New Book of Transformation is opened
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Translated from: Yoga das ewigen Lebens
Today we open a new book of transformation,
the book of ultimate
determinations and the chapter,
wherein human Beings can return to their divine
and to their divine original state.
Again I communicate to you
through Jahn and
again the living Light of Heaven flows into your hearts.
We have entered the next
level of knowledge and
great expansions of consciousness are forthcoming.
We have covered a long
distance and Heaven is full
of commendation for what individual human Beings
and groups of human Beings have redeemed in them
so far, what they have
recognized and what they
have realized.
Despite the “weight of
this matrix” hurdles were overcome,
blockages were removed and different
illusions of space
and time were given up.
Doubt increasingly loses
in power; fear loses its gravity and
shadows thin out. The certainty in the
correctness of all things
and trust in God begin to determine daily life of
more and more
human Beings; and Love becomes the yardstick of all actions.
I speak to you, beloved
brother, beloved sister, I describe
your pathway, which you have unswervingly
pursued so far,
you, who have defied inner and outer resistances and you
have continued on your path with full force.
Fruits, ready for Harvest
It is your merit and they
are your fruits, which are now ready
for harvest. It is your life, which you
have given new direction
to due to your decision to serve only God and to be an
in this great time of change.
We all had and have our
tasks and we brought and bring
Light to many worlds. We created Light anchors
and left
them behind in several far away worlds. We have created
worlds and
built them with our spirit, and we have, as God
has determined it for us,
transferred the key to a life in
harmony with creation to entities in those
We are truly multidimensional entities,
which inspire
worlds in the service of Love.
We are creators, builders
and originators of many worlds,
and as such we are solidified in body in this
physical world today.
It is to be ascertained
that more and more human Beings are
reminded of their origin, that more and
more human Beings
have an idea of their actual greatness and accept that more
and more human Beings transfer their signature of Light to
this environment.
This matrix cannot imprint a stamp on
these human Beings or force the “sign of
the beast” on them.
A change in consciousness in a new order of magnitude
has begun;
the time of involution has come and follows
with the time of revolution.
The two Flames
Happy and self-confident,
peace loving and determined,
outfitted with plenty of courage, more and more
Beings face actual challenges. More and more human
Beings oppose evil and
they look into the abyss, without
being devoured by evil or being pulled into
the abyss.
A new power is inherent in these human Beings and two
flames blaze
in their hearts, the flame of destruction and
the flame of forgiveness. The
evil is destroyed, and
forgiven are those, who have spread evil.
As soon as the heart of human Beings opens,
the wind of
liberation blows through the soul.
And this wind brings the
spiritual light into life and you
have chosen such a life, you, who has given
to it here. Even though the
overwhelming number of human
Beings, born in this world, is still closed to the
spiritual Light,
more and more light-messengers and light carriers open to
Light at this time.
It has been recognized
that the inner transformation
makes the difference and that the kingdom exists
in you.
In the outer only that can exist,
which has already been created
in us.
And therefore today human
Beings have new access to self
and they have begun with the salvation of the
world, whereby
they aim for self-salvation as the first virtue.
The Yoga of eternal Life,
which binds you directly to God and
let you merge with your Creator, is being
practiced: due to
conscious reflection of one’s thoughts, one’s emotions and
one’s actions; and due to the conscious acceptance of all
shadows, before they
are dismissed into the Light out of Love.
A new Epoch
of involution has begun
and new possibilities
for change open up. The energy, which the
light warriors
of the first and last hours bring to their own perfection, has
an effect on life on this planet. You will be amazed how the
game has been
decided to your advantage and how the wind
has turned, and in an instance of
God’s Grace the last veils
will lift from you. Then we see each other
countenance to
countenance and celebrate the end of a great journey and
arrival into the realms of the Light.
Rejoice, Life returns to
this earth for those,
who are full of Love for God.
I am again amongst you!
We now approach a new
time, which we ourselves
have exhaled. God is with us and his
Light flows in us.
Your soul knows this and
you experience it every day.
I am the Light and I am
My heart is full of
compassion and peace.
You are welcome in your
home and we
expect you with us in the Light.
I am
The Biography of Jesus, Part I – JAHN J KASSL:
The Biography of Jesus, Part I – JAHN J KASSL:
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