written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Time Quality Essay
Honored Readers,
Human Beings in God’s hand, wherein we all are!
It is time to ruthlessly call a spade a spade,
it is time to reveal what is, what is ahead for mankind
that has neither chosen ascension nor has turned toward
the Light, unless it instantly thinks of the better way.
It is time to clearly reject the illusion that the horror in
this world would disappear solely through “positive thinking”.
And it is time to inform you, the inclined readers, so that
you may “readjust” in yourself where necessary or so that
you may distribute this knowledge where it is obvious and
as it is appropriate for you.
This world stands on the edge of the abyss,
and I mean this word-for-word: ON THE EDGE OF THE ABYSS.
Therefore it is extremely urgent to reveal what is,
in order to sensitize human Beings and to create in you
a consciousness for the actual events in this world.
Until you have the courage to look fearlessly at what
the unconscious wants to suppress.
Today who is willing to look at the confusions and the
aberrations of mankind, who is willing to call a spade a
spade, who stands up, who cries out, who protests?
And even though there are more and more,
there are still only a few.
My Assignments
In my capacity as “God’s scribe”, as a “channel for the
light realms of Being” I have been allowed to transmit
messages from Heaven for human Beings for almost a decade.
And this fills me with immense joy, is fulfillment and grace at
the same time. So I look back to every one of these days with
gratitude, and in humbleness I look at what is ahead of me.
It is still the first, sacred and myself fulfilling duty to pass
on to you messages from the Light, the energies and the Light
from high and the highest levels of Creation of Being.
And based on these messages from Heaven we know that
there are many worlds on different levels and we received
knowledge of the holographic worldview of all of Creation.
Sometimes our human capacity of comprehension was overburdened
and only based on our readiness to let the unlimited divine
consciousness expand within ourselves were we able to come
closer to this reality.
Today we therefore understand that certain “discharges”
and “dramas” constitute in a different manner on every level
of the space-time-continuum, because the holographic
understanding of Creation means that every thinkable
possibility also exists.
For those human Beings who have chosen ascension
from deep within their heart, the actual geopolitical conflicts
in this world possibly mean little, because they see these as
an illusion that they no longer belong to. And to see it this way,
to experience it that way is even more than their proper right,
it is the duty of a human Being, as it has fulfilled its assignments
in the sluggish mass and has oriented itself toward the higher
vibrating Light, and the new earth.
Therefore today it is of utmost importance to know
your place in the game and to know your individual assignments.
This naturally applies – and foremost – to myself!
1.) Based on my assignments, until last I have to give
orientation to those human Beings, who are stuck in this world
of dramas, and give them a hold by means of the gifts from Heaven.
A critical part of mankind’s liberation is:
2.) The ruthless revelation of the status quo on this sluggish level.
The denial of circumstances prolongs the liberation, because an
awakening always means to be oriented in all matters and does
not mean to deny what is unbearable.
Life concerns us
And we are denying the fact that we are facing
World War 3 on this level of Being, one of the 4D earths!
To say that this doesn’t concern me is a mistake that could
not be any bigger, because as long as we are here,
the here and now is to be concerned about!
Meaning that all those human Beings who in well-meaning
letters or in invisible energy packets, which I naturally perceive,
want to guide me to increasingly emphasize the “good” and the
“light-filled” in my essays, I would like to ram home:
The dark can only be overcome if it is called as such
and is recognized as such! And most human Beings still
back away from it!
To deny the crimes is to increase them,
to beautify the evil is to strengthen it,
to drown the deadly manipulations of human
Beings (of body, mind and spirit) in the
“light and love illusion” ensures the dark elites
their existence and strengthens their power over us.
And exactly that has happened, because human
Beings did not want to see and they preferred to give
in to the blurry promises of the “New-Age scene”
and still do so en mass. For me this fact means the following:
To continue to clearly and unmistakably call out the events
of this time, because until the end it is necessary to shake
to wake sleeping human Beings of this level of creation.
The fact about my ascension is only secondary, because
what do I care about it, if I go into the light tomorrow,
if today I am being confronted with the darkness in this world.
Meaning: To show mankind a way to freedom,
to open a door to the light and to offer a platform
whereon they can make a free and uninfluenced choice.
