channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Report I: Since
the message “Uplift yourself!”
and since I am involved in the events of many 4D worlds, the impression
consolidates in me that in the immediate vicinity to our hologram
unbelievable discharges must occur. “The impacts come closer all the
time” and now I live in this reality on a daily basis and constantly
receive messages regarding this. As well as the following
Dream: I see as “something” enormous rears up behind me.
One cannot recognize what it is. “Huge tsunami” or “huge cyclone”,
only a regular “huge thunderstorm” has to be excluded, because the
world seems to upend itself. The planet sways like a rocking horse,
and I experience slight queasiness. A policeman screams in staccato
into the megaphone: “Flee, police, nobody can help you!” Thereby I
notice that the police behave totally unusual. Normally in the case of
a catastrophe, the authorities pacify and tend, in order to avoid a panic,
more toward recommending to human Beings to remain in their houses.
Yet here they are offensively asked to flee, which makes it clear that
any control over this event has slipped away. „Flee, police, nobody can
help you!” After I still heard this request a few more times,
I wake up in my bed. (End of dream)
The vicinity to the 4D worlds, which are now confronted with their
own energetic realities, is again the topic here and will still remain
a topic, because it is necessary to understand what so far remained incomprehensible.
The Day draws near
Yes, indeed, great upheavals occur in the
increasing vicinity to this earth hologram.
What describes that also this world is only the flight
of a spark away from the “great planetary upheavals”.
And even though the events go on without any direct
concern for the ascending ones, it is prudent to remain
vigilant and to ram home the “unthinkable”, every day more,
because this moment draws closer every day.
Why are these “recordings” of significance for the
light warriors of the first and last hours?
In order to remain in composure due to the knowledge of
the sequence of “Judgment Day”, which is inherent in every
great warrior before every battle, and in order to consolidate
in oneself the aura of a knowing one.
Because the rapture of the light warriors and
the transformation of this world occur simultaneously:
1.) While you are raptured, the transformation of this world occurs.
2.) While you are raptured, a supernatural Light will emanate
from you, the radiance of an awakening Creator God. In this
Light the ignorant and dying human Beings will recognize the
pathway, which is destined for them, and the doors into their
new world, and will pass them free of fear.
Gemstones in the Light
You are the trailblazer for unconscious humanity into their
new worlds, you show the remaining ones the way into
impermanence, which they shall accept without fear and step into.
Without fear, because fear eliminates the recognition of the “right”
way. Those, who have gone astray in this world and are of good will,
receive from the ascending ones orientation points, in order to find
the way of their choice on “Judgment Day” and be able to enter it.
The service of the ascending ones for this world and for mankind is
the service of unconditional love. You have entered into this world
with this gift for the earth and you leave this level of All-That-Is,
whereby you give this Love a face, wherein the light-filled deeds
are reflected, like gemstones in the Light.
The vicinity to all events is certain for you, so that for those,
who will be surprised by these, far-reaching shock experiences
will stay away. This service pertains to the confused yet not
gone astray human souls. Because who has been fully absorbed
by darkness, for those other opportunities of recognition and
maturation will be given, and for these human Beings, there is
nothing the light warriors of the first and last hours, the
ascending ones, can do anymore.
The dream image that the policebehaves in such
an unusual manner, points to two things:
1.) That the “great event” repeals all so far functioning measures.
2.) That this situation can no longer be controlled by anything or
3.) That human Beings, who remain calm, because they possess
knowledge of these processes, will come out fully unimpaired by this.
It is important to understand: The light warriors of the first and
last hours, who have put themselves into their own shadow in
the past years and have accepted the shadow of the world,
without denying it, will now be made aware of the vehemence
of the great event, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Report II: My beloved son NOAH loves it, when I read to him stories,
especially before falling asleep. Two days after this dream picture,
we read a story about good and evil facing each other,
whereby good always prevails, Noah says to me:
„All evil human Beings in this worlds must be dead.”
This, immediately before he falls asleep, in an already lucid
condition, which I love especially about him.
Thereby he attains a wide, into an undetermined distance
pointed look; already slightly transfigured, yet still in this and
still not quite in another world. Shortly after that, he falls asleep.
(End of report)
Sliding over to 5D
This report verifies two things:
1.) That the dark human Beings have already died
on the inside, are “killed off” and
2.) That in the new world there will not be a single “evil”
meaning dark human Being, with an unresolved past,
on any 3D or 4D world.
Here we talk about the 5th dimension of All-That-Is,
to where the light warriors of the first and last hours slide.
For the remaining ones, this happens unnoticed, while the
ascending ones will observe all that happens in these worlds,
by holograms becoming visible, and like a cosmic movie, will
be able to view.
Vicinity to the “Great Event” accelerates
Both reports show: With the steady increase of the Light vibration
on this planet the vicinity to the “great event” also accelerates.
Irresistibly the dark is being removed and it transforms itself,
until a degree of purity is reached, which gives the last impetus
for the separation of levels and means the initial spark for the
“upending” of the planet.
We go on and on.
The arrival in the Light is fulfilled in an instant of God’s Grace,
the arrival in darkness is an event over many epochs in time.
God is our all leader, God is our all home,
God is our all Father, God is our all Mother.
God is our all Source.
And we return there in these days of mankind.
Welcome Home!
Common sounds, familiar voices, Ring out and call us back.
You find yourself with your eternal families, and you strip off
the world of sluggishness. You regain the lightness of Being,
the world of Grace of the Creator, as fully conscious Gods.
God is our all-one home.
And all of us return there, we, who have stood in the service
of the Light on different levels and in manifold manners.
In God’s almightiness the victory of Love fulfills
itself and the ascending ones are the torchbearers
of this triumph – over Beings, worlds, powers.
This is the proclamation regarding the actual time
quality in this world, slipping away from time.
Remain vigilant!
The great knowing ones know this time and they know
how to interpret the events – in any inclemency.
The world is rearing up. Remain vigilant and be in the
know of things, because truly:
The great knowing ones know what
remains hidden from ordinary human Beings.
In Eternity.
I am
Find Peace in Silence – BABAJI:
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
and since I am involved in the events of many 4D worlds, the impression
consolidates in me that in the immediate vicinity to our hologram
unbelievable discharges must occur. “The impacts come closer all the
time” and now I live in this reality on a daily basis and constantly
receive messages regarding this. As well as the following
Dream: I see as “something” enormous rears up behind me.
One cannot recognize what it is. “Huge tsunami” or “huge cyclone”,
only a regular “huge thunderstorm” has to be excluded, because the
world seems to upend itself. The planet sways like a rocking horse,
and I experience slight queasiness. A policeman screams in staccato
into the megaphone: “Flee, police, nobody can help you!” Thereby I
notice that the police behave totally unusual. Normally in the case of
a catastrophe, the authorities pacify and tend, in order to avoid a panic,
more toward recommending to human Beings to remain in their houses.
Yet here they are offensively asked to flee, which makes it clear that
any control over this event has slipped away. „Flee, police, nobody can
help you!” After I still heard this request a few more times,
I wake up in my bed. (End of dream)
The vicinity to the 4D worlds, which are now confronted with their
own energetic realities, is again the topic here and will still remain
a topic, because it is necessary to understand what so far remained incomprehensible.
The Day draws near
Yes, indeed, great upheavals occur in the
increasing vicinity to this earth hologram.
What describes that also this world is only the flight
of a spark away from the “great planetary upheavals”.
And even though the events go on without any direct
concern for the ascending ones, it is prudent to remain
vigilant and to ram home the “unthinkable”, every day more,
because this moment draws closer every day.
Why are these “recordings” of significance for the
light warriors of the first and last hours?
In order to remain in composure due to the knowledge of
the sequence of “Judgment Day”, which is inherent in every
great warrior before every battle, and in order to consolidate
in oneself the aura of a knowing one.
Because the rapture of the light warriors and
the transformation of this world occur simultaneously:
1.) While you are raptured, the transformation of this world occurs.
2.) While you are raptured, a supernatural Light will emanate
from you, the radiance of an awakening Creator God. In this
Light the ignorant and dying human Beings will recognize the
pathway, which is destined for them, and the doors into their
new world, and will pass them free of fear.
Gemstones in the Light
You are the trailblazer for unconscious humanity into their
new worlds, you show the remaining ones the way into
impermanence, which they shall accept without fear and step into.
Without fear, because fear eliminates the recognition of the “right”
way. Those, who have gone astray in this world and are of good will,
receive from the ascending ones orientation points, in order to find
the way of their choice on “Judgment Day” and be able to enter it.
The service of the ascending ones for this world and for mankind is
the service of unconditional love. You have entered into this world
with this gift for the earth and you leave this level of All-That-Is,
whereby you give this Love a face, wherein the light-filled deeds
are reflected, like gemstones in the Light.
The vicinity to all events is certain for you, so that for those,
who will be surprised by these, far-reaching shock experiences
will stay away. This service pertains to the confused yet not
gone astray human souls. Because who has been fully absorbed
by darkness, for those other opportunities of recognition and
maturation will be given, and for these human Beings, there is
nothing the light warriors of the first and last hours, the
ascending ones, can do anymore.
The dream image that the policebehaves in such
an unusual manner, points to two things:
1.) That the “great event” repeals all so far functioning measures.
2.) That this situation can no longer be controlled by anything or
3.) That human Beings, who remain calm, because they possess
knowledge of these processes, will come out fully unimpaired by this.
It is important to understand: The light warriors of the first and
last hours, who have put themselves into their own shadow in
the past years and have accepted the shadow of the world,
without denying it, will now be made aware of the vehemence
of the great event, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Report II: My beloved son NOAH loves it, when I read to him stories,
especially before falling asleep. Two days after this dream picture,
we read a story about good and evil facing each other,
whereby good always prevails, Noah says to me:
„All evil human Beings in this worlds must be dead.”
This, immediately before he falls asleep, in an already lucid
condition, which I love especially about him.
Thereby he attains a wide, into an undetermined distance
pointed look; already slightly transfigured, yet still in this and
still not quite in another world. Shortly after that, he falls asleep.
(End of report)
Sliding over to 5D
This report verifies two things:
1.) That the dark human Beings have already died
on the inside, are “killed off” and
2.) That in the new world there will not be a single “evil”
meaning dark human Being, with an unresolved past,
on any 3D or 4D world.
Here we talk about the 5th dimension of All-That-Is,
to where the light warriors of the first and last hours slide.
For the remaining ones, this happens unnoticed, while the
ascending ones will observe all that happens in these worlds,
by holograms becoming visible, and like a cosmic movie, will
be able to view.
Vicinity to the “Great Event” accelerates
Both reports show: With the steady increase of the Light vibration
on this planet the vicinity to the “great event” also accelerates.
Irresistibly the dark is being removed and it transforms itself,
until a degree of purity is reached, which gives the last impetus
for the separation of levels and means the initial spark for the
“upending” of the planet.
We go on and on.
The arrival in the Light is fulfilled in an instant of God’s Grace,
the arrival in darkness is an event over many epochs in time.
God is our all leader, God is our all home,
God is our all Father, God is our all Mother.
God is our all Source.
And we return there in these days of mankind.
Welcome Home!
Common sounds, familiar voices, Ring out and call us back.
You find yourself with your eternal families, and you strip off
the world of sluggishness. You regain the lightness of Being,
the world of Grace of the Creator, as fully conscious Gods.
God is our all-one home.
And all of us return there, we, who have stood in the service
of the Light on different levels and in manifold manners.
In God’s almightiness the victory of Love fulfills
itself and the ascending ones are the torchbearers
of this triumph – over Beings, worlds, powers.
This is the proclamation regarding the actual time
quality in this world, slipping away from time.
Remain vigilant!
The great knowing ones know this time and they know
how to interpret the events – in any inclemency.
The world is rearing up. Remain vigilant and be in the
know of things, because truly:
The great knowing ones know what
remains hidden from ordinary human Beings.
In Eternity.
I am
Find Peace in Silence – BABAJI:
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever
on the texts / messages
published on this website.
published on this website.