Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Translated from: Merkmal der Verwirklichten:
The characteristic of the actualized one is humility toward
all life and one’s humble service for God in this world.
Whoever knows his Place
and his role in this world and has accepted them gratefully in
his life and carries them out in humility, carries the characteristic
of an actualized spirit, who knows that his place cannot be taken
by anyone else and knows where his journey led him and knows
where he belongs.
No longer peek at the great events in the outer world,
instead make your life itself into a great event, wherein
your divine work is reflected on earth, whereby day by
day you increasingly set free your buried wisdom.
Nobody is responsible for all of mankind or must
save the whole world.
But each human Being must save himself from the
lowlands of this world, free himself from the claws
of this matrix and rise into the Light.
Save yourself and you save the world.
This truth is based in the fact that each human Being, who
at first seeks perfection in self and attains enlightenment,
no longer is a burden to earth and to human Beings, instead
becomes the best servant.
Regard yourselves as universal entities. You have found
yourselves as everlasting and immortal Light body in this
world, in order to heal this level of All-That-Is and to uplift it.
And thereby it is of greatest significance that you, those, who
serve God, become familiar with your tasks and never want
anything less or demand more than to live these.
The Heroism of these Days
Consists in that every human Being, there,
where God puts him, appears as a Light entity!
This requires wisdom, courage and the touch with your light-filled
reality, the living divine spark, which acts in you. Once you have
internalized this, a great peace spreads out in your soul.
You know that where you are is the right place, that where
you act, you act for the benefit of the whole and that where
you bring your Light to illumination, you do it for those,
who are guided to you.
The Light entities of this earth are a great family,
which were sent into the world! Each one at his place
and with his unique qualities, each one serves the great
divine plan and each one, who lives in peace with himself
and his assignments, deserves to be viewed as an
“actualized soul” and be described as such.
Do not peek at the “great battle” in the world; instead look
at the small conflicts in yourself and in your environment!
Whoever still has to carry out the battle with self, should
never wish the war of worlds!
Long before God’s paradise develops on earth, it must
be won in self; created out of yourself and coming alive
in your hearts.
Again I direct your whole attention in this message toward
your most inner. There you find everything, there is everything
and from there everything changes. Recognize the uniqueness
of your work in this great game.
Even if this world should go down, you will live, and
even if this mankind should perish, you will continue
to exist as a divine consciousness.
Whatever has no form and consists out of God’s Odem cannot
perish. And your soul is far from form and your divine
consciousness is way beyond all visible perception or physical
form. Bring your life into connection with the great ark of this
universe and fulfill your assignments there, where you are.
It is of vital importance how it looks like inside of
you and not what it looks like in the world.
10 Questions for Self Reflection:
1.) Have you accepted your assignments or are you
wholeheartedly ready to recognize these?
2.) Are you willing to become a worthy, light-filled
wonderful human Being, in order to be of help to
Mother Earth and not be a burden?
3.) What does God and Love for God mean to you?
4.) Can you serve without grumbling?
5.) How much are you truly without compromises –
or do you love seeming peace, in order to avoid conflicts?
6.) Are you willing to change your life in knowledge
of your assignments?
7.) Do you perform consciousness work
or do you only pretend it?
8.) Are you successful in putting all events
of this time into the great cosmic context,
without losing compassion?
9.) Have you devoted your life to God?
These are important and worthwhile questions, which are
to be asked now, in order to sharpen your self reflection,
so that you recognize what you truly want and what you
truly live.
10.) Are you the actualized one, to whom his duties
do not mean to be a burden?
Then you have attained great peace, then you live in
oneness with God, then your service for mankind is perfect,
because the healings in you have progressed far or are
No stone changes its place without God’s Will.
Whoever knows this truth, wanderings become
a joy and a steady prayer of Love in God’s presence.
I am amongst you
Gift of Freedom (pdf) – ARCHANGEL MICHAEL:
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