Therefore it is my task to reveal the conditions of this
time in all distinctness, in a far-reaching context and
to name them in their terribleness without belittling them.
How shall the beautiful be born if it is overshadowed
by the ugliness that nobody wants to touch?
The “New-Age movement” or the “esoteric scene”
has failed. The task of lifting human Beings into the light,
something the “prophets of this time” could only rarely do
justice to (with a few exceptions), because they did not
recognize the evil as such and flatly denied it.
The evil was able to expand based on this ignorance,
because it hardly ever encountered resistance.
And so today we face these upheavals and see ourselves
in the suction of geopolitical developments, and we
believed that they were overcome a long time ago.
Rarely did we talk so much about peace and yet we
think so intensely about war or carry it out. The US
military armada is stationed in 155 countries of this
world! And the reversal of events has already happened,
because warmongers call themselves peace bringers
and democracy means dictatorship.
And the overwhelming number of light beings rarely
takes notice of this and it becomes quite apparent that
they prefer the “light and love illusion”, rather than a
genuine look at what is.
The “New-Age movement” or the “esoteric scene”
has failed. The task of lifting human Beings into the light,
something the “prophets of this time” could only rarely do
justice to (with a few exceptions), because they did not
recognize the evil as such and flatly denied it.
The evil was able to expand based on this ignorance,
because it hardly ever encountered resistance.
And so today we face these upheavals and see ourselves
in the suction of geopolitical developments, and we
believed that they were overcome a long time ago.
Rarely did we talk so much about peace and yet we
think so intensely about war or carry it out. The US
military armada is stationed in 155 countries of this
world! And the reversal of events has already happened,
because warmongers call themselves peace bringers
and democracy means dictatorship.
And the overwhelming number of light beings rarely
takes notice of this and it becomes quite apparent that
they prefer the “light and love illusion”, rather than a
genuine look at what is.
a human Being who doesn’t have the courage
to look at his own unresolved inner horrors, can never
muster the courage to look at the horrors of this world.
to look at his own unresolved inner horrors, can never
muster the courage to look at the horrors of this world.
so the whole world is embraced in order to complete
the self-deception – only to evade the encounter with
oneself, with one’s own shadow.
„Brotherly Love“ the Catchword
Brotherly love serves as a catchword so that it encourages
one’s own blindness and suppression, because who truly loves
his neighbor, commands a barrier as the “neighbor” thrashes
around in hate.
And in order to stem means to stand up decidedly,
means to be uncomfortable, the opposite of “loving”.
It means to accept one’s own anger, fury and hate,
so that they may be transformed and not deny,
in order to maintain the picture of a seemingly safe
and sound world, yet not healed within oneself.
Unresolved and unaccepted hate misguide human
Beings to put on a nimbus without really being safe
and sound.
Beloved Ones, brothers and sisters in God!
It is the duty of all light warriors to contribute
for the benefit of Life, wherever God has put us.
Recently I read in a channeled book, that the spirit
world welcomes the chipping of mankind (RFID, Nanochip).
It could not have been more clearly shown to me, how much
the infiltration of light workers has progressed. To read this,
was a shock at the first moment – even for myself.
Channels and Beings, who make themselves available
for such information, do not know what they are doing,
but what they do, they do thoroughly, namely:
they negate the maliciousness and the dark intentions
of the presently ruling Elites on this level of Being and
thereby become the suitable field for the dark ones to
infiltrate their intentions.
Today we have to face this fact, and we must recognize
that besides most of the established churches, also the
“new prophets of this time” have swallowed the bait of
the dark prince and bear false witness to the light.
Our Assignments
Today it is my task, and the task of all those,
who are associated with the Lichtwelt project in Love,
with strength and support, to bring forth the “good”
and the “beautiful” and to establish it in this and other
worlds. Meaning: To call out everything that is in its way!
In order to let light come into the room, one must open
the curtains, touch them and displace them.
The New-Age movement generally shies away from
exactly this.
“All is good”,
while half of the world is in a sorry
the self-deception – only to evade the encounter with
oneself, with one’s own shadow.
„Brotherly Love“ the Catchword
Brotherly love serves as a catchword so that it encourages
one’s own blindness and suppression, because who truly loves
his neighbor, commands a barrier as the “neighbor” thrashes
around in hate.
And in order to stem means to stand up decidedly,
means to be uncomfortable, the opposite of “loving”.
It means to accept one’s own anger, fury and hate,
so that they may be transformed and not deny,
in order to maintain the picture of a seemingly safe
and sound world, yet not healed within oneself.
Unresolved and unaccepted hate misguide human
Beings to put on a nimbus without really being safe
and sound.
Beloved Ones, brothers and sisters in God!
It is the duty of all light warriors to contribute
for the benefit of Life, wherever God has put us.
Recently I read in a channeled book, that the spirit
world welcomes the chipping of mankind (RFID, Nanochip).
It could not have been more clearly shown to me, how much
the infiltration of light workers has progressed. To read this,
was a shock at the first moment – even for myself.
Channels and Beings, who make themselves available
for such information, do not know what they are doing,
but what they do, they do thoroughly, namely:
they negate the maliciousness and the dark intentions
of the presently ruling Elites on this level of Being and
thereby become the suitable field for the dark ones to
infiltrate their intentions.
Today we have to face this fact, and we must recognize
that besides most of the established churches, also the
“new prophets of this time” have swallowed the bait of
the dark prince and bear false witness to the light.
Our Assignments
Today it is my task, and the task of all those,
who are associated with the Lichtwelt project in Love,
with strength and support, to bring forth the “good”
and the “beautiful” and to establish it in this and other
worlds. Meaning: To call out everything that is in its way!
In order to let light come into the room, one must open
the curtains, touch them and displace them.
The New-Age movement generally shies away from
exactly this.
“All is good”,
while half of the world is in a sorry
state and in agony.
“All is light”,
when every single day the darkness and the
maliciousness are put in front of our eyes.
“All is love”,
and the absence of love is hidden,
“All is light”,
when every single day the darkness and the
maliciousness are put in front of our eyes.
“All is love”,
and the absence of love is hidden,
just like elephants could fly.
This blindness has lifted the dark Orion forces on
earth into a near absolute power position.
And if this comes to an end, as we know and as the
light realms have announced it to us, it is always up
to us, to also bring it to an end.
With regard to the different reactions from my readers
concerning my activity as the writer of essays,
I summarize this writing for all human Beings as follows:
1.) My assignments are clearly defined:
a.) To pass on light messages of Being to mankind.
b.) To call out undesirable developments and
mistakes as long it is given to me.
2.) To leave behind the Light of the Messages
for mankind that continues to be imprisoned in the illusion.
3.) To ascend at my time.
Honored Readers!
Wake up
Name what is, look at it!
The good seed can only rise in a healthy and
well-fertilized ground. And so it is necessary to
pull out the weeds, until they are fully gone;
and it is called for to dispel the thieves of the harvest,
those who eat from our fruits of awareness, because
they shy away from working on themselves, like a farmer
who neglects his field.
Be whole and complete.
Do what God has assigned to you –
unconditionally, without compromise and completely.
Ask for the knowledge of your actual assignments!
It is High Noon for it.
In Love
Jahn J Kassl
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
This blindness has lifted the dark Orion forces on
earth into a near absolute power position.
And if this comes to an end, as we know and as the
light realms have announced it to us, it is always up
to us, to also bring it to an end.
With regard to the different reactions from my readers
concerning my activity as the writer of essays,
I summarize this writing for all human Beings as follows:
1.) My assignments are clearly defined:
a.) To pass on light messages of Being to mankind.
b.) To call out undesirable developments and
mistakes as long it is given to me.
2.) To leave behind the Light of the Messages
for mankind that continues to be imprisoned in the illusion.
3.) To ascend at my time.
Honored Readers!
Wake up
Name what is, look at it!
The good seed can only rise in a healthy and
well-fertilized ground. And so it is necessary to
pull out the weeds, until they are fully gone;
and it is called for to dispel the thieves of the harvest,
those who eat from our fruits of awareness, because
they shy away from working on themselves, like a farmer
who neglects his field.
Be whole and complete.
Do what God has assigned to you –
unconditionally, without compromise and completely.
Ask for the knowledge of your actual assignments!
It is High Noon for it.
In Love
Jahn J Kassl
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever
on the texts / messages
published on this website.
Mainkind out of bounds – SANANDA:
