longing will be quenched.
In infinite Love
HERITAGE FROM ATLANTIS, Christ Consciousness 9
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