Conversation with God
JJK: I observe that actually really nothing and nobody
remains excluded from the powerful transformation
energy, which flows to earth.
Is the whole earth in a state of emergency!?
GOD: In these days this is the quality of space-time.
I am with you, with each human Being, who now follows
these words from the Light.
I am with every human Being and with all life in the
infinity of Creation. I am GOD.
Powerful Time- and Energy Quality
Yes, all Life is being captured by this powerful time-
and energy quality. The truth paves the way on all
levels, extinguishes every
lie and every imperfection
must yield.
Whoever has
successfully hidden his true essence
until today, all masks will be removed
from his face
and the actual view of what is and what still works
in a human
Being is now possible.
Even the most guarded dark secrets will now be lifted
an individual as well as global level, because the
transformation energy of truth works like a powerful
fire, which
burns everything which has not been created
fire-proof. Individual human
Beings look comprehensively
and unconditionally at the face of their own
life-lies, and to
mankind in total the “temple of the lies”, the dark
of malice, wherefrom the lowly vibrating entities directed this
mankind, will be revealed.
For all light warriors it is now important to continue
with one’s
own purification tasks and consistently continue one’s own
process. Because only thereby can the evil, which
shows itself now on the
global level, be encountered without
fear and its ground can be dug off.
Whoever has
understood, accepted and transformed
one’s own fears, holds in one’s hand the
key for a light-
filled life and already on earth has arrived in the
Kingdom of
JJK: To “recognize evil”? Thereby I notice that many light
JJK: To “recognize evil”? Thereby I notice that many light
warriors have not or very insufficiently developed their
power of
distinction. For many it is still impossible to
distinguish a true
from a false prophet, or light-filled
doing from dark doing. Therefore many
fall for the new
Gurus of these days or remain with the priests of the
institutions from time.
GOD: This is also a quality of this time, which
creates new
experiences and let human Beings come closer to freedom.
The “false
prophets” as well as the human Beings, who hang
on to them, thereby create a
common experience, which they
have not lived until now. The roles are
differently distributed,
yet the problem definition for both groups of human
either “victim” or “perpetrator”, are one and the same: to be
able to
step out of this condition due to pain.
Also the fundamental energy for both groups of human
Beings is identical: The ego-attachment, claim to power
and unredeemed sexual
Sexuality and Peace
Especially the blocked sexual energy is the one, which
drives human Beings strongly into a neurosis*, whereby
they coin themselves as victims
or feel called to exert
power over others.
If the
sexual energy circulates freely, then a human
Being has attained power over
himself, is the energy
blocked, then a human Being has the need to exert
over others or to control other human Beings,
because he cannot control his
sexual energy.
*The term neurosis
was coined by the Scottish doctor
William Cullen in 1769 to refer to
"disorders of sense
and motion" caused by a "general affection
of the nervous
system." Cullen used the term to describe various nervous
disorders and symptoms that could not be explained
physiologically. However,
the meaning of the term
was redefined by Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud over
century later. It has continued to be used in psychology
and philosophy.[1]The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders (DSM) has eliminated the category
because of a decision by its editors to provide
descriptions of behavior rather
than descriptions of hidden
psychological mechanisms.[2] This
change has been
According to the American Heritage Medical Dictionary,
According to the American Heritage Medical Dictionary,
neurosis is "no longer used in psychiatric
The term is derived from the Greek word νεῦρον (neuron,
The term is derived from the Greek word νεῦρον (neuron,
"nerve") and the suffix -ωσις -osis (diseased or abnormal
condition). (Wikipedia,
remark, JJK)
It is a “replacement action”, whereby victim
and perpetrator want to balance a
lack in this manner.
The sexual energy sets free enormous forces in a human
Being, if the allocations are not correct or if this force
cannot flow freely,
a human Being must behave unnaturally,
meaning, against his own inner nature,
and must compensate
this condition on another level.
JJK: Whereby or when can somebody assume that
sexual energies flow freely – therefore are liberated?
GOD: For that there is very simple “evidence”, which
one can apply for oneself. Ask the question: “Am I sexually
Thereby it is not about that somebody has sex
with a partner, instead about, do
I feel well with and in
my sexuality. What feelings, sensations and impulses
come up as I think about sex?
Do I experience lack thereby or am I fulfilled
The central question is: Am I at peace with myself
and with my sexuality?
Am I at peace with what is,
without denying something, without suppressing it?
Can I look at my sexuality in Love and in peace?
This is the point. Each human
Being can easily
determine this for himself.
The second important point is that the sexual energy
simultaneously constitutes the life force of a human
Being. Human Beings, who
rest in themselves, are in
peace with them and treat themselves lovingly, have
transformed the sexual energy as far, so that these
circulating currents of
Light in their bodies can act for
the benefit of the whole Being. Thereby the
fixations” diminish to the degree, as a consciousness
is oriented
toward the divine.
liberated sexual energy is the force,
in order to get to higher vibration
JJK: Sex, power and money, these are the dominating
as it is about with false prophets of this time to exercise
and control over their students. Meaning, these
conditions will still
GOD: Yes, this is the course of this time.
For a very
short duration, all unredeemed
conditions are now appearing. And the spiritual
seekers receive, as well as the “false Gurus”,
the opportunity to go through
the necessary
and desired experiences.
Generally it is true that each human Being always
his “right” Guru! Each learning and development step attracts
reality, which is necessary. Insofar there are no “false
Gurus” or “false
prophets”, because also this fallacy, also
this illusion of different awareness
processes is useful.
Nonetheless what can be “false” about a Guru or a
prophet? What can be “false” about a student?
Repetition Loops
This expression applies, when both sides, Guru and
student, get stuck in their roles and cannot liberate
themselves from it,
despite many opportunities in
several lives.
If experiences have been made and if they also want to
continued like in an endless loop, then a human Being misses
the goal of his
birth to enter the subtle realms. Stagnation
and relapse, instead of progress
and becoming aware are
the results.
Furthermore many of these “false Masters” carry out
misdemeanors on their students, whereby they enrich
themselves from their
energies, on subtle as well as
physical levels. If this demeanor remains
meaning, a human Being continues this behavior after
he has
experienced it once, profound karmic entanglements
are created, which incur
many further lives in dense matter.
Each low vibrational experience serves the purpose in
to quickly overcome it, after it has been exhausted on a
low vibrating
level. If it repeats, due to many influences
of time, the condition becomes
unbearable and toxic;
the soul is poisoned, and only extremely powerful
may burst open these shackles, can human
Beings be liberated from their
spiritual lethargy.
Today this is widely distributed among many “students”
and “Masters”. These human Beings are stuck in an
endless loop of repetitions,
no matter which life issues
they deal with. They step out of this matrix and
enter a
new matrix, which is yet identical to the old one.
This is the “self-created reality of repetitions”,
which were solely created by human Beings in
this manner, and originally were
not destined
in the divine plan.
5-10 Lifespans
There was a time, when Creator Gods in human form,
after 5-10 lifespans of 1000 earth years each or more
obtained fulfillment.
Angels, which took on a human
body, strode across this world in a very short
and returned to the origin enlightened and with an
infinite richness
of new experiences.
These long lifespans of 1000 or more earth years
human Beings to very quickly attain great development
and awareness
processes. The kingdom of peace was
established in that world and
nothing hindered the
spiritual evolution of individual consciousness.
The different changes, which the planet and human
Beings experienced, due to destructive forces in the
course of time, yet
created massive upheavals and
let this world fall out from divine balance.
The life conditions, which mankind found in the
thousands of years until today, were totally
unknown to the high culture of
Lemuria. Now this
remembrance returns, because you are the ones,
who you wait
JJK: Meaning, many human Beings find themselves in
these endless loops of repetitions and do not notice it.
Do they thereby create
new links, new karma, that
would necessitate new lives in a lower vibrating
GOD: In the case that the sin against Life, meaning,
the sin to keep oneself harmless with the energy of
fellow human Beings, no
matter in which form, has
not been repeated, God’s Grace will become effective.
Yes, new dependencies are created.
Yet these can be suspended in a very short timespan
and solely due to the “recognition of what is”.
God’s Grace affects that in this case a new life in a
lower vibrating world is not necessary. What is required
is the deep
recognition of cause and effect, which one
was exposed to oneself and have
others exposed to.
Root of Arrogance
JJK: A female reader wrote us a wonderful saying
regarding the “false prophets” of this time:
“Arrogance comes before the fall, not before
ascension!” Coined for those, who always dig
in the same
location, to stir in the same turbid
soup of their own vanities and lift
to “Masters” above human Beings and the world,
yet thereby entirely
ignore their own issues.
What is the root of arrogance?
GOD: Arrogance carries the energy of low worth.
And whoever feels “inferior” on the inside, cannot
swing up or cannot reach the high Light levels of
All-That-Is. Self-vibration attracts foreign vibration.
An unrecognized low worth, no matter with how much
effort it is overlaid, is a wound, which must be healed
and must be closed,
before a human Being can swing
up to the divine.
pretends courage and self-
consciousness, yet is exactly the opposite of it.
The more insecure a human Being is on the inside, and
more inferior he feels about himself on the inside, the stronger
is the
need to balance this lack. Many of these human Beings
acquire specific
capacities, feel thereby superior and thereby
define their “outstanding rank”
among human Beings. Others
on the other hand mutate to aloof and hostile
loners, in
order to justify their special status in front of the world.
In both groups of human Beings low worth is active and
these entities are dominated by different lack issues and
are held in constant
unrest. “Arrogance” has many faces
and here two widely distributed
idiosyncrasies are explained.
Therefore “arrogance” always comes before the
fall, because
everything unreal dissolves, as soon as it meets reality.
lacks the basis of truth and no
matter which illusion a human Being may
reality will destroy any illusion.
Distinguish Gurus and Prophets
JJK: Can you once more illustrate to us, whereby one
can immediately recognize truly false prophets, those,
who want to chain us to
wheel of the endless loop?
1.) The Ego dominates: „Me, me, me“.
2.) Exercise of power, self-presumptions
1.) The Ego dominates: „Me, me, me“.
2.) Exercise of power, self-presumptions
and control
paranoia are predominant.
3.) Sexual dependencies are aimed for
and sexual
misuse is the result.
JJK: Why do only a few human Beings recognize
obvious signals? Why do human Beings
remain with these Gurus, who keep them in
the endless loop?
GOD: Because they let themselves be blinded
specific capacities of these human Beings.
Somebody can, in comparison to you, walk on hot
and you are already impressed. Another one
can, in contrast to you, recite all
scriptures, and
you are immediately impressed.
Some can, in comparison to you, walk on water,
lead into gold and reawaken the dead,
and you are already impressed. This
can be complemented with anything possible and
be carried on. In
each one of these situations
Beings let themselves be blinded due
to outer magic instead of feeling
due to the inner capacities of a human Being,
due to the Light, which
acts in that human Being.
The truly divine is simple,
is silent and does without
any spectacle.
loves does not ignite fireworks,
instead awakens the fire of Life in you.
The truly
wise one loves silence, is like an
ocean and never shows off his abilities,
puts them at disposal, and a healing
and sacred intention is always connected
with it.
immature student seeks the
immature Master due to his outer abilities.
Whereas the
mature student recognizes the
mature Master due to his inner charisma,
due to
the Light, which emanates from him.
students testify much about the Master
and vice versa.
The criteria for a genuine encounter on
a healthy level
is the love capacity of both:
Two lovers
attract each other and require
nothing more than their Love, in order to
perfect self in the mirror of the other.
They satisfy themselves in their Love and not
due to
the abilities, which come from them.
Whatever is visible, is insignificant,
whatever works
in the invisible is the measure.
use is his knowledge to a Magician,
a heart of stone? What
help does a
Prophet get from power and status,
With these words I bless this mankind.
Appeal to me, and, with an open heart,
be willing to
expose everything to me.
Dedicate yourself to me, because the more
unconditional you are with it, the more
unconditional you encounter the
of all Life, which I am.
Captured by GOD and entering into the Love, which I am
Life Artery of Ascension – ADAMA OF TELOS:
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