9. September 2014


Reader Information

Honored Reader,

With joy and gratitude may I present to you the actual 
publication of the new eBOOK: „Elija Prophecies 49-65 for 

This „manuscript“ continues the Elija Prophecies 1-48: http://www.lichtweltverlag.com/de/angebote/e-books/elija-prophezeiungen-1-48/index.php#136151a18d0fd2304 and describes the events on 
all 4D worlds. 

"This is a revelation of the end time of all 4D 
holograms, before these worlds will also be 
uplifted into the fifth dimension of All-That-Is.” 

This book, together with the first part of the Elija prophecies, 
will shortly be published in the English language, and will be 
available for all readers of that language.
At this place for our English language readers, I also would like 
to point to the already published book in the English language: 
English language excerpts, beyond the scope of reading samples, 
of this wonderful work will be published shortly in the Lichtwelt blog.

My heartfelt thanks go to the Lichtwelt team, which for years, 
in tireless work, has only made this publication possible. 
Because to receive the messages is one thing, yet to prepare 
these and make them available to a broad public requires much 
more than only one hand, one spirit and one source.

Thereby I wish you with this first publication and in the name 
of the Lichtwelt team, pursuing insights regarding the events 
of the planetary ascension and we are convinced that it will 
occur after the perusal of this book.

With the best wishes for you and in Love

Lichtwelt-Team & Jahn J Kassl 

written by Jahn J Kassl
tanslated by Franz 

Subscription Messages from - All-That-Is: