written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
The Russian
Opposition Leader Swetlana Peunova
(56) has,
in a letter to US President Obama (in
full length at the end of
this essay), criticized the role of the West in
the overthrow of
the government in the Ukraine. The Chairman of the All-Russian
political party, critical of Putin, „Volya“
(The Will) has, in an open
letter to the head of the US, demanded the
immediate end of the
„fight for new
territories and resources“ under the guise of democracy.
The Politician
writes: „I think U.S. interfere into the
internal affairs
of Ukraine under the guise of democracy.....
We believe those who demand your interference were
trained in special camps, same as leaders of colored revolutions
in other
countries did...Leaders of the Maidan do not even hide that
their activities
are sponsored by different institutions and
departments of U.S. and Euro
Union....We believe that Klitschko,
Yatsenyuk, Tyagibok and others have nothing
in common with
Ukrainian people.“
And the
Institution, Klitschko’s Party UDAR („the blow“),
was made possible and was given
sufficient financial resources,
by, among others, the German „CDU-Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung“.
Vitali Klitschko was even trained in the “Konrad-Adenauer-Haus”.
Meaning that
the German Chancellor Merkel has instigated
the revolution in the Ukraine!
The Strongman
Vitali Klitschko is really nothing more
than a suppository of the German US
vicegerent Merkel:
“In November 2011 at
the CDU (Christian Democratic Union)
party convention in Leipzig, he sat in the
second row and
“applauded euphorically for the Chancellor.”, cited the local
newspaper ND in Leipzig. Since 2011 there is a “strong
cooperation with the
still young party UDAR, led by Vitali Klitschko”,
as mentioned in the 2011
yearly report of the “Konrad-Adenauer-
Stiftung”. The goal of the UDAR is to
“integrate the Ukraine into
the EU as quickly as possible”, said the leader
of the foundation
office in Kiev, Nico Lange. (Gerhard Wisnewski, kopp-online)
For the Ukrainian rebels substantial financial resources
were and still
are being provided by the US State Department
as well as the government agency
USAID (United States
Agency for
International Development).
The open letter of the Russian Opposition leader
Peunova to Obama closes with very clear words:
“By bringing army troops or
placing your protégés to the
power in other countries, you obtain control over
territories and resources. Ukraine borders with Russia.
Russian citizens
know West have claims to territory of Russia,
and I think Ukraine – is just
another step toward the Russian
border and toward your goal of world’s
Yet for our Politicians and the Media everything is totally
and the roles are still clearly defined: The murderous
“Democracy and Peace
Bringers” of the EUSA are favorably
written about while Putin is always put
into the dark corner
and is being portrayed as the “Anti-Democrat”.
Again the facts are turned into their opposite:
“A ....deception tactic (of
the One-World-Government)
is the Orwellian use of ambiguity. Meaning that war
peace, pacifists become terrorists and those who try to say
the truth
are blackmailed, because they spread hate and they
spray maliciousness.”
(Daniel Estulin 48, publicist and Bilderberg critic.)
(Daniel Estulin 48, publicist and Bilderberg critic.)
Fact is: Russia did not attack
the Ukraine but the West very
specifically deployed professional revolution
soldiers in order
so that they could escalate violence.
The reality in the Ukraine is quite different:
“Fact is that the Ukrainians
are not in agreement with
the fascist pack in Kiev and establish their own
self-defending troops.
The Russians do not have to contribute anything. In
addition one
part after another of the Ukrainian Military goes over to the
side and they do not obey orders from the illegal regime in Kiev.
the complete joining of the Ukrainian Marine this past weekend,
today on Monday
(3/3/2014, remark JJK) 800 soldiers from the
Ukrainian Air force with their 45
MIG fighter jets changed sides.
Already before several units of the coast guard
and the air
defense jumped ship from Kiev and promised their loyalty
to the
autonomous republic of Crimea.
A number of high-ranking
Military and Security Officers of
the Crimea have also consented to accept the
of the autonomous Republic of Crimea. The head of Securities,
Zima, the Head of Interiors, Sergei Shahov, and the
Head of Border Control,
Victor Melnichenko, have all given
the oath to be on the side of the population
of Crimea.
All troupes run away from the
fascist regime in Kiev,
a better sign of who is wrong and who is right does not
Yet the vote with the feet says everything. The USA and the
EU have put
in power a criminal gang missing support and
nobody wants them except a few
This is supposed to be a legitimate government whose
soldiers and policemen run away?”
(Alles Schall und Rauch)
Only this is fully blinded out by the western
media propaganda! Also
this fact is withheld:
“...the population of the
Crimea began the protests after
the self-appointed regime in Kiev forbid the
use of other
languages. Almost 60% of the people in Crimea are Russian
and 95%
use Russian as their language. This prohibition to
use Russian is a head butt and
a total discrimination of the
population of the Crimea. After Kiev sent their
henchmen to
Simferopol in order to enter and occupy the interior ministry,
takeover was successfully repelled. Since then the
self-defense troupes protect
important public facilities in
Crimea. In addition it was decided to hold a
referendum on March 30th, 2014 to vote on the status of Crimea.
Other regions in the Ukraine
also put in question the legitimacy
of the regime and turn away from the
central government in Kiev.
Several hundred thousand people in the eastern and
part of the Ukraine went into the streets in the last days and
from their local government not to obey the orders from Kiev.
For them it is an
illegal regime put in power by a putsch from the West.
Only they have no power
if the majority of the population and the
military and the security apparatus
refuse to follow. The Maidan is
not at all the Ukraine. I repeat, what has
Russia to do with it and
why would Moscow endanger the sovereignty of the
The only ones who have interfered and have caused the chaos
is the
West. (...) But it is normal that western politicians and
the media fully twist
the facts and put them on their head.
They also have performed this reality distortion
for a long time.
The media work only as an
Orwellian Truth Ministry, they lie
what the stuff holds. These so called
journalists are a pack of
liars and one should throw them all out in shame and
from their editorial offices.
I am surprised that with the
entire smear stuff the keyboard
doesn’t fall apart and the computer screen
doesn’t break.
These prostitutes will do anything for money. They get
from war mongering and spread panic. Nothing will
happen to the Ukraine except
that it’s population will
protect itself from the Nazi criminals, throw them
and reclaim their own country.”
(Alles Schall und Rauch)
Therefore this time the evil sits in Moscow.
A method of ideological
media war strategy,
and this is adequately known: Vietnam, Afghanistan,
Libya, Syria; always the same pattern:
Those who invade a country and wipe out
human lives present themselves as “democrats”.
While those who defend
themselves lose their right
for self-defense and they are demoralized by
propaganda or will be labeled “tyrants” so long until the
can bomb the hell out of the “Rogue States”.
Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969) said, he
doesn’t fear the return
of the fascists in the guise of fascists, but the
return of the
fascists in the guise of democrats. And this return has
While the true villains in
Washington and Brussels
continue their murderous game of “democratization
the world”, human Beings remain silent and even more
so, they direct the
lashing against the masses, and they
masterfully atone the chord of cruelty.
What was denied Hitler and what would have given
utmost delight to Dr.
Goebbels, today fulfills itself for
the Rothschild and Rockefeller Agents and
in front of
ELITE: Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan,
Schiff, Warburg, Carnegie, Harriman; Committee of 300,
Bilderberger, Skull & Bones.
And their agenda for dominance is not even held in secret,
it is the
establishment of the New World Order:
“We are very grateful to the
Washington Post, the New York
Times, Time Magazine and other large
Their Directors have attended our gatherings, and they have
the promise for discretion for over 40 years. It would
have been impossible for
us to carry out our plans for the world,
if during these years we would have
been exposed to the
headlights of publicity.”
(David Rockefeller 98, World banker and Bilderberger.)
And at another place exactly the same:
“Some people think we are part
of a secret cabal that
works against the interests of the United States. They
my family and me as “Internationalists” and believe that we have
conspired with others in the world to create a globally integrated
and economical structure...One-World-Government.
If these are the allegations,
I plead guilty and I am proud of it.”
And you the inclined reader would still love to believe in the
child”, the good in the elites which have corruptly and
diabolically declared
war on the whole world. Declared the
war, such as this one, having received
false laurels, when
he said in the year 1987: “We move toward a new world order.
We can never leave this path.” Michail
Sergejewitsch Gorbatschov (84).
(Gorbatschov was Secretary General of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party from March 1985 to August 1991 and President of
the Soviet
Union from March 1990 to December 1991)
And with all this: Nobody of the “Divinities of our time”
from the media
dare to ask, if everything possibly behaves
totally differently?
“In fact the media have become
the divinities of our time.
Like the demons from ancient times they exercise
power and
make human Beings live in bondage, whereby simultaneously
a reduction
of values happens.” (Alexander Solschenizyn,
1918-2008, Russian writer
and recipient of the Nobel
price for literature.)
Nobody of the people mentioned here reveals the
“reduction in all
values”, nobody cautions or cries out that
this madness, exactly 100 years
after the outbreak of the
first can lead us directly into the third world war.
A madness
built by the greatest pied-piper of our time – the: drone and
ammunition bomber, liquidator of citizens and human
rights, RFID chipper, FEMA
and torture camp administrator,
liar in service, warmonger and Nobel peace
prize winner all in
one (really quite an impossible feat, yet in our upside
world a normality!), Barack Hussein Obama; born as “Barry
Soetoro” in Honolulu, as Sueddeutsche-online reported
5/17/2010: “In Jakarta the young Barry
Soetoro went to basic
school –supposedly as a Muslim. 40 years later he became
candidate for President of the United States under the current
name of Barack
Russian President Vladimir Putin holds
against it:
“Alone against the Mafia” is hardly different and another
defeat like in
Syria, when Putin, avoiding something even
worse through clever diplomacy,
hindered direct access of
the USA, something the NWO-pack doesn’t want to
again this time!
Therefore the Ukraine was ignited and the drab and transparent
“revolutionary leaders”, puppets of the West, speak volumes.
Rarely in the
history of revolutions (one just has to look at the
determined faces in the
history books) were revolutionary
leaders as alien and aloof to the people, and
that they were
booed one after the other at the Maidan, makes it quite clear.
And thereby Klitschko is just one example of the more or
less empty
heads, which were financed by Soros & the
US-NATO gangsters. Fascists and Skull & Bones minions
who go
to work here:
But the greatest farce is that
the regime in Kiev has two
of the richest oligarchs of the Ukraine appointed as
of the eastern region, whereas the Maidan protest was mainly
against the political influence of the Rich. At least this
is what the media
have told us. Now Igor Kolomoysky,
the third richest person of the Ukraine with
2.4 billion dollars
in wealth, is responsible for Dnepropetrovsk. The new
of the Donetsk region is Sergey Taruta, also about 2 billion
in wealth. The Ukrainians must be totally pissed off.
These conditions are much
worse than before. Therefore the
country will be totally plundered by the
(Alles Schall und Rauch)
And the majority of the western population sits on this lie,
thanks to the
omnipresent media propaganda, exactly the
lie that the revolution in Kiev is
carried by a large part of
the population. Another criminal spectacle of the
and it cries to Heaven.
“All we need is a really big
crisis, and the Nations will
accept the New World Order.” David
Rockefeller, 1991,
at the Bilderberger conference in Baden-Baden.
And this “really big crisis” shall now, and after so many failed
attempts, be attained in the Ukraine – with Russia the
“black Peter”.
“Tear apart the mantle of
indifference that you have
put around your heart”, was
written in leaflets of the
“White Rose” heroically opposing the Nazi
and I add with Goethe:
“Have the courage to freely
say your opinion and undisturbed!
It will carry doubt into the soul of the one who
listens to it;
and the paranoia flees from the lust of doubt. You do not
believe what a word can accomplish.”
I am convinced that these words will have an effect,
because you can
only overcome the daily lie propaganda
through daily truth. Whereby here it is complied to.
And otherwise I demand the unconditional basic income
for all human Beings 0-99 as basic birthright.
Jahn J Kassl
Sources: klagemauer tv, Alles Schall und Rauch Blog, kopp-online,
online,, Internet;
Open letter to Obama
To the president of
United States of America Barack Obama
through the Ambassador of the United
States of America in
Russia Michael McFaul
Mr. Obama
I , the
Chairman of the All-Russian political party The VOLYA (Will)
Peunova , believe that actions of the leadership of United
States, NATO
and the EU indicate their interest in capturing
territories of foreign
states in order to control their resources.
I think U.S. interfere into
the internal affairs of Ukraine under
the guise of
democracy. I base my opinion on historical
experience of Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq and other countries,
where NATO defended democratic rights. Thousands of civilians
in those countries died. Russia knows that leaders of Ukrainian
opposition call upon you to interfere in the situation in Ukraine.
experience of Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq and other countries,
where NATO defended democratic rights. Thousands of civilians
in those countries died. Russia knows that leaders of Ukrainian
opposition call upon you to interfere in the situation in Ukraine.
We believe those who demand your interference were
in special camps, same as leaders of colored
revolutions in
other countries did. It is obvious there’ve been trained to
people 's aggression and shed blood. Such type of provocations
give you the right to declare that people of the foreign country
asked you
to send army troops as an assistance. Leaders of the
Maidan do not even
hide that their activities are sponsored by
different institutions and
departments of U.S. and
Euro Union.
Thus, the Vitali Klitschko’s “Udar” party was established
support of The Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and funded by
Democratic Institute, International Republican Institute,
USAID, the U.S.
State Department and the National Endowment
for Democracy
foundation. They press for scenario when USA,
UE and UN could
interfere in conflict by
imposing sanctions and,
ultimately, sending army troops. On February 12,
Maidan Self-Defense
Leaders called NATO to impose sanctions. We believe
that Klichko, Yatsenyuk, Tyagnibok and others have nothing in common with
Ukrainian people. They knowingly conduct provocations, in order
to create
a pretext for NATO soldiers to enter Ukraine. Ukrainian
citizens are
against of West interference into domestic affairs
of the country. One of
the petitions filed on the website
of the
White house states it. In this petition Ukrainians address you
Obama and show they are against NATO intervention and
any foreign interference
in internal affairs of Ukraine.
Ukrainians are for peaceful settlement of the
Everyoneremembers how
civilians of Libya, Yugoslavia,
Iraq and other countries had been killed
during the NATO
intervention under the guise of false democratic
Children and women made up 30% of all casualties in
They were killed by NATO soldiers.
are against of such “protection” of democracy. Ukrainian
citizens are
also against of the current president Viktor
Yanukovych. People did not
believe in fairness of 2004
presidential election, and back that days it
caused an
“orange revolution” in Ukraine.
Authors of the petition offer
to conduct a nationwide referendum and by
the means of
open roll-call voting reveal the true national leader to whom
they can entrust the destiny of their country. People are against
of false
leaders placed by West for lobbing its interests.
Ukrainians are against
all who lead a shamfight with each
Ukrainian citizens are also against of pseudo-opposition and
Western president Yanukovych. People are for open referendum.
want a third way – to choose their true national leader.
By bringing army
troops or placing your protégés to the power
in other countries, you
obtaincontrol over
new territories and
recourses. Ukraine borders with Russia. Russian citizens
West have claims to territory of Russia, and I think Ukraine – is
just another step toward the Russian border and toward your goal
world's hegemony. That is why we have a reason to believe
you are involved
in organizing the bloody clashes
in Kiev.
We are against of civilian causalities, and therefore
the demand
to stop:
for NATO intervention in Ukraine
+supplying any
types of weapons to pro-Western opposition in Ukraine
+funding and
other forms of assistance to oppositional
leaders and
parties on the Maidan.
The Chairman of
All-Russian political party The VOLYA
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
corrspondence whatsoever on the texts / massages published
(This “essay” was sent out as a “letter to the editor”
to all editorial staffs and publishers of daily newspapers and
weekly magazines in Austria, Germany and Switzerland,
as well as to top-level politicians in Austria.)
to all editorial staffs and publishers of daily newspapers and
weekly magazines in Austria, Germany and Switzerland,
as well as to top-level politicians in Austria.)
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
corrspondence whatsoever on the texts / massages published
on this website.
The Beast 666 - JAHN J KASSL:
The Beast 666 - JAHN J KASSL:
