Part I
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
is, emerges in these days, what has been hidden
for a long time, shows in these
days, and in these days
the way of Love is being fulfilled and the way of Love
being perfected in all those, who have started it a long
time ago.
I am
consciousness, which worked on this earth
as Master St. Germain throughout many
I am
among you, as a Human Being among human
Beings, as one of you – created of the one human
blood, emerging from the one divine Spirit and
returning together with mankind to the All-That-Is
reality in God.
Beings, as one of you – created of the one human
blood, emerging from the one divine Spirit and
returning together with mankind to the All-That-Is
reality in God.
In these days the path of Love
is being fulfilled for us. We have fulfilled
and some of us have more than fulfilled,
is being fulfilled for us. We have fulfilled
and some of us have more than fulfilled,
and what we, before this time in the great
throw of the Creator dissolves, still have
to accomplish is: To awaken the sleeping
companions, even if at the end it is only
one who lets himself be touched by this
our Love.
throw of the Creator dissolves, still have
to accomplish is: To awaken the sleeping
companions, even if at the end it is only
one who lets himself be touched by this
our Love.
have come from Heaven into this world and
we return to Heaven – and until then
we crown
our work on earth, whereby we hold high our Light
until last and let our Love flow, into a world, which
threatens to destroy itself; such, as if soulless forces
were at work and such as if the human Beings, who are
responsible for these upheavals, would not see to which
abyss they themselves aim for.
until last and let our Love flow, into a world, which
threatens to destroy itself; such, as if soulless forces
were at work and such as if the human Beings, who are
responsible for these upheavals, would not see to which
abyss they themselves aim for.
And I
say to you: The time is being fulfilled on
all levels and on all timelines. Worlds are being
torn down and being created anew, in a throw,
out of one cast.
all levels and on all timelines. Worlds are being
torn down and being created anew, in a throw,
out of one cast.
worlds expect us, because we come from
worlds, which only very few have ever
gone to.
new assignments wait for us, after we
have fulfilled this great assignment here
Beloved Ones,
these introductory words to the message,
which I transmit to mankind on
December 19th, 2014*,
I bless you, who are ready for this journey
into the Light,
and you, who enter into the Kingdom of God’s Love.
And I
bless those, who incur new experiences
away from ascension, because the truth
Each human Being is attracted to the world,
which makes the desired
experiences possible
for him; and in this manner each life is being
at its time, in its space.
bless this mankind,
Peace, in Love and with God’s Grace
I am
*12/19/2014, Light Reading in Vienna.
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
*12/19/2014, Light Reading in Vienna.
Message to be published tomorrow.
Scrutiny of all Human
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on the texts / messages
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published on this website.