channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
The turns of all life are inexhaustible
unswervingly give birth to new being and new realities.
unswervingly give birth to new being and new realities.
God’s grace is omnipresent and now
perfects what
strives for completion.
We are the ELOHIM
On the high frequency time-space-continuum of
strives for completion.
We are the ELOHIM
On the high frequency time-space-continuum of
the 4th dimension of Being, new forces
establish themselves.
The contact with the 6th dimension of Being is bestowed on
several light warriors and they are truly lifted into Heaven,
carried away and privy to God’s bliss.
Human Beings, who have already fully anchored the light
vibration of the 5th dimension within self and are able to
maintain it constantly, are now being fitted with the first
light qualities of the 6th dimension of Being.
On this level any materiality ends and in an instant
everything emerges out of the creative impulse of Being.
Pure divine Spirit that manifest itself, pure essence of all life,
The contact with the 6th dimension of Being is bestowed on
several light warriors and they are truly lifted into Heaven,
carried away and privy to God’s bliss.
Human Beings, who have already fully anchored the light
vibration of the 5th dimension within self and are able to
maintain it constantly, are now being fitted with the first
light qualities of the 6th dimension of Being.
On this level any materiality ends and in an instant
everything emerges out of the creative impulse of Being.
Pure divine Spirit that manifest itself, pure essence of all life,
pure essence of ALL-THAT-IS.
This first contact with the light of the 6th dimension of
being changes the aura of human Beings and the crystalline
reality emerges. In addition a new and impervious crystalline
protection sheath forms around these human Beings that
affects the invisibility in case it is needed. Thereby the
vibration of a human Being is refined such that one can no
longer be physically recognized on the lower vibrating level
and cannot be perceived. The new vibration field is inasmuch
of significance as these human Beings – they are the until
today to their assignments committed light warriors of the
first and last hours – remain totally untouched by the
discharges on this time-space-level.
The requirement, in order to receive this new
light garment, is an energetic general pattern
that is liberated from blockages to a great extent.
This expansion of your protection, whereby the vibration
of the 6th dimension enriches the aura, is necessary today,
because you have decided to participate in the great final
events on the surface of the earth for a specific time.
The “rapture” from this world happens step by step, and
before you enter into God’s Light and inherit the fifth dimension
of Being, you will be enabled to experience all upheavals on
this level under the protection of your new vibration.
The touch by this high frequency divine Light happens
automatically in God’s omniscience.
Meaning that this vibration can neither be demanded
nor be manifested. It happens and is given, or it is not
forth coming, because for a human Being it is foreseen as such.
Those human Beings, who receive this increased vibration
and this protection, will experience this on day X in an
impressive manner or will, as it is needed, already
experience it today as an act of attunement.
The turns of all life are inexhaustible, and today we fit
the great light warriors of the first and last hours with
the appropriate energy field so that they can perform God’s
given assignments until the end of time.
We love you infinitely.
We are pure Spirit, Love and Light.
We are the ELOHIM
Epilog: After the message was given I go to a bakery in
order to buy bread. On arrival I decide to go into the adjoining
coffee house in order to drink tea. I can immediately issue my
order with the manager, who meets me (I am there quite often!),
yet I have the impression that I am not being perceived.
I wait and nothing comes. The entirely ambitious and well
trained service personnel (some already know me) dash
past me as if I do not sit there. Some look straight into
my eyes but they look through me as one looks through the
window out into the landscape. I wait in this quite easily
managed coffee house at a time when few guests are present,
sitting at a quite obvious centrally located table, for about
20 minutes; and nobody sees me or takes notice of me.
It is quite different at the table next to me, where people
eagerly order and are promptly served.
Because I had such an experience of “being invisible”
three times before, it became immediately clear to me
that today’s situation has a direct connection to the just
now received message from the Elohim.
I had to smile and decided to leave the bakery.
As I again walk past the manager, who receives and
says goodbye to guests at the entrance, and say a friendly
goodbye to him, the spectacle continues and he looks
indifferently through me without taking notice. (End of report)
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages published
on this website.
This first contact with the light of the 6th dimension of
being changes the aura of human Beings and the crystalline
reality emerges. In addition a new and impervious crystalline
protection sheath forms around these human Beings that
affects the invisibility in case it is needed. Thereby the
vibration of a human Being is refined such that one can no
longer be physically recognized on the lower vibrating level
and cannot be perceived. The new vibration field is inasmuch
of significance as these human Beings – they are the until
today to their assignments committed light warriors of the
first and last hours – remain totally untouched by the
discharges on this time-space-level.
The requirement, in order to receive this new
light garment, is an energetic general pattern
that is liberated from blockages to a great extent.
This expansion of your protection, whereby the vibration
of the 6th dimension enriches the aura, is necessary today,
because you have decided to participate in the great final
events on the surface of the earth for a specific time.
The “rapture” from this world happens step by step, and
before you enter into God’s Light and inherit the fifth dimension
of Being, you will be enabled to experience all upheavals on
this level under the protection of your new vibration.
The touch by this high frequency divine Light happens
automatically in God’s omniscience.
Meaning that this vibration can neither be demanded
nor be manifested. It happens and is given, or it is not
forth coming, because for a human Being it is foreseen as such.
Those human Beings, who receive this increased vibration
and this protection, will experience this on day X in an
impressive manner or will, as it is needed, already
experience it today as an act of attunement.
The turns of all life are inexhaustible, and today we fit
the great light warriors of the first and last hours with
the appropriate energy field so that they can perform God’s
given assignments until the end of time.
We love you infinitely.
We are pure Spirit, Love and Light.
We are the ELOHIM
Epilog: After the message was given I go to a bakery in
order to buy bread. On arrival I decide to go into the adjoining
coffee house in order to drink tea. I can immediately issue my
order with the manager, who meets me (I am there quite often!),
yet I have the impression that I am not being perceived.
I wait and nothing comes. The entirely ambitious and well
trained service personnel (some already know me) dash
past me as if I do not sit there. Some look straight into
my eyes but they look through me as one looks through the
window out into the landscape. I wait in this quite easily
managed coffee house at a time when few guests are present,
sitting at a quite obvious centrally located table, for about
20 minutes; and nobody sees me or takes notice of me.
It is quite different at the table next to me, where people
eagerly order and are promptly served.
Because I had such an experience of “being invisible”
three times before, it became immediately clear to me
that today’s situation has a direct connection to the just
now received message from the Elohim.
I had to smile and decided to leave the bakery.
As I again walk past the manager, who receives and
says goodbye to guests at the entrance, and say a friendly
goodbye to him, the spectacle continues and he looks
indifferently through me without taking notice. (End of report)
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages published
on this website.
Circle of Light - ASANA MAHATARI: