written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
»Are we being correctly
informed? I do not exaggerate,
if I allege that the future of human society
depends on
the answer to this question.« Arnold J. Toynbee,
And today we have arrived
in this future and we
are not being informed correctly, instead we are
lied to, wherever it is possible!
Media lies pile up like
it could not be any more
bearable. Recently regarding Europe’s 9/11 – »Charlie
The Paris massacre in the
cartoonists’ office „Charlie Hebdo“,
whereby 12 human Beings were murdered,
shocks the world.
Rightfully so, because murder and manslaughter are never an
answer, regardless of upon what and what for! Yet this terrorist
act follows
the well-known scripts of Boston and 9/11.
Inconsistencies, wherever one looks.
Boston 2013
Both operations of mid
April 2013 in Boston and the
beginning of January 2015 in Paris are like two
in a pot:
- Attack as a global
media event
- The suspects are two
- Both of them are
- At least one of them
previously had contact
to intelligence and were known to intelligence
several years
- media effective pursuit
by Police for several days
- shooting during the
- hostage taking
- purposeful
intensification to the showdown,
whereby the death of the suspects virtually
in the air (and recently is being preannounced, see above)
- global hype about
»Islamist assassins«
- Statements from
Presidents and Heads of State
- psychological
unification of the world against the
(radical) Islam.
Kopp Verlag, Gerhard Wisnewski, (1/9/2015)
Kopp Verlag, Gerhard Wisnewski, (1/9/2015)
Like in Boston, two »Islamic
brothers« are pursued by
the police and take a hostage. And like with 9/11, the
perpetrators are immediately known. The killer commandos,
which otherwise cannot be stopped by anything or anybody,
conveniently leave
behind their identifications in the proximity
of the crime scene. The passport
of one of the alleged main
perpetrators of the WTC, Mohammed Atta, was found in
shape by the FBI two blocks from the WTC, while the steel
of the WTC melted away and everything of
substance dissolved, or like in Paris,
was conveniently
»left behind« in the car.
France’s Minister of the
Interior Berndard Cazeneuve
therefore knew immediately, who has to be
»There is an operation ongoing in order to neutralize the
responsible ones of the cowardly assassination from two
days ago.« (tagesschau.de,
1/9/2015). Meaning:
Only a dead suspect is a useful suspect.
Lynch Justice of the
The circumstance that
today any suspects are simply killed
instead to grant them a proper process, like
it corresponds
to States governed by the rule of law, shows that we have
arrived in a totalitarian system. The State itself applies lynch
instead of the rule of law, whereby each citizen is
granted a regular and fair
process, in order to preserve,
protect and practice the law. Facts and
backgrounds remain
in the dark and it is obvious that this is what is desired.
It was exactly like that with the alleged murder of Osama
bin Laden in May 2011
by a killer commando from the US
government. His body was simply tossed into
the ocean;
where there is no accuser there is no judge – done.
The State as terrorist,
which due to
suspicion and without due process
not only passes the death
but also immediately enforces it by
Entirely according to the
script in the case of John F. Kennedy’s
assassination in 1963. The alleged
perpetrator Lee Harvey Oswald
is shot two days after the attack. Meaning:
Witnesses, alleged
terrorists or suspects are removed even before they can
Also those, who investigate and thereby discover the whole truth,
commissioners and policemen, in most cases do not survive.
The list of »murdered suicides«, which were ready to testify
against the official version
of the Kennedy assassination
or of 9/11, is endless. And also this aspect can
be found
in Paris. The investigating police officer Helric Fredou (45)
supposedly killed himself with his service revolver shortly
after the attack.
In the meantime our
politicians and the media continue
to play the disgusting media organ. Also
calls for stricter
laws, like in the USA, increase. Paris therefore is the
to far-reaching citizen surveillance measures in Europe.
These crimes, committed
by whomsoever, is exploited by
media and politics in order to increase fears in
the population,
in order to maintain a threat scenario (»It is the task of
to increase the feeling of threat in the population.«
Angela Merkel,
02/03/2003 in the presidium of the CDU),
until our opposition to still stricter
measures of surveillance
diminish. If in these days I listen to the
conversations of
human Beings in the streets, then it also has been
by all means.
The political and media
hypocrisy, the cynicism with which
our elites go to work here, is yet limitless.
And always when
I think that the trickiness of our elites can no longer be
follows a new gusto piece of their heinousness, just like this
because today we are all »Charlie«!
Where were the »Charlies?«
-Where were the Charlies,
when the Israel-Zionist-Pack
around Netanjahu turned the greatest free-air
camp into rubble and ashes? Just until July 2014 there
were more
than 1000 deaths.
-Where are the Charlies,
when it is about to mourn
the daily deaths due to the US killer drones?
-Where was the outcry of
the Charlies as the USA killed
over 1 million civilians in Iraq, changed the
land into a
uranium desert and grabbed the natural resources?
-Where does the outrage
remain in the case of the
Ukrainian genocide? The more than 5000 dead civilians
alone in Donbass do not exist at all for the Charlies,
they much rather
preoccupy themselves with the
»evil Russians«.
»We are Gaza.« »We are
»We are Donetsk.« Nobody had
the idea until »Charlie« came.
»We are Donetsk.« Nobody had
the idea until »Charlie« came.
How Pictures lie
How abysmally mendacious
and brutal our representatives
actually have become, can also be blatantly seen
from the
pictures of the demonstration in Paris on 1/11/2015.
Agency photos, which were
distributed worldwide to the
media, showed the representatives from the
different States
at the front of 1.5 million French, who participated in honor
of the terror victims. Linking arms with each
other and determined,
President Hollande, Chancellor Merkel and their 40
Heads of State of rank and name, including mass murderers
Netanjahu, Poroschenko, Lieberman, Szarkozy, Cameron etc.,
pretended as if they
led the demonstration. The truth is
quite different:
»The group photo in its
entirety is a forgery,
because it suggests that the 40 State Representatives,
which traveled to Paris, led the funeral march on Sunday.
They did not!!! The
photo was taken far away in a deserted,
protected street and the media have
combined the pictures
after that. Taking the pictures took about 10 minutes and
was a PR stunt.« (Alles Schall und Rauch, 1/13/2015) http://alles-schallundrauch.blogspot.co.at/2015/01/israelische-zeitung
Meaning, this pack let
itself flown in for this photo
shoot and the presstitutes assembled the
pictures of
the Paris demo and suggested thereby that Hollande,
Merkel and Co
led the protest.
»Journalism means to
publish something,
which somebody else does not want to have published.
Everything else is Public Relations.« George Orwell (1903-1950)
Compassion, outrage –
everything only played,
simply »public relations«. Our politicians command
and how. In summary: Terrorists demonstrate against
terrorism, mass murderers
against murder, and dictators
for fascism under the cover of democracy.
All are Charlie and
bonkers. Global hysteria has
captured them.
That the predecessor magazine of Charlie Hebdo, Haria-Kiri,
been outlawed by the French government and ceased to
exist, today is
insignificant. Other interests are being pursued
today and this terror act is
perfect for it.
-Europe shall be
destabilized until it comes to open
revolts and chaos. Until then, laws will be
toughened and »anti-terror laws« implemented.
-Peaceful demonstrations
like the »Monday demo«,
»solemn vigils« or »PEGIDA« are criminalized and their
speakers and organizations are draconically punished,
in order to frighten
-Any other opinion is no
longer allowed; media and
politics have taken over the complete interpretative
primacy of expressions.
-Under the cover that one
must defend freedom of
the press and freedom of opinion and use the Nazi
anybody thinking differently is being pursued sharply.
- The authorities
determine what is allowed to say,
and what not, and the media distribute it.
- Human Beings are asked
to »observe« their neighbors
and friends and to report anything unusual to the
- Mistrust shapes the
society and the prisons get filled.
– These measures, which
split society, in order to play
human Beings against each other and to hound
one another,
are flanked by financial crashes, wars, pandemics and social
misery, which at this point in time have captured human
Beings in all of
-Unrest and anarchies are
the result.
This game shall be
pursued as far, until human Beings,
who survive this, say, without ifs and
buts, yes and amen.
»All we need is a really
great crisis, and the nations
will accept the New World Order.« David
1991, at the Bilderberger conference in Baden-Baden
(World banker
and Bilderberger) or American banker
James Warburg as he said the following
during a session
of the Senate committee for foreign relations on February 17th,
1950: »We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it.
The only
question is whether World Government will be achieved
by conquest or
- The chipping of all of
mankind by means of the RFID-Chip
is then still only a formality, because
whoever declines this,
does not exist and cannot participate in daily life of
the New
World Order, can neither buy or sell, because the implanted
chip takes
over today’s known functions of cash or credit cards
(will be abolished!).
This is far enough in
this gloomy presentation
of the elite’s plan for all of mankind.
Originating from the
Rothschild family,
this agenda affects all government offices in this world.
The army of minions is
huge and is at work in all levels
of society, in order to implement this
objective, knowingly
or in ignorance – which is irrelevant in its consequences.
What is the way out in
times like these, when the
»articulation of the truth is a revolutionary act,
because deception and the lie are omnipresent.«
(George Orwell,
The Way Out!
1.) Our capacity for
2.) Our clarity!
3.) Our courage!
4.) Our compulsion for truth!
5.) Our trust in our own power, whereby this
4.) Our compulsion for truth!
5.) Our trust in our own power, whereby this
undertaking of the dark ones must fail.
6.) Our exit from the
victim role.
7.) Our trust in a great
divine plan.
8.) Our binding to
heavenly Light forces
– we are not alone and we never were.
9.) Our power of
manifestation, whereby
everything can be created and also will,
as we apply it
richly and with determination,
wisely and healingly.
10.) Our Love of Life.
11.) Our Love of
12.) Our Love of God.
13.) Our dedication to our
light-filled work.
14.) Our will for our own
because whoever changes oneself, changes the world!
»Society cannot be
changed, as long as the human Being
does not change. Mankind, you and the
others, have
created this society from generation to generation.«
Krishnamurti (1895-1986)
Similarly from another
source: »Each human Being has the
chance to at least improve a part of this world, namely
oneself.« Paul Anton de Lagarde (1827-1891)
And exactly for this
reason do we experience the failure
of this dark plan, because more and more
human Beings
face this necessity and create »order in one’s own house« ,
themselves, free themselves from damaging
thoughts, blocked emotions and false
assumptions or
opinions. Thereby entirely new energy is constantly
fed into the
collective energy field of humanity, the
light-filled »energy of liberation.«
This changes everything,
the matrix or let us overcome it.
We are the ones, who
count now.
We, each one of us,
We are the change,
the transformation and Life.
And we are without fail
not »Charlie«!
Jahn J Kassl
Mandate for this World: Put down the Weapons - JJK:
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