written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
At a Foreign
Affairs Committee mark-up Florida Democratic
Rep. Alan Mark Grayson (56) denounced the propaganda
against Putin and
„You may say
that [Yanukovych] was thrown out of office
for good reason. There are
allegations against him that he
was corrupt, there are allegations against him
that he used
the military against his own people to stay in power.
But the fact
is that from the perspective of the Crimeans,
their leader, the one that they
placed in charge of their country,
was thrown out of power,” Grayson said. “So
it should come
as no surprise … that the Crimeans had had enough, and they
wanted to leave this artificial entity called the Ukraine.”
“Now, in fact, the Russians did assist,
they assisted by
disarming the local Ukrainian army and navy. That’s what
did. They did it virtually bloodlessly. They did this so
that the Ukrainian
army and navy could not interfere with the
referendum that was held. That’s the
fact of the matter,”
Grayson said.
“Why are we pretending otherwise?
are we speaking about naked aggression,
why are we speaking about stealing
why are we speaking about bullying, or the new Soviet Union,
thuggery, or audacious power grabbing, or bully bear Putin,
or Cold War two?”
Grayson went on.
“This is not some new Cold War that’s
occurring,” he said.
“In fact it’s quite the contrary. We should be pleased to
pleased to see, when a virtually bloodless transfer of power
self determination for two million people somewhere
in the world, anywhere in
world. And in fact what we’re seeing
here instead, is the vilification of
Putin, the vilification of Yanukovych,
the vilification of anybody that we try
to identify as our enemy.”
“The basic principle here is self
determination,” Grayson said.
“That’s what’s happened in the Crimea, and it’s
not for us to
determine otherwise.” (Klagemauer TV, 4/1/2014)
MM-Cartel of Lies
Since then and
in-between the MM-Medias spread
lies like there is only one goal: War against
headline-diction makes it obvious who the scapegoat is:
“What does Putin scheme”, “Can Putin be stopped”,
“How far will Putin
go”, “Afraid of Russia’s Power”,
“Putin’s Circle”, “Putin also wants to annex
Finland and Georgia”,
etc. And the comparisons of Putin with Hitler
(Hillary Clinton,
Count Schwarzenberg, Wolfgang Schäuble) solidify this picture
that the media
shows of Putin: The personified danger and
the Russian in general, are
built up as “the evil” – while at the
same time and once again, NATO and the global war Nation
No. 1, the USA, with the most unlikely of all the 126 Nobel
Peace Price
winners, Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama,
rise up to peace angels.
In total a
well-known imposition that more and more
people get sick of, because after the
fact, the exact
opposite of what NATO and the USA claimed,
comes out as the
Iraq-Lie, 9/11,
that Saddam Hussein posed a real nuclear
threat for the world
and world peace, is just one example of many, which in the
proved to be a blatant lie propaganda of the Bush Administration
in the
White House, only to encourage the expansion of
„Imperium-Americanum“ and the
„New World Order“.
Into this picture
the 9/11 lie also fits in.
investigates the fact that 7WTC – the third sky scraper
on ground Zero – collapsed
without outside interference,
just like the twin towers, equal to a precise
In the actual
Ukraine-Crisis the following event happened
on Austrian television (orf, ZIB 24),
according to this logic:
On 4/25/2014 a disastrous MM-moderator interviewed Claus Neukirch, Vice-President
of the OSZE crisis prevention center about the 13 captured „OSZE“-Representatives
in the East-Ukraine.
In the beginning Neukirch made it quite clear that these were not
OSZE-Representatives but military observers, which on the basis
of an OSZE
treaty were in the East-Ukraine, yet were not OSZE
observers. Four Germans
(three officers and an interpreter),
one officer each from the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Poland
and Sweden, as well as five (!) military officers from the
The OSZE-Representative made it quite clear that these military
personnel are members of a bilateral mission that was brought
into the Country
by the Ukrainian Government, and are working
there under the leadership of the
German Bundeswehr.
The moderator, following the script, totally ignored this
and talked constantly
about OSZE-Representatives, just like
if Neukirch had talked to an empty wall.
And even several days
later the ORF still had the Chutzpa (or the dumb-bold
of monopolists) to report about captured OSZE-Representatives,
instead of reporting how it really is. Also in the ZIB2 Armin Wolf
talks about “OSZE military observers” and prolongs this
“information disaster”.
In the first pictures the military emblems of the 13 captured
were clearly visible. This makes it quite clear that
this mission was a
military operation and not a civilian one.
Naturally there is the suspicion of espionage and naturally in
tense situation in East-Ukraine, such an action under the
banner of the German
Federal Government is a clear provocation.
Escalation instead of De-escalation, spying
instead of talking
openly, that is the diplomatic language that the USA, NATO
and the EU have agreed on with the Putschist Government in Kiev.
And in the meantime, the USA and their lapdog, the EU, in order to
the conflict, have increased the sanctions against Russia,
especially against
persons around Putin.
This political fraternity, that is clear,
pursues the course of
escalation, and the “independent MM-media”, due to their
irresponsible news reporting would like
to incite people in
Europe, initially against Putin and then against Russia.
„There is no such thing, at this date of
the world's history,
in America, as an independent press. You know it and I
know it.
There is not one of you who dare to
write your honest opinions,
and if you did, you know beforehand that it would
never appear in print.
I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of
the paper
I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for
similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write
opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job.
If I allowed my
honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper,
before twenty-four hours my
occupation would be gone.
The business of the journalists is to
destroy the truth,
to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet
of mammon,
and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know
it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent
We are the tools and vassals of
rich men behind the scenes.
We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and
we dance.
Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property
other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
(John Swinton, anno
1914 Publisher of the New York Times)
Swinton’s assessment
is already much more far-reaching
and applies to the globalized press and to
all MM-media.
And according to
this logic these “intellectual prostitutes”
do not shy away from swiping the
murderous intentions of
the previous Prime Minister of the Ukraine, Julija Tymoschenko,
almost under the
carpet. The open intention of Tymonschenko,
to murder Putin with her own hands: „I myself am ready to take a
Kalaschnikow into my hands and shoot a bullet into the head of
Kalaschnikow into my hands and shoot a bullet into the head of
this bastard.” or: „I will raise the whole world (against Russia, remark),
as soon as I can, so that – damn it – not
even a burnt field will remain
in Russia.” barely raises eyebrows in the
media. One has to take up
weapons and to explained the oligarch, who has been rightfully sen
“clobber the Russians together with
their leader”tenced for
of the office and has 8 billion dollars in assets.
Within a few
hours the corresponding YouTube clip has been
viewed over 1.3 million times.
Her talk partner Nestor Schufritsch,
Vice-President of the Ukrainian Security Council and a longtime
companion of Timoschenko at the end also asked the
question: “What do we do with the 8 million Russians
in the Ukraine? They are really derelicts.” Thereby
„One should get rid of them
with a nuclear weapon.”
For one or two days this unbelievable
fact was reported
here and there, obviously thin, and was intentionally downplayed.
Not even the Politicians lowered themselves to a staged outrage
nor were the
MM-Media carried away to do so.
Every yet so frivolously mentioned “Nazi-Spokesperson”,
regardless by
whom, receives more attention than the
direct and public threat to murder Putin
by the “democratic” Tymonschenko, being courted by the West.
conclusion: “Finish off Russians” and “Shooting Putin”
is ok according to
MM-Media and the western political
Annexation of Crimea
And finally, in order to round out the
media racket
as far as the Ukrainian news reporting is concerned,
there is this
relentless talk that Putin had swallowed Crimea.
It will only be mentioned on the side
that nearly the total
population of Crimea voted for the annexation to Russia,
and it will barely be weighted that it is contrary to the
agenda of the West.
Does anybody still understand this? No.
And there are more and more people who
do not want to be
tied any longer to the apron string of these media and
„In the past history of mankind, there were always
murderers and
tyrants; and even if it appears that they
currently have the upper hand, in the end they all perished.”
currently have the upper hand, in the end they all perished.”
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), Freedom
Fighter in
India having led it to independence.
And the tyrants of this time are,
besides a fully desolate and
completely corrupted political elite, the media.
This apron
organization of the NOW, dish up lies after lies to mankind
serve them as long until human Beings have swallowed
them or accepted them as
Hanging on the system drip of the
“Rich”, the MM-media
belong to the maintainers of the system, and have already
become part of the system.
One false report hounds the other, and
politicians as well as
media representatives believe that people will still
this game for a long time.
Surveys regarding this speak a clear language,
because they confirm that
people are no longer ready
to be forced by the western MM-media to accept Putin
or Russia as a new concept of an enemy!
Even Syria’s President Bashar
al-Assad is no longer
seen as the
ultimate evildoer, despite the media crusade,
which we had to endure for
several months. And this brings hope.
The „self-proclaimed City Mayor“
In this context the news reporting about the “self-proclaimed
City Mayor of Slawjansk” is quite interesting, as
it is unattractively
yet systematically logical said. Naturally Wjatscheslaw Ponomarew
had proclaimed
himself City Mayor. Yet balanced news reporting is
different! Because there is never talk about the self-proclaimed
non-legitimized Nazi government in Kiev, having come to power
non-legitimized Nazi government in Kiev, having come to power
in a putsch! Just the opposite.
In this context one talks respectfully of Arsenij Jazenjuk,
the Prime Minister (who repeatedly talks of WW
III) and of
Olexandr Turtschinow, the
President (who mobilizes the military
against his own People), whereby their
legitimacy is quite
intentionally suggested to people. While demonstrators in
Maidan, which were infiltrated by CIA collaborators and by Ukrainian
are being treated as heroic freedom fighters, the demonstrators
in the
East-Ukraine are regarded as extremists, which are in alliance
with Russian
Secret Service. Naturally the Maidan was, completely
according to this logic, a
movement exclusively coming from the
people, while the protests in the East of
the Country are stoked
by Russia. One could easily continue this chain of
news reporting and it makes the situation so precarious, because:
Today all of mankind is subjected to this
global media terror.
Wherever I look, everywhere the lie is present, the
is the program or conscious inventions are the daily routine.
9/11 & Interpretation Sovereignty
The MM Lie-mouths have taken over the
of interpretation, already for a long time. An example is 9/11.
today, the simplest and most obvious question, why building
7 of the World
Trade Center (7WTC), without external influence,
could collapse like a house of
cards, was never asked! And who
asks this question, will immediately be put
into the conspiracy
corner and will be earmarked with the blemish of an
Not even shy enquiries are being dared today, whether from the
individual “investigative” MM journalists nor from the “free media”
general!? Without a doubt:
9/11 is the
modern Fall of Man of Mainstream Media!
And the until today still unresolved assassination of John F. Kennedy
1963 (the files are still sealed!) determined, long after Swinton,
continuing NOW direction of “the Rich behind the scenery”,
families like:Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Schiff, Warburg,
Carnegie, Harriman and
their noble minions like Kissinger,
the Bush’s (Skull & Bones), Clintons, lately
the Obamas
and many more honored minions.
In the actual situation, the German Government until today,
makes no
effort to give an explanation about this military
operation under false OSZE
flag in the East-Ukraine. And as
usual, the media find nothing unusual about
this and behave
in such a manner, as any politician would want: Adapted,
and vassals of the “Men (and Women)
in the background”.
What gives Courage
is: People do not fall for this propaganda any longer
or at least: there
are less and less of them.
And it seems that the more
exhaustive this
lie propaganda is, the greater is the mistrust of people.
Because “Trust and Security enhancing Measures”,
under such title the
alleged OSZE military operation,
among others, (according to a Viennese OSZE
operated, looks quite different.
"We are
grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times,
Time Magazine and other
great publications whose directors
have attended our meetings and respected
their promises of
discretion for almost forty years. It would have been
for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected
the lights of publicity during those years."
Rockefeller 98, World Banker and Bilderberger)
This thankfulness
is premature, Mister Rockefeller!
Forty years were
not enough in order to carry out your diabolic
plans for mankind, too little,
because the time for “discretion”
is over. Meaning that the intentions of the
conspirators against
mankind come increasingly into the light of the public.
Even though there
are still not many, they become more,
who let go of any fear of the invisible
“all seeing eye” or
of the “NOW agenda for dominance” and awaken!
And the fact that
the actual media staging of Putin as an
enemy figure no longer works, confirms
the turning away from
the belief in authority and points to this “awakening”,
at least of a part of mankind.
„Actually the media have become the divinities
of our time.
Like demons from ancient times they exert power and make
submissive to them, whereby a turning away from
value happens at the same
time.” (Alexander Solschenizyn
1918-2008, Russian writer
and Nobel Prize winner in Literature)
„Deities and
Demons” losing in seriousness, because they
are increasingly seen through and
because they can no longer
hide their doings under the cover of discretion,
The truth always prevails,
even if it
sometimes takes a while.
And otherwise I
demand the unconditional basic
income as a birthright for all people 0 to 99.
Jahn J Kassl
This “essay” was sent out as a “letter to the editor”
The Rothschild-Bandits - JAHN J KASSL:
This “essay” was sent out as a “letter to the editor”
to all editorial staffs and publishers of daily newspapers and
weekly magazines in Austria, Germany and Switzerland,
as well as to top-level politicians in Austria.)
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any corrspondence
weekly magazines in Austria, Germany and Switzerland,
as well as to top-level politicians in Austria.)
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any corrspondence
whatsoever on the texts / massages published on this website.
The Rothschild-Bandits - JAHN J KASSL:
