Conversation with Babaji
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
JJK: Protection is removed, protection is increased.
What does that mean exactly?
BABAJI: I bless you, who follow these words.
God is with you, and I am in your presence.
Each entity, as soon as it is born on earth, is surrounded
with manifold and multi-layered protection grids, so that
the spiritual part as well as the physical part of entities
are protected.
Application of Protection Grids
Like the quills serve a hedgehog, in order to keep enemies
away, subtle protection grids serve in order not to be exposed
without protection to weakening influences on this level of
All-That-Is. After the birth of a human Being the following
occurs: Human Beings begin to act out their experiences,
which they have agreed to before birth, and which they have
determined for themselves. Human Beings, who seek
experiences outside of God, therefore begin to deny
the divine in them and begin to distance themselves
from the source.
The further a human Being is distanced from God,
the more permeable the protection becomes, until
it is entirely removed.
And every removal of the protection grid means that
the experiences become more existential and pain
and suffering, which the experience creates, increase.
Godlessness means that a human Being is entirely
exposed to the game of a matrix of the third dimension.
The individual has chosen exactly that, has decided and
determined it. And what is true for individual human
Beings, is also true for individual groups of human Beings,
for communities, for countries and nations, and finally
for the whole planet.
The closer the binding to God is, the higher the protection
is due to the divine and from God. This is the principle.
If you look around in the world, it is clear that many human
Beings deny and reject the divine surrounding them, and the
divine, which exists in them. If this pattern is transferred to
communities, countries and nations, then the picture emerges
that the number of human Beings and their consciousness shapes
the collective consciousness of a region. The energy of an
environment portrays exactly that, therefore you feel well
in some places and not so in others.
JJK: But what is it with human Beings, who live in a country,
where the protection has been removed, yet they have nothing
to do with the godlessness of the ruling class?
BABAJI: The individual protection is always maintained to the
extent, which serves the individual. Neither the collective
condition of a group, where this human Being lives, or higher
ranking measures, like the destruction of a country, make the
individual protection, which a human Being enjoys due to his
consciousness, ineffective.
God protects those, who bind to God,
wherever they may be.
It is true that a high percentage of human Beings,
who have turned away from God, live in countries,
where the protection is now removed.
The „righteous one” is very thinly sowed there.
If it were otherwise, the protection of a country
would not need to be removed.
Protection and Lack of Protection
JJK: What does it mean exactly? Protection is
removed or what does the lack of protection mean?
BABAJI: It is important to understand that countries or
human Beings, who have obligated themselves to dark
energies and dark powers, have so far also received
protection from the dark powers. This is part of the
contracts, which human Beings have made with the
dark powers. And now the divine decree comes to bear,
because it is decreed that this protection is taken from
these human Beings.
JJK: Was it this protection, which so far let the dark ones
get away with everything? At least it seems like that for
a long time?
BABAJI: Yes, that is the point. Everything changes based on
this fact. The wind has truly turned. For individual countries
it signifies now that they are no longer protected from great
upheavals on the level of society and the planet. From now
on the discharges result in new effects there, and Mother
Earth will transform these countries and continents, as
well as shake off human Beings.
This occurs so that due to this great experience these
human Beings can turn back in a far away time.
To walk entirely through the valley of darkness means,
to be left on one’s own, to be exposed to the forces of the
wind, the power of the water and the effect of the fire and
to the decisions of Mother Earth.
Afterwards such a human heart begins to open to the divine
and it begins to reveal itself to the divine. The birth of a new
human Being begins at the lowest point and in the darkest
hour; then the desire for God comes alive, because all earthly
concepts have failed and great wounds ask for solace.
Then the healing begins, and gradually everything
dissolves in the divine Light.
Know: The light warriors of the first and last hours have
already gone through such experiences and they turn
away from it with all force! Discern precisely, because
not everyone, who stands in the battlefields in this
world, does not necessarily also belong to this world!
Whom does it apply to, what is said here?
Discern precisely. Everything occurs within a certain
bandwidth, where human Beings decide to live their life in.
Small deviations are always possible and probable, yet
everything is wished for and also wants to be experienced
in one form or another. Chances, which fall to you, determine
your life; arbitrariness or capriciousness are illusions, because
from a higher perspective everything fulfills its deeper meaning
and has its cause in a decision, which was planned and made a
long time ago. Each human Being decides for himself if he joins
ith God or wants to web his fate far from God.
JJK: To which nations does this pertain to?
BABAJI: To the ones, which in their size and arrogation
have lifted themselves above other countries in this
world and above human Beings.
With this message I bless you.
Be certain, I am here and I remain with you.
Be certain that nothing remains hidden with me.
I know each one of your ways and on Judgment
Day I will be with you.
Ask for me today, fulfill your heart today with the
longing for God and let this desire become your
nature. Still today.
I love you infinitely
removed, Protection increased – BABAJI: The Precursors - BABAJI:
Prophecies 1-48 - JAHN J KASSL:
Prophecies 49-65 - JAHN J KASSL:
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