written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Honored Readers!
I do not know how you go through it, yet for me the
New Year’s
addresses of our politicians equate to a mocking of the citizens.
With unbearable speech balloons the population shall be distracted
from the
essential and every year the politicians demonstrate to us
how far they have
already distanced themselves from human Beings
and continue to do so.
The Misery of New Year’s Addresses
Ever since I can remember this political procedure
the politicians in their homonymous and consistent Christmas’s,
Year’s Eve or New Year’s addresses have always lied,
equally sounding and consistently.
equally sounding and consistently.
While they talk about “social solidarity of society”
they continue to pursue their asocial corporate and
client policy and look
after their own benefit. One cannot
explain it in any other way that our
“social politicians” allow
themselves fat salary increases while the common
must accept reductions in salary on a monthly basis.
Beginning with January 1st, 2015, Austria’s
President for
example gets 402 Euros more in monthly salary and also
Chancellor can enjoy a plus of 359 Euros per month.
Our politicians allow themselves salary increases with
money, whereby they believe they are entitled to them.
When it deals with
their own funds they all sit in the same
boat and the opposition has a break.
„Social“ Politicians
In the meantime the poverty trap snaps shut for
1.5 million human Beings in Austria live under “precarious”
conditions and are at risk of poverty – 1 million already are.
Applied to Germany, the numbers are similar. With 402 Euro
more per month, several citizens of the
EU could afford warm
housing or purchase enough food. The 23,256.80 Euro (gross)
is too little for the
President and the Chancellor with a present
salary of 20,765 Euro (gross) also
finds nothing wrong with
reaching into the treasury – obviously proper legally.
Our politicians are also foremost social when it deals
their own funds while the citizens are boldly lied to and are
with speech balloons from the political parallel universe,
which nobody can
reconstruct. And this is especially true during
election campaigns or now
during the turn of the year.
I am sick and tired of this course of action and it
disgusts me! And thereby I am not alone by a long shot.
More and more citizens become aware of our bold
elite and they form up for counter reactions and for measures
this policy. Protest movements and rallies against
this system prove it.
Democracy- and Peace-Hypocrisy
One likes to invoke also “democracy” and “peace”
during these
official but actually worthless public speeches. But it is the
politicians themselves, who hollow out democracy and abolish
it (ESM, TTIP,
NSA), and counteract peace in Europe and in the
world (Ukraine, ingratiation
with the terror regime in the White
House). „Austria is a
democratic Republic. Its rights come from
the people.” (Article 1 of
the Austrian Federal Constitution)
And exactly this is no longer the
The rights rather come from those, who sit at the
of power, who ally with corporations in a fascist manner in
order to
divide the world among them. The word democracy
(is a
form of government in which eligible citizens
may participate
equally – either directly by voting for the
passing/rejecting of laws
or running for office themselves, or indirectly
through elected
representatives. – in the proposal, development and establishment
representatives. – in the proposal, development and establishment
of the laws by which their society is run. The term originates
the Greek δημοκρατία (dēmokratía)
"rule of the people",[1] which
was found from δῆμος (