Conversation with God
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
JJK: What is the reason that many light warriors maintain
an absolutely inappropriate self-image? Meaning that they
believe of themselves to be far advanced seekers of God or
even consider themselves to be Creator Gods. Yet actually
a multitude of these “Masters” are confronted with all issues
of their ego, with their lower nature in every step, without
themselves registering it, even though the environment
has recognized this long ago?
GOD: I am That, your Creator, All-That-Is, God.
Beloved Ones!
A truthful self-image, an accurate self-assessment
and self-awareness are always based on a
redeemed Being. This is the basis whereupon
the divine grows, the soil whereupon a human
Being is refined and becomes sacred.
False Self-Image
That highly gifted human Beings, human Beings with
significant heavenly assignments, are working on earth
and have left the path of the Light is the remaining and
fundamental issue of this time, because they have been
overtaken by foreign energies without themselves
recognizing it.
Alien and dark energies can only permanently be placed
in a Being, as it has not recognized it as such or it has
not been perceived as a “threat”. And it is with those,
who have not redeemed their “human and interpersonal
affairs”, and instead deny these. These human Beings
like to ignore, what makes a human Being in a sluggish
world, on a lower vibrating level: greed, envy, anger,
jealousy, fears and hate conditions are neither recognized
as such nor are these transformed, instead these low
vibrating illusions are looked at as justified form of
expression or these human Beings do not recognize
it in themselves. Many light warriors with high assignments
therefore carry many unresolved issues in them and these
hinder them everywhere in their humanness.
JJK: What I also observe is the fact that these
highly gifted human Beings are almost entirely
"resistant toward advice”.
Meaning, they do not want to know anything about
eventual shadows, which should be subjected to a
fundamental inspection. It is a very muddled situation,
into which these human Beings have maneuvered
themselves. Is there a possibility for healing?
GOD: This possibility always exists.
There is always a way, which changes everything and
brings forth the Light. Thereby it is essential that there
is a degree of willingness and that the maturity of the
soul demands it.
JJK: What is often puzzling to me is the fact that
significant portions of human Beings with high
assignments flatly ignore their own energetic
basic work. Thereby an enormous zest
should really come from such human Beings.
Some believe to be above it, other on the other
hand simply deny their inner conflicts.
This brings forth the “esoteric psychopath”
and it seems to me that this type of human
Being is widely distributed in the esoteric scene.
Sometimes I think to myself, a psychological treatment
would be much more helpful than spiritual healing work
– at least as a first step. Because the spiritual healing
work must be truly wanted, understood and accepted,
the recognition that this is also necessary must exist.
But whoever of those, who believe to already know
everything, recognizes this in themselves?
GOD: A complete healing always includes the whole
Being and is always of a spiritual nature. God’s Light
is the universal healer. Yet it is correct that the basic
work of human sensations, feelings, imaginations,
opinions, neurosis, imprints from many times or
blockages from many lifetimes can also contain
a psychological treatment. This is advisable, if
human Beings no longer can open to the divine
Light, because they do not want to confront their
JJK: But whoever does not want to confront oneself
will most likely also shun a psychological treatment?
GOD: Not necessarily! One shuns this only as long
as life remains bearable. As long as the suppression
mechanisms function, based on a still mostly “ordered”
life, the general suppression of all shadows also functions.
Yet based on the intensive Light flooding of the planet
and of human Beings, this is rarely still possible. Life is
a mirror and whoever no longer can bear daily life, must
open – also for healings.
JJK: But whoever this pertains to,
certainly see this totally differently.
GOTT: Differently yes, as long as they
do not have to encounter their shadows.
Yet life offers every possibility and this means
that every human Being will be presented with
exactly the circumstances, which are needed for
his growth.
Whoever avoids the divine Light,
will be reminded of his unredeemed
issues due to life circumstances,
until a change in behavior
occurs in this human Being.
Very often human Beings find themselves more quickly
in psychological treatment than they like, yet this is
always only a beginning of healing and never the end.
This phase can be quickly overcome, as a human Being
is truly read to open to the Light.
Everything is given to human Beings and it is indeed
the choice of each individual, where the journey in
this world and in this space-time leads.
Regarding the light warriors of the first and last hours,
who are now going astray, it is the be mentioned:
Each one must be healed and purified on the inside
to a very high degree, in order to be able to fulfill
one’s assignments. Also the retrieval of divinity is
only possible for those, who are purified in their
foundation and beyond that are constantly bound
to the Source of the Light.
Whoever dives into one’s own or foreign shadow
worlds, for these human Beings the essential
self-recognitions and self-experiences are still
The „Chosen Ones“
And still know one more thing: Many human Beings,
who pretend that they came with high assignments to
this earth or that they are the “chosen one”, are not
one of them, and many, who you would never guess,
are one of them.
Whoever lifts himself will fall, because only those,
who have experienced themselves in the Light of
their whole truth, have lost any inclination toward
false assumptions and pretensions.
Let the Light shine on the summit, so that
you remain visible, steadfast and empathetic.
Like the sun steadfastly outpours its Light, a Saint
does likewise: Light, which does not burn anyone
and Love, which does not crush anyone. Never impose
yourself, never put self into the Light, because the Light
in itself is enough and for human Beings, who see it,
it is assistance, healing and a gift.
Most effective Protection
JJK: What is the most effective method to protect
oneself in the actual time quality, wherein there
are unbelievable discharges on many levels?
I see again and again, as attacks occur, that
they do not do anything to me on the inside,
yet physically I am very challenged.
GOD: Consciousness! Consciousness is the most
effective protection. Due to the consciousness of
what is, the necessary measures can be initiated
or can be mandated. It is of existential significance
that today you perform the correct allocations.
What is it that bothers you? Then the way is clear,
and then the necessary redemptions can be mandated.
Correctly applied power of distinction, a clear
view of what is, is the protection of this time.
Once a human Being has this ability, and then the
dark forces can weaken him temporarily, yet can
never divert him from the path or keep him away
from healing actions.
JJK: This means to perform the right
allocations is the lifeblood in these days?
GOD: And the timely recognition of those.
This means, examine each human Being for
their actual inner quality.
What a human Being says is meaningless,
what a human Being does is meaningless.
What a human Being truly thinks and feels,
what makes a human Being on the inside
is of significance.
JJK: I see also that human Beings change.
Meaning, today they still appear light-filled
and loving in order to change already
tomorrow into a little devil?
GOD: Also this is necessary to be recognized in its core.
Each human Being is to be recognized as what he is due
to certain behavior patterns. It is neither his abilities nor
his knowledge, whereby his inner development may be judged.
It is only about what kind of energy is set free from this human
Being. And the faster and the more exactly a human Being
develops the ability to recognize this, the more uninfluenced
will his own energies remain. A qualified action is only possible
on the basis of the knowledge of things. In summary:
In this time of times it is about the correct allocations!
Whoever can perform these remains unaffected,
may many dramas of God’s unredeemed children
also still pour over the heads of light-filled human
Beings; your soul remains pure and untouched by it.
JJK: Today I had the impression that we have
overcome the level, where a third destructive
World was supposed to happen. Has this planet
uplifted enough so that this is no longer an option?
GOD: We will address this topic in one of our next
conversations. Indeed: The world heals, even if the
healing process brings with it very many dramas,
blood and pain; for those, who can only heal due
to these suffering experiences.
Joy penetrates human hearts and peace prevails
in this world. Mankind and the Mother of all Life
have taken the path in that direction.
Who is God?
All-That-Is, is God.
Who I am in infinite Love.
Telos-Welcome to Agartha (digital) – JAHN J KASSL:
The Lichtweltportal is free of advertisement and declines
would be much more helpful than spiritual healing work
– at least as a first step. Because the spiritual healing
work must be truly wanted, understood and accepted,
the recognition that this is also necessary must exist.
But whoever of those, who believe to already know
everything, recognizes this in themselves?
GOD: A complete healing always includes the whole
Being and is always of a spiritual nature. God’s Light
is the universal healer. Yet it is correct that the basic
work of human sensations, feelings, imaginations,
opinions, neurosis, imprints from many times or
blockages from many lifetimes can also contain
a psychological treatment. This is advisable, if
human Beings no longer can open to the divine
Light, because they do not want to confront their
JJK: But whoever does not want to confront oneself
will most likely also shun a psychological treatment?
GOD: Not necessarily! One shuns this only as long
as life remains bearable. As long as the suppression
mechanisms function, based on a still mostly “ordered”
life, the general suppression of all shadows also functions.
Yet based on the intensive Light flooding of the planet
and of human Beings, this is rarely still possible. Life is
a mirror and whoever no longer can bear daily life, must
open – also for healings.
JJK: But whoever this pertains to,
certainly see this totally differently.
GOTT: Differently yes, as long as they
do not have to encounter their shadows.
Yet life offers every possibility and this means
that every human Being will be presented with
exactly the circumstances, which are needed for
his growth.
Whoever avoids the divine Light,
will be reminded of his unredeemed
issues due to life circumstances,
until a change in behavior
occurs in this human Being.
Very often human Beings find themselves more quickly
in psychological treatment than they like, yet this is
always only a beginning of healing and never the end.
This phase can be quickly overcome, as a human Being
is truly read to open to the Light.
Everything is given to human Beings and it is indeed
the choice of each individual, where the journey in
this world and in this space-time leads.
Regarding the light warriors of the first and last hours,
who are now going astray, it is the be mentioned:
Each one must be healed and purified on the inside
to a very high degree, in order to be able to fulfill
one’s assignments. Also the retrieval of divinity is
only possible for those, who are purified in their
foundation and beyond that are constantly bound
to the Source of the Light.
Whoever dives into one’s own or foreign shadow
worlds, for these human Beings the essential
self-recognitions and self-experiences are still
The „Chosen Ones“
And still know one more thing: Many human Beings,
who pretend that they came with high assignments to
this earth or that they are the “chosen one”, are not
one of them, and many, who you would never guess,
are one of them.
Whoever lifts himself will fall, because only those,
who have experienced themselves in the Light of
their whole truth, have lost any inclination toward
false assumptions and pretensions.
Let the Light shine on the summit, so that
you remain visible, steadfast and empathetic.
Like the sun steadfastly outpours its Light, a Saint
does likewise: Light, which does not burn anyone
and Love, which does not crush anyone. Never impose
yourself, never put self into the Light, because the Light
in itself is enough and for human Beings, who see it,
it is assistance, healing and a gift.
Most effective Protection
JJK: What is the most effective method to protect
oneself in the actual time quality, wherein there
are unbelievable discharges on many levels?
I see again and again, as attacks occur, that
they do not do anything to me on the inside,
yet physically I am very challenged.
GOD: Consciousness! Consciousness is the most
effective protection. Due to the consciousness of
what is, the necessary measures can be initiated
or can be mandated. It is of existential significance
that today you perform the correct allocations.
What is it that bothers you? Then the way is clear,
and then the necessary redemptions can be mandated.
Correctly applied power of distinction, a clear
view of what is, is the protection of this time.
Once a human Being has this ability, and then the
dark forces can weaken him temporarily, yet can
never divert him from the path or keep him away
from healing actions.
JJK: This means to perform the right
allocations is the lifeblood in these days?
GOD: And the timely recognition of those.
This means, examine each human Being for
their actual inner quality.
What a human Being says is meaningless,
what a human Being does is meaningless.
What a human Being truly thinks and feels,
what makes a human Being on the inside
is of significance.
JJK: I see also that human Beings change.
Meaning, today they still appear light-filled
and loving in order to change already
tomorrow into a little devil?
GOD: Also this is necessary to be recognized in its core.
Each human Being is to be recognized as what he is due
to certain behavior patterns. It is neither his abilities nor
his knowledge, whereby his inner development may be judged.
It is only about what kind of energy is set free from this human
Being. And the faster and the more exactly a human Being
develops the ability to recognize this, the more uninfluenced
will his own energies remain. A qualified action is only possible
on the basis of the knowledge of things. In summary:
In this time of times it is about the correct allocations!
Whoever can perform these remains unaffected,
may many dramas of God’s unredeemed children
also still pour over the heads of light-filled human
Beings; your soul remains pure and untouched by it.
JJK: Today I had the impression that we have
overcome the level, where a third destructive
World was supposed to happen. Has this planet
uplifted enough so that this is no longer an option?
GOD: We will address this topic in one of our next
conversations. Indeed: The world heals, even if the
healing process brings with it very many dramas,
blood and pain; for those, who can only heal due
to these suffering experiences.
Joy penetrates human hearts and peace prevails
in this world. Mankind and the Mother of all Life
have taken the path in that direction.
Who is God?
All-That-Is, is God.
Who I am in infinite Love.
Telos-Welcome to Agartha (digital) – JAHN J KASSL:
The Lichtweltportal is free of advertisement and declines
any direct linking, in
order to guarantee the clarity of the
homepage and the pure vibration of its
The light world publishing and the author do not lead
any correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages
published on
this website.
