Message from the Light Reading on August 28th, 2015 in Vienna
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Translated from: Licht des Himmels:
The Light of Heaven performs its work!
Uninfluenced by all disturbance fields the Light of
Heaven penetrates to earth and it reaches the hearts
of human Beings.
Cosmic processes obey cosmic laws and earthly
intentions or aims cannot keep them back or
thwart them.
The Light of Heaven is omnipresent on earth and
brings forth what human Beings have hidden from
self for a long time and what mankind did not want
to look at.
The Light of Heaven works.
the fellow traveler of mankind on its way to God,
on the way back into the Light and into the home
of our eternal souls.
Recognizing Anxiety Fields and leaving them
The issue of fear is portrayed in this message and it is the issue,
which is necessary paying attention to and wherefrom “anxiety
fields” can reach you.
The indications of an upcoming Third World War seem to
condense and some human Beings are caught by fear and
begin to freeze thinking about it. The beginning of this
“great drama” is expected for the months of September
and October of this year. Human Beings prepare themselves
for it and they begin to take on fears and slide into fears.
I point to the fact that the intensive Light flooding of earth
reveals all potentials, which now may become effective,
yet not all potentials will be realized or will be fulfilled.
It is important to understand that you have it in your hands
where the way goes and how the change is completed.
Yet it is even more significant to understand that you yourself
are responsible for all settings of the course in your own life
and thereby every event is possible or every miracle may be
affective. This means in particular:
1.) Look into the abyss, look at all existing potentials;
yet do not let self be taken in by them. As soon as fears,
“fears of Armageddon” appear, examine precisely how they
develop, where they come from and remove them. How do
you remove them? You can remove them due to meditation
and/or intensive examination of these emotions. Go to the
bottom of these issues, which create unrest in you and
turn them over to the Light.
2.) The time has come wherein God reveals himself.
Which means, each one, who loves God and serves
human Beings in love, is under God’s direct protection.
Is there a “personal” God? Today this question is directly
answered for every human Being.
3.) What for the one is being fulfilled is lacking for the other
and what occurs for one state, other states remain excluded
from it.
Today this third point is of particular significance.
„One will be taken from the field, while the other
remains in the field.” This time with all events,
which are based in it, may be reduced to this
prophetic statement.
God Realization is highest Goal
Consequently today it should be the first and highest goal to
aim for one’s own God realization. How will this be attained?
It is attained due to the unconditional readiness to devote
oneself entirely to the divine Light. Whereby we have arrived
in the center of your Being, in your heart.
As soon as your heart vibration has reached the
heart frequency, all fear falls off and you are in
your creation power.
Consequently this energy is the key in order to face all
anxiety fields of this time in an appropriate manner
and to remain uninfluenced by them.
The direct connection with one’s inherent heart
frequency creates an energy field, which cannot
be taken in by any dark forces.
The human heart is the carrier of the highest possible
vibration of a human Being and upholds the binding to
the divine. Today all your aims shall be directed toward that,
remaining permanently in this vibration.
Mental consciousness can be overlaid with “confusion”,
emotional consciousness can as well be confused due to
“impurities”, yet the base vibration of your heart cannot
not be destroyed by anything or anybody, because it
represents the immortal divine spark in every human
Yet what occurs is that you shall be held back from consciously
reaching this vibration due to different energy fields, from
reaching it and foremost from also maintaining it.
Light Work in God’s Countenance
And exactly at this point prayer and meditation are of help.
The Light work, in order to redeem individual issues,
makes the difference.
Therefore there is only one rule of life for your completion:
To orient oneself entirely toward the Light and unconditionally
allow healings in God’s Love.
In view of the increasingly unleashing events, you shall
direct your whole strength toward the inner, because
miracles, which you expect for the coming time,
occur from there.
Act according to your assignments and your inner knowledge.
Let self be guided by God and never say: “I do not know how
God talks to me or how He guides me?” This is a disregard of
your divine essence. Please know: Whoever asks honestly,
will be given everything! Open your hearts for the Light.
Be willing to polish your life daily in God’s countenance.
Draw the right conclusions and act consistently. Discard the
tepid, bear up and put self entirely under God’s protection.
You have all reason to look at the future with confidence
and joy. The uplifting of Mother Earth continues and
your perfection is looming.
Encounter all building up dramas around you in the knowledge
that the “great circle of this universe” completes and that all of
us receive “personal” protection from God. Everything is possible
for God and God makes everything possible for His children.
I have entered into God’s Love and I have returned to
you on this earth.
Our Light is great as our Love is powerful, whereby we
will overcome every condition, which has fallen out from
All-That-Is, and returns it to God’s Grace.
The love for mankind has brought me back and this
world completes itself in the Love of all of us.
We are the Way, the Truth and Life, and we are here for
a good reason, because our lives are fulfilled in these
days and human hearts are flooded with the spiritual Light.
One journey ends, a new one begins.
I love you infinitely
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Cosmic processes obey cosmic laws and earthly
intentions or aims cannot keep them back or
thwart them.
The Light of Heaven is omnipresent on earth and
brings forth what human Beings have hidden from
self for a long time and what mankind did not want
to look at.
The Light of Heaven works.
the fellow traveler of mankind on its way to God,
on the way back into the Light and into the home
of our eternal souls.
Recognizing Anxiety Fields and leaving them
The issue of fear is portrayed in this message and it is the issue,
which is necessary paying attention to and wherefrom “anxiety
fields” can reach you.
The indications of an upcoming Third World War seem to
condense and some human Beings are caught by fear and
begin to freeze thinking about it. The beginning of this
“great drama” is expected for the months of September
and October of this year. Human Beings prepare themselves
for it and they begin to take on fears and slide into fears.
I point to the fact that the intensive Light flooding of earth
reveals all potentials, which now may become effective,
yet not all potentials will be realized or will be fulfilled.
It is important to understand that you have it in your hands
where the way goes and how the change is completed.
Yet it is even more significant to understand that you yourself
are responsible for all settings of the course in your own life
and thereby every event is possible or every miracle may be
affective. This means in particular:
1.) Look into the abyss, look at all existing potentials;
yet do not let self be taken in by them. As soon as fears,
“fears of Armageddon” appear, examine precisely how they
develop, where they come from and remove them. How do
you remove them? You can remove them due to meditation
and/or intensive examination of these emotions. Go to the
bottom of these issues, which create unrest in you and
turn them over to the Light.
2.) The time has come wherein God reveals himself.
Which means, each one, who loves God and serves
human Beings in love, is under God’s direct protection.
Is there a “personal” God? Today this question is directly
answered for every human Being.
3.) What for the one is being fulfilled is lacking for the other
and what occurs for one state, other states remain excluded
from it.
Today this third point is of particular significance.
„One will be taken from the field, while the other
remains in the field.” This time with all events,
which are based in it, may be reduced to this
prophetic statement.
God Realization is highest Goal
Consequently today it should be the first and highest goal to
aim for one’s own God realization. How will this be attained?
It is attained due to the unconditional readiness to devote
oneself entirely to the divine Light. Whereby we have arrived
in the center of your Being, in your heart.
As soon as your heart vibration has reached the
heart frequency, all fear falls off and you are in
your creation power.
Consequently this energy is the key in order to face all
anxiety fields of this time in an appropriate manner
and to remain uninfluenced by them.
The direct connection with one’s inherent heart
frequency creates an energy field, which cannot
be taken in by any dark forces.
The human heart is the carrier of the highest possible
vibration of a human Being and upholds the binding to
the divine. Today all your aims shall be directed toward that,
remaining permanently in this vibration.
Mental consciousness can be overlaid with “confusion”,
emotional consciousness can as well be confused due to
“impurities”, yet the base vibration of your heart cannot
not be destroyed by anything or anybody, because it
represents the immortal divine spark in every human
Yet what occurs is that you shall be held back from consciously
reaching this vibration due to different energy fields, from
reaching it and foremost from also maintaining it.
Light Work in God’s Countenance
And exactly at this point prayer and meditation are of help.
The Light work, in order to redeem individual issues,
makes the difference.
Therefore there is only one rule of life for your completion:
To orient oneself entirely toward the Light and unconditionally
allow healings in God’s Love.
In view of the increasingly unleashing events, you shall
direct your whole strength toward the inner, because
miracles, which you expect for the coming time,
occur from there.
Act according to your assignments and your inner knowledge.
Let self be guided by God and never say: “I do not know how
God talks to me or how He guides me?” This is a disregard of
your divine essence. Please know: Whoever asks honestly,
will be given everything! Open your hearts for the Light.
Be willing to polish your life daily in God’s countenance.
Draw the right conclusions and act consistently. Discard the
tepid, bear up and put self entirely under God’s protection.
You have all reason to look at the future with confidence
and joy. The uplifting of Mother Earth continues and
your perfection is looming.
Encounter all building up dramas around you in the knowledge
that the “great circle of this universe” completes and that all of
us receive “personal” protection from God. Everything is possible
for God and God makes everything possible for His children.
I have entered into God’s Love and I have returned to
you on this earth.
Our Light is great as our Love is powerful, whereby we
will overcome every condition, which has fallen out from
All-That-Is, and returns it to God’s Grace.
The love for mankind has brought me back and this
world completes itself in the Love of all of us.
We are the Way, the Truth and Life, and we are here for
a good reason, because our lives are fulfilled in these
days and human hearts are flooded with the spiritual Light.
One journey ends, a new one begins.
I love you infinitely
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