channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Björn Kurt
I have come so that you may be supported in your
decisions, feel guided on your way and be encouraged in
your intentions to commit fully to God.
A man how chose the path to God is no longer satisfied with
half-baked solutions. With "yes-but-concepts" neither,
because half-truths or falsehood are an abomination to him.
Him, who loves this world and these
people but has overcome
all attachments to this world and the people, he is
Him, who has used time and space for
himself and for his experience
and does not want to spend a second longer in
this game, he is ready.
Him, who has devoted himself totally to
me, which means to have full
trust in me, to belong to me completely, to be
absorbed by me, will be
given wings which are unknown to this earthly worlds
and he is indeed
ready. Willing and called to a higher level, nominated for the
dimensional level of existence.
Him, whose heart is full of devotion
yearning for God who has
dropped the hesitating and negotiating, the wailing
and crying
due to lack of knowledge, he is ready.
"Ignore" – him, who ignores the
events for his own sake,
yet is closer to them than those who experienced them
immediatley, he is ready.
"Ignore" - him, who is devoted
to his way to God,
to his arrival in heaven and to his return to his cosmic
and has focus his whole earthly existence into this certainty,
he is
ready and a sublime welcome awaits him.
"Ignore" – him, who ignores
his own ascension for he lives
constantly in the certainty of having arrived
there a long
time ago, he is ready.
An infinite stream of love and light
currently flows
on earth and reaches the hearts of mankind.
This stream changes
humanity and transforms this planet.
Therefore the worlds will be freed from
this thight encirlement
and people will be able to take leave and to let go of
People have made their choice, so there is no more choosing,
only the
acceptance of the consequences of their decisions.
That the Grace of God will be working to
the very last
moment is a fact, but a fact is also that only very few will
allow to be touched by the Grace of God.
So today we can see: it happened that the
people on the
superordinated levels of the soul and the spirit as well as on
the subordinated levels of the mind and the emotions of their
being, have taken
their full decisions about their further presence
within creation.
This completes a very long and slow
continuous process.
And not only that these decisions have been made, so the
decisions of heaven have been made
concerning the sequence
of events and the further modus operandi
concerning the Ascension
process. Deviations are only minor and quite possible
even to the
last moment.
This means in plain text: with „God's
Cut“ the worlds are being
seperated and the people are about to face the new or
the old world.
With a cut from God happens what has been building up for a long
time up to the point of becoming unbearable for many people.
So do not weep for those who fail to
ascend but weep for your Self,
so you find yourself on a level that you thought
to be overcome.
You, that you have prostituted your talents and wasted the
given to you by God to fabricate unnecessary things.
An ocean of tears from the people accompanies this time because
now it is
being fulfilled that the blind people see what they
did not wanted to see.
And so I came, so I have focused my
consciousness on this earth so I can help you to endure
the fate chosen by yourself, that you neither
despond nor give
up yet, but cheerfully get to work at once and bring yourself
into t
he position to be ready for ascension at the appropriate time.
And I have also come to keep the balance
of the worlds now,
at the time of the final seperation. For this magnetic
process is
of incomparable and infinite complexity and before the balance
get out of control I will intervene so the course to the
new world can be kept
and new life may be created.
It is always me which you hear as an
inner voice within you.
Those you follow me in an unconditional way shall be
with eternal life. So, listen carefully and recognize the voice of
which is manifest within you as you need guidance and await bliss.
I call on you, so listen well, for your
life starts right now in this moment.
PHURO - let yourself be inspired by the
love of God.
I am
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