Conversation with Sananda
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Dream: I
see that the whole earth is destroyed.
An unbelievable energy sweeps across the whole earth;
An unbelievable energy sweeps across the whole earth;
the scene has a “final” character. Thereby it is notable that
I do not
perceive a single human Being on this earth.
of dream)
I am
human Beings, in these days of truth, in the days,
which mutate one world and
let another world develop.
dream image shows the earth after human Beings
have already left it. Forlorn
and ready for the final transmutation.
This means that mankind leaves this
world before the “great event”?
At the same time with this event.
In the dream you already perceive yourself being
on another level and many human Beings will go through this;
after these events occur nearly simultaneously
human Beings will be taken from
this world.
Also those, who have chosen another experience of
suffering or those, who were
not able to become friends
with the ascension?
Also those human Beings, yes. Human Beings,
who stay far away from ascension,
will receive exactly the
experience, which their soul has chosen for them. They
be switched into a dynamic of suffering, as it serves the further
unfolding; they will be free of it, as this is no longer necessary.
How does it take shape for the ascending ones?
These remain unharmed in all areas and ascend
shortly before this event or they
remain close to the transmuting
earth as custodians and guardians of this
process. The potentials
are manifold here. In essence there are so many
different ascension
scenarios as there are ascending ones.
Energy Quality
Since yesterday I perceive an entirely different energy
quality. It feels like
if all provisions have been completed.
And I also see that the “collective
impatience” of the ascending
ones yields to a new assuredness. From my
perspective much
has indeed changed.
Yes, the new earths are fulfilled with new life.
This means that human Beings
already begin to anchor in
their new home. Thereby the bindings are released,
keep human Beings in this world.
Beings become lighter and more transparent.
Connected with it is the attainment
of the ability to
experience the simultaneity of all events. This is a new
quality in order to experience daily life in this world with
joy, and in order
release from waiting for the ascension
and from all expectations, which are
connected with it.
It happens
now and the souls of the ascending
ones are now “attuned” to this knowledge.
process creates a tremendous inner assuredness,
creates calm and brings human
Beings into deep inner peace.
Are these the last developments
before the “event” is manifested?
There are other developments, which in
space-time have to be accomplished by
the limited
human consciousness: until every ascending one is
interlocked with
the Now-consciousness and has anchored
this knowledge.
Actually I perceive also the progressing awakening
of many human Beings. Also
if I cannot recognize a spiritual
awakening in most cases, human Beings
increasingly look
through that the ruling class is leading them by their nose
This is a significant sign that this system is in an
upheaval and breakdown and
that the great cleansing occurs.
all levels the switches have been set for the turnaround of
a world and the
turnabout of mankind.
occurs on all levels, which means that great
measures follow.
this point we end our conversation-
levels of awareness are created and in
these days you become fully aware of it.
on course, whereby you grapple daily with your
own shadows, which distort the
sight toward the great Light.
know: The greater your divine
the more encompassing must be the redemption
of your Being so that
you can also live these
there is no task more important for a human Being
than to put your life into
the Light on a daily basis, which
means, far from imaginations and wishes, to
see what is and
to remove inappropriate thinking, feeling and actions from your
Your transfiguration comes to you;
is no need for further activity,
except the unconditional willingness
to look
at yourself in God’s Light and
to remove any shadow.
accordingly and you have done everything that
fosters the wellbeing of the
world, what paves the
way for your ascension and affects your arrival in
I am
amongst you.
we return to God.
I am
Bordering Process of the Planet – ASANA MAHATARI:
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