Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Choose the Entry Portal into the Light
Beloved Ones,
Pray to God so that He may meet you in outer appearances!
Meditate and attain God realization in self, recognize that you
are God yourself and you will recognize God in yourself and in
Prayer and meditation serve God recognition and they are
equivalent and tantamount methods, in order to attain seeing
God and to experience self-realization. God is inside and outside.
Choose your path, and choose your entry portal into the Light.
God reveals Himself to the prayer in the outer world
In oneness with God I carry out my service in the infinity
of Creation. I am closer to you than your own pulse, I hear
all prayers, which are recited out of the depth of the soul
and out of a pure heart, and I hear the call for God from
human Beings. I am with all meditators, whose hearts are
fulfilled with a longing for God and whose being only
knows one goal, the union with the source of All-That-Is.
God’s sword goes across all existing systems and across
all communities and families. God’s infinite power is effective
and changes life in this world and changes human Beings in
their hearts.
Great goodbyes loom ahead, great upheavals are ongoing
and great transformation processes in the inner and the
outer of Mother Earth begin to be fulfilled in front of your eyes.
Do not wait
Until the last hour before you call for God!
Do not wait for the need before you seek refuge in prayer!
Do not wait until the last of all days before you consider a
life turned toward the inside. Do not wait until the “great event”
before you begin with your awareness work, because indeed:
Then it is too late, in order to start the great journey and to
arrive in the Light. Make today, here and now, the necessary
decisions and change your way of life – away from disbelief
and toward belief.
Belief in God
Is the first step in the process of reconsideration, because the
fruits of knowledge grow on the tree of belief, as you care for
this tree with everything that is needed for its growth:
prayer, devotion, meditation, peace, confidence and willpower.
I am the guide of your inner energy currents, I take over the
lead in your inner, until you yourself are oriented and have
been entirely bound to your divine reality.
I stand by you in the process of realizing your blueprint and
in the fulfillment of your assignments until the Light shines in
you. And as you begin the first steps into knowledge, away
from ignorance, I am with you. I am one with God and one
with you. Whoever has found it, knows that I was always
there and that in the darkest hours of a human Being
I brought the brightest Light.
The greater the desperation of a human Being, the
Nobody walks in this world alone, and God has not left anyone
on his own. Also those, who deny God and their own divinity,
are surrounded by angels, which accompany them step by step.
And as soon as a human Being has given consent, these entities
begin to “intervene” in life and begin to carefully guide the steps
of a human Being toward the path of the Light and to direct
them in the direction of perfection.
The time, wherein each human Being can reach the binding
to God has come. No matter which measure or tool you choose,
today everything is possible and everything may be affected.
Prayer and meditation are healers in this time. Thereby you
come to God and you come closer and closer to your own reality.
Step by step until you become the prayer yourself and until you
yourself have entered into the reality of your being. At that point
your life becomes the prayer and it unfolds to a steady meditation.
How many roads lead back to God and into the oneness
of All-That-Is? There are infinitely many roads, because all
life is infinite. And yet prayer and meditation are tools of this
time, so that your heart refines and you can orient your
You may meet the coming time with a clear mind and
a pure heart, and prayer as well as meditation is the
tool, which grants this.
Ask the Light into your life and transform in
I am
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and the pure vibration of its contributions.
Pray to God so that He may meet you in outer appearances!
Meditate and attain God realization in self, recognize that you
are God yourself and you will recognize God in yourself and in
Prayer and meditation serve God recognition and they are
equivalent and tantamount methods, in order to attain seeing
God and to experience self-realization. God is inside and outside.
Choose your path, and choose your entry portal into the Light.
God reveals Himself to the prayer in the outer world
and reveals His beauty to the meditators on their inside.
In oneness with God I carry out my service in the infinity
of Creation. I am closer to you than your own pulse, I hear
all prayers, which are recited out of the depth of the soul
and out of a pure heart, and I hear the call for God from
human Beings. I am with all meditators, whose hearts are
fulfilled with a longing for God and whose being only
knows one goal, the union with the source of All-That-Is.
Prayer and Meditation
Prayer and meditation serve in order to
be mentally,
emotionally and spiritually prepared for the great
upheavals on
this level of creation.
God’s sword goes across all existing systems and across
all communities and families. God’s infinite power is effective
and changes life in this world and changes human Beings in
their hearts.
Great goodbyes loom ahead, great upheavals are ongoing
and great transformation processes in the inner and the
outer of Mother Earth begin to be fulfilled in front of your eyes.
Do not wait
Until the last hour before you call for God!
Do not wait for the need before you seek refuge in prayer!
Do not wait until the last of all days before you consider a
life turned toward the inside. Do not wait until the “great event”
before you begin with your awareness work, because indeed:
Then it is too late, in order to start the great journey and to
arrive in the Light. Make today, here and now, the necessary
decisions and change your way of life – away from disbelief
and toward belief.
Belief in God
Is the first step in the process of reconsideration, because the
fruits of knowledge grow on the tree of belief, as you care for
this tree with everything that is needed for its growth:
prayer, devotion, meditation, peace, confidence and willpower.
I am the guide of your inner energy currents, I take over the
lead in your inner, until you yourself are oriented and have
been entirely bound to your divine reality.
I stand by you in the process of realizing your blueprint and
in the fulfillment of your assignments until the Light shines in
you. And as you begin the first steps into knowledge, away
from ignorance, I am with you. I am one with God and one
with you. Whoever has found it, knows that I was always
there and that in the darkest hours of a human Being
I brought the brightest Light.
The greater the desperation of a human Being, the
closer God is to you and the deeper the valley that
you have to
cross the more encompassing is your
accompaniment from the Light. Nobody walks in this world alone, and God has not left anyone
on his own. Also those, who deny God and their own divinity,
are surrounded by angels, which accompany them step by step.
And as soon as a human Being has given consent, these entities
begin to “intervene” in life and begin to carefully guide the steps
of a human Being toward the path of the Light and to direct
them in the direction of perfection.
The time, wherein each human Being can reach the binding
to God has come. No matter which measure or tool you choose,
today everything is possible and everything may be affected.
You will experience the closeness to God
and will attain
the binding to the Light, if you remain unswerving in your
belief and remain constant in your orientation toward the
Light. Prayer and meditation are healers in this time. Thereby you
come to God and you come closer and closer to your own reality.
Step by step until you become the prayer yourself and until you
yourself have entered into the reality of your being. At that point
your life becomes the prayer and it unfolds to a steady meditation.
How many roads lead back to God and into the oneness
of All-That-Is? There are infinitely many roads, because all
life is infinite. And yet prayer and meditation are tools of this
time, so that your heart refines and you can orient your
spirit toward
Discover the salvation, which prayer
brings to you
and recognize the blessing of meditation.
You may meet the coming time with a clear mind and
a pure heart, and prayer as well as meditation is the
tool, which grants this.
Ask the Light into your life and transform in
God’s track of Love. God will quench your
desire and
Heaven will be in you.
I am
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The Lichtweltportal is free of advertisement,
in order to guarantee the clarity of the homepage
and the pure vibration of its contributions.
The light world publishing and the author do not lead
any correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages
published on
this website.