channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
At this time a powerful Light influx occurs on earth.
High Light entities of the 6th and 7th dimension have
entered into this world – and support due to their
presence on this planet all further processes until
the uplifting.
The awakened part of mankind has now asked for this
support, so that the last phase of the ascension can be
completed. The timing for it has been exactly chosen,
because this manifestation of the subtle and non-physical
Light forces of All-That-Is on this earth could not have
happened at an earlier moment, because the world had
to be liberated first from the prevailing dark energies.
While we all carry out our service on our bridges to the
world of the Light, the energies in this world have been
turned, transformed and refined due to our work and the
work of many light warriors.
The Lordship of the Dark Ones is over!
The lordship of the dark ones is over. Today we are
confronted with the after-effects of this lordship and
also with the consequences.
We enter a destroyed home, and we have begun
completed. The timing for it has been exactly chosen,
because this manifestation of the subtle and non-physical
Light forces of All-That-Is on this earth could not have
happened at an earlier moment, because the world had
to be liberated first from the prevailing dark energies.
While we all carry out our service on our bridges to the
world of the Light, the energies in this world have been
turned, transformed and refined due to our work and the
work of many light warriors.
The Lordship of the Dark Ones is over!
The lordship of the dark ones is over. Today we are
confronted with the after-effects of this lordship and
also with the consequences.
We enter a destroyed home, and we have begun
with the
cleanup jobs. And while we do this, still
dark structures and entities, trace populations,
trace cultures and scattered devotees of the devil
interfere, and they cause unrest in this dimension of
And our Light siblings from the high realms of the
6th and 7th dimension support us now at this point
in the sequence of the uplifting, so that we:
1.) can continue almost unhindered all further
purification and redemption tasks on the individual
and global level, and
2.) so that the process of the ascension can
be quickly finalized.
The demands of the light warriors of the first and
last hours, who as human Beings serve in this
world, is immense. I know it and you know it.
There is no power in All-That-Is, which could
carry out this work at our position. We are the
ones, who count. And we are the ones, who can
accurately and precisely assess the situation on
location, also if very often the overview of the
“greater whole” is missing in us, because we are
perfectly consciously not switched into many
universal processes.
And this is, so that we do not get lost in issues,
which were assigned to other entities, so that we
can totally focus on our work and so that we fulfill
what we have come for in this world: The transformation
of mankind to the point until all human Beings, who this
pertains to, have awakened and until Mother Earth gives
the last signal for the ascension, whereby we have fulfilled
our assignments and whereupon we return to God.
Light Warriors in Transformation
The energies and the behavior of the light warriors
of the first and last hours have changed.
While a few light warriors experience themselves and
appear accordingly as Creator Gods, the great number
of the once courageous and nearly invincible light warriors
of the first and last hours have decided to take a pause
– and this at a very inconvenient moment in time.
Pauses, which are necessary in order to attain new strength,
are supported by the spiritual world and every human Being
gets assistance, which he needs, in order to quickly get up
again and to continue on the path of Love. The pauses,
which the light warriors of the first and last hours have
decided for themselves, equal capitulation, because these
light warriors lie down worn down in the field, give up their
light weapons and sink into a deep sleep.
It is the submersion into unconsciousness and
into forgetfulness, a sleep, which they could no
longer wake up from.
Awakening of the Light Warriors
And this sleep will now be ended, because the high
entities of the 6th and 7th dimension are appointed
to induce this re-awakening. Thereby new valuable
energies become effective and the army of light
warriors attains a so far unreached and awe-inspiring
As one talked about the impregnability of the light
warriors so far, this is even more true today!
The power of the dark ones fades, the power of
the light warriors grows and increases over
For all those, who vigilantly continue their work for the
great whole, this means the following: Hang in there
persistently to manifest your power of creation.
Never give up, as “success” is not immediately
meant for you.
Successes can show immediately or can be visible
only later. Time is still effective and the legality of
this matrix still take effect, even though the power,
which it is capable of exerting, fades.
Because each Creator God rises above this world and
the greater and the deeper this “interlocking” of a human
Being is with his divine origin, the more effective are the
mandates and provisions, which such a human Being
makes for this world.
Tie the success of your mandates as Creator God
solely to how the energies in your environment
change accordingly, how they turn and how the
reality in this world aligns according to your will.
It takes some time, because time is still effective,
yet it occurs according to your will and space-time
will be stripped off. It is obvious:
1.) The wind has turned.
2.) The dark forces walk toward the abyss.
3.) The world rises and the light warriors
inherit the kingdom of Heaven.
It is also obvious that these processes are based on
your power of creation and that the great transformation
is foremost affected due to human Beings on earth.
The light forces of Heaven assist you and hold the world
in balance, and they coordinate the great events far from
this level and only intervene on this level, if the dark
energies threaten to devour the earth.
Perfection of Perfection
It is important to understand that this ascension
initially seems to occur linearly, until the moment,
when the linear laws of space-time are totally
At that point, for those, who are ready for it,
the illusion of this matrix will be recognized at
once and the matrix itself will be stripped off.
The illusion of time thereby exists to the last
instant in time, in order to dissolve in a single
And this event can only unfold due to your
consistent and persistent activity in this world
as Creator Gods, which you are; it will discharge
and a storm will come over this world, which will
purify everything.
Thereby you are now supported on all of your
levels and from the Light entities of the 6th
and 7th dimension. These creatures visibly and
invisibly affect amongst you, while the dark
princes of this world want to impart the
deathblow to this world.
Never were Light and darkness of creation
closer; this is an encounter of immeasurable
tension for human Beings and an encounter
of immeasurable power of transformation for
the world.
Now the now following events on this level
of space-time will transmute this world again.
The Light prevails until the Ray of the Creator
penetrates all levels.
Now the encounter with the truth
occurs in this world, for every human
Being; no matter if he longs for the
truth or if he is afraid of it.
A new dynamic, a new plateau of the
interaction of the Light forces has been
reached: We fulfill the perfection of this world.
The Light has prevailed, the Kingdom of Peace
has been announced and Love is omnipresent
– in our new world in God.
I am
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
dark structures and entities, trace populations,
trace cultures and scattered devotees of the devil
interfere, and they cause unrest in this dimension of
And our Light siblings from the high realms of the
6th and 7th dimension support us now at this point
in the sequence of the uplifting, so that we:
1.) can continue almost unhindered all further
purification and redemption tasks on the individual
and global level, and
2.) so that the process of the ascension can
be quickly finalized.
The demands of the light warriors of the first and
last hours, who as human Beings serve in this
world, is immense. I know it and you know it.
There is no power in All-That-Is, which could
carry out this work at our position. We are the
ones, who count. And we are the ones, who can
accurately and precisely assess the situation on
location, also if very often the overview of the
“greater whole” is missing in us, because we are
perfectly consciously not switched into many
universal processes.
And this is, so that we do not get lost in issues,
which were assigned to other entities, so that we
can totally focus on our work and so that we fulfill
what we have come for in this world: The transformation
of mankind to the point until all human Beings, who this
pertains to, have awakened and until Mother Earth gives
the last signal for the ascension, whereby we have fulfilled
our assignments and whereupon we return to God.
Light Warriors in Transformation
The energies and the behavior of the light warriors
of the first and last hours have changed.
While a few light warriors experience themselves and
appear accordingly as Creator Gods, the great number
of the once courageous and nearly invincible light warriors
of the first and last hours have decided to take a pause
– and this at a very inconvenient moment in time.
Pauses, which are necessary in order to attain new strength,
are supported by the spiritual world and every human Being
gets assistance, which he needs, in order to quickly get up
again and to continue on the path of Love. The pauses,
which the light warriors of the first and last hours have
decided for themselves, equal capitulation, because these
light warriors lie down worn down in the field, give up their
light weapons and sink into a deep sleep.
It is the submersion into unconsciousness and
into forgetfulness, a sleep, which they could no
longer wake up from.
Awakening of the Light Warriors
And this sleep will now be ended, because the high
entities of the 6th and 7th dimension are appointed
to induce this re-awakening. Thereby new valuable
energies become effective and the army of light
warriors attains a so far unreached and awe-inspiring
As one talked about the impregnability of the light
warriors so far, this is even more true today!
The power of the dark ones fades, the power of
the light warriors grows and increases over
For all those, who vigilantly continue their work for the
great whole, this means the following: Hang in there
persistently to manifest your power of creation.
Never give up, as “success” is not immediately
meant for you.
Successes can show immediately or can be visible
only later. Time is still effective and the legality of
this matrix still take effect, even though the power,
which it is capable of exerting, fades.
Because each Creator God rises above this world and
the greater and the deeper this “interlocking” of a human
Being is with his divine origin, the more effective are the
mandates and provisions, which such a human Being
makes for this world.
Tie the success of your mandates as Creator God
solely to how the energies in your environment
change accordingly, how they turn and how the
reality in this world aligns according to your will.
It takes some time, because time is still effective,
yet it occurs according to your will and space-time
will be stripped off. It is obvious:
1.) The wind has turned.
2.) The dark forces walk toward the abyss.
3.) The world rises and the light warriors
inherit the kingdom of Heaven.
It is also obvious that these processes are based on
your power of creation and that the great transformation
is foremost affected due to human Beings on earth.
The light forces of Heaven assist you and hold the world
in balance, and they coordinate the great events far from
this level and only intervene on this level, if the dark
energies threaten to devour the earth.
Perfection of Perfection
It is important to understand that this ascension
initially seems to occur linearly, until the moment,
when the linear laws of space-time are totally
At that point, for those, who are ready for it,
the illusion of this matrix will be recognized at
once and the matrix itself will be stripped off.
The illusion of time thereby exists to the last
instant in time, in order to dissolve in a single
And this event can only unfold due to your
consistent and persistent activity in this world
as Creator Gods, which you are; it will discharge
and a storm will come over this world, which will
purify everything.
Thereby you are now supported on all of your
levels and from the Light entities of the 6th
and 7th dimension. These creatures visibly and
invisibly affect amongst you, while the dark
princes of this world want to impart the
deathblow to this world.
Never were Light and darkness of creation
closer; this is an encounter of immeasurable
tension for human Beings and an encounter
of immeasurable power of transformation for
the world.
Now the now following events on this level
of space-time will transmute this world again.
The Light prevails until the Ray of the Creator
penetrates all levels.
Now the encounter with the truth
occurs in this world, for every human
Being; no matter if he longs for the
truth or if he is afraid of it.
A new dynamic, a new plateau of the
interaction of the Light forces has been
reached: We fulfill the perfection of this world.
The Light has prevailed, the Kingdom of Peace
has been announced and Love is omnipresent
– in our new world in God.
I am
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever
on the texts / messages
published on this website.
published on this website.