channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Georgi Stankov
Loved ones,
open and the light permeates every state in this
now waning world. Cures to all
the members of this society,
which is supported and heaved by a mighty wave of
are underway.
big shifts are occurring with the “soul fragments”
of the dark forces that do
not want to leave the upper-4D earths.
means that they are endowed with energies full of light,
thus making it easier
for them to say “farewell”, so that the grip
around the light warriors, who
will ascend to 5D, will loosen.
Our intention is to avoid the “use of force”,
that is to say, the
forcible separation of the worlds, until the very end,
this represents the last option to be considered.
And I
hear you startle – ARCHANGEL MICHAEL speaks of violence
and supports this?
Peace be with you and know: a good surgeon
knows for sure how to lead his sharp
scalpel and a good surgeon
knows when he can easily do without it.
The means and methods of healing are
always manifold and
limitless in the divine variety. Therefore, the specific and targeted
use of “violence” is sometimes the means that terminates an intolerable
condition immediately. The Gordian knot was cut through with a sword,
condition immediately. The Gordian knot was cut through with a sword,
imperfect human conditions such as ignorance or lack of love could,
as long as
the reverse has failed until the last “zero hour”,only be severed
with God’s
lightsaber which I carry.
use of cosmic force obeys different principles than
the arbitrariness of human
hardship that spills over into violence,
which only stirs up new violence and
conjures new disaster.
Some diseased states can only be healed with the help of
therapy and by the powerful intervention of the Light Warriors.
long as the dark forces do not move from the spot, this will
trigger a shock in
these forces because they have never expected
this from you and the beings of
summarized: All options and all means will be implemented
now, so that the
“stranglehold of the lightless ones” ends.
the upper levels of 4D the dark forces that
have stranded here
still cling firm onto the ascending humans,
and they do not want to let them
go. All versions of liberation
(from this condition) are considered and are
being implemented
at present, so that this perseverance ends and the people,
who have chosen the fifth dimension, can finally ascend.
celestial powers exert their decisions in accordance with
their (divine) might
and they will now cut through the Gordian knot,
knotted in eons of time- and
space-fragments that has bound the
people at the mercy of each other. The
heavenly powers will
eliminate with “force” the unwilling, so that the
entities can begin unhindered their journey back home.
that justice is done and everyone reaps what he has sown.
I am
the one who guides the lightsaber,
I am that I am,
I am that I am,
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Pardon and Forgive - ARCHANGEL MICHAEL:
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Pardon and Forgive - ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: