written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Honored Reader,
hour of truth for us human Beings and for
this world comes closer and closer.
What presently is played out on the stage of world politics,
surpasses – without here going into all the details – all that
has occurred so far: The probably greatest empire in the
history of this mankind is in the process to extinguish itself
and we experience this in front of our eyes – if we open them.
In these days we enter into the final phase of the change,
which has been announced by old and new prophets a long
time ago, and full of longing is expected by us. All geopolitical
events as well as the massive increase of spiritual Light from the
Central Sun point to the fact that this great cosmic drama manifests
itself; what for all human Beings, who are ready to stride into the
Light, signifies happiness and bliss.
Until this “last day of mankind” fulfills itself,
it requires not only patience but also a stable nervous system.
Because today the dark players of time are confronted with their
own demise and they play with marked cards and they play with
mankind, with each one of us, as we allow it.
It looks gloomy, one could think and it gets progressively
darker in this world. Yet it is a deceptive darkness, which in
these days is breached by God’s Light, which we represent
here on earth.
In the moment, when it seems that there
is no escape, the one will prevail, who
courageously confronts the inevitable,
the fear of his own power and his own
Light being alien to him.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, is one of those human Beings.
Like only a few he calls a spade a spade, and he understands
not only to illumine the great contexts, but also clearly
describes them in an excellent manner.
This publication shows, fitting with the here described
“end time quality”, how far the process of erosion and hubris
has progressed in the White House, because to think, one
could “win a Nuclear War”, is by far the most perverse political
statement and the most stupid military doctrine that I have
seen so far – and exactly this fact is portrayed in this article.
Without a doubt: We are coming closer and closer to day X,
and it is the illusion of time that still gives us some time to
arrange our affairs, before we leave this level of Being
– as we are being carried away.
This article: “Are You Ready For Nuclear War?”
points to this necessity and may open the eyes
of “stragglers of ascension”.
In Love
Jahn J Kassl
this world comes closer and closer.
What presently is played out on the stage of world politics,
surpasses – without here going into all the details – all that
has occurred so far: The probably greatest empire in the
history of this mankind is in the process to extinguish itself
and we experience this in front of our eyes – if we open them.
In these days we enter into the final phase of the change,
which has been announced by old and new prophets a long
time ago, and full of longing is expected by us. All geopolitical
events as well as the massive increase of spiritual Light from the
Central Sun point to the fact that this great cosmic drama manifests
itself; what for all human Beings, who are ready to stride into the
Light, signifies happiness and bliss.
Until this “last day of mankind” fulfills itself,
it requires not only patience but also a stable nervous system.
Because today the dark players of time are confronted with their
own demise and they play with marked cards and they play with
mankind, with each one of us, as we allow it.
It looks gloomy, one could think and it gets progressively
darker in this world. Yet it is a deceptive darkness, which in
these days is breached by God’s Light, which we represent
here on earth.
In the moment, when it seems that there
is no escape, the one will prevail, who
courageously confronts the inevitable,
the fear of his own power and his own
Light being alien to him.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, is one of those human Beings.
Like only a few he calls a spade a spade, and he understands
not only to illumine the great contexts, but also clearly
describes them in an excellent manner.
This publication shows, fitting with the here described
“end time quality”, how far the process of erosion and hubris
has progressed in the White House, because to think, one
could “win a Nuclear War”, is by far the most perverse political
statement and the most stupid military doctrine that I have
seen so far – and exactly this fact is portrayed in this article.
Without a doubt: We are coming closer and closer to day X,
and it is the illusion of time that still gives us some time to
arrange our affairs, before we leave this level of Being
– as we are being carried away.
This article: “Are You Ready For Nuclear War?”
points to this necessity and may open the eyes
of “stragglers of ascension”.
In Love
Jahn J Kassl

Are You Ready For Nuclear War
written by Paul Craig Roberts
June 3, 2014
close attention to Steven Starr’s guest column,
“The Lethality of Nuclear
Weapons.” Washington thinks
nuclear war can be
won and is planning for a first strike
on Russia, and perhaps China, in order
to prevent any
challenge to Washington’s world hegemony.
The plan is far advanced, and the implementation of the
The plan is far advanced, and the implementation of the
plan is underway. As I have
reported previously, US strategic
doctrine was changed and the role of nuclear
missiles was
elevated from a retaliatory role to an offensive first strike
US anti-ballistic missile (ABM) bases have been established in
Poland on
Russia’s frontier, and other bases are planned.
When completed Russia will be
ringed with US missile bases.
missiles, known as “star wars,” are weapons designed
to intercept and destroy
ICBMs. In Washington’s war doctrine, the
US hits Russia with a first strike,
and whatever retaliatory force
Russia might have remaining is prevented from
reaching the
US by the shield of ABMs.
The reason Washington gave for the change in war doctrine
is the possibility that terrorists might obtain a nuclear weapon
with which to destroy an American city. This explanation is
nonsensical. Terrorists are individuals or a group of individuals,
not a country with a threatening military. To use nuclear weapons
against terrorists would destroy far more than the terrorists and
be pointless as a drone with a conventional missile would suffice.
The reason Washington gave for the change in war doctrine
is the possibility that terrorists might obtain a nuclear weapon
with which to destroy an American city. This explanation is
nonsensical. Terrorists are individuals or a group of individuals,
not a country with a threatening military. To use nuclear weapons
against terrorists would destroy far more than the terrorists and
be pointless as a drone with a conventional missile would suffice.
The reason Washington gave
for the ABM base in Poland is to
protect Europe from
Iranian ICBMs. Washington and
government knows that Iran has no ICBMs and that Iran has not
indicated any intent to attack Europe.
No government believes Washington’s reasons.
Every government realizes that Washington’s reasons
are feeble attempts to hide the fact that it is creating
the capability on the ground to win a nuclear war.
every European
government knows that Iran has no ICBMs and that Iran has not
indicated any intent to attack Europe.
No government believes Washington’s reasons.
Every government realizes that Washington’s reasons
are feeble attempts to hide the fact that it is creating
the capability on the ground to win a nuclear war.
every European
Russian government understands that the change in US
war doctrine and the US
ABM bases on its borders are directed
at Russia and are indications that
Washington plans a first
strike with nuclear weapons on Russia.
China has also understood that Washington has similar
intentions toward China. As I
reported several months ago,
in response to Washington’s threat China called
the world’s
attention to China’s ability to destroy the US should Washington
initiate such a conflict.
Washington believes that it can win a
nuclear war with little or no damage to
the US.
This belief makes nuclear war likely.
Steven Starr makes clear, this belief is based in ignorance.
Nuclear war has no
winner. Even if US cities were saved from
retaliation by ABMs, the radiation
and nuclear winter effects
of the weapons that hit Russia and China would
destroy the
US as well.
The media, conveniently concentrated into a few hands during
the corrupt Clinton
regime, is complicit by ignoring the issue.
The governments of Washington’s
vassal states in Western
and Eastern Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan are
complicit, because they accept Washington’s plan and provide
the bases for
implementing it.
The demented Polish government
The demented Polish government
has probably signed the death
for humanity.
for humanity.
The US Congress is complicit, because no hearings are
held about the executive branch’s plans for initiating
nuclear war.
has created a dangerous situation.
As Russia and China are clearly threatened
with a
first strike, they might decide to strike first themselves.
Why should
Russia and China sit and await the inevitable
while their adversary creates the
ability to protect itself by
developing its ABM shield? Once Washington completes
shield, Russia and China are certain to be attacked, unless
they surrender
in advance.
10 minute report below from Russia Today makes it
clear that Washington’s
secret plan for a first strike on Russia
is not secret. The report also makes
it clear that Washington
is prepared to eliminate any European leaders who do
not align
with Washington.
Readers will ask me, “What can we do?”
This is what
you can do. You can shut down the Ministry of
Propaganda by turning off Fox
News, CNN, the BBC, ABC,
NBC, CBS, by ceasing to read the New York Times, the
Washington Post, the LA Times. Simply exit the official media.
Do not believe
one word that the government says. Do not vote.
Realize that evil is
concentrated in Washington. In the 21st century
Washington has destroyed in
whole or part seven countries.
Millions of peoples murdered, maimed, displaced,
and Washington
has shown no remorse whatsoever. Neither have the “christian”
churches. The devastation that Washington has inflicted is
portrayed as a great
success. Washington prevailed.
is determined to prevail, and the evil that
Washington represents is leading
the world
to destruction.
_________________________________________________to destruction.
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What Obama Told Us At West-Point - JAHN J KASSL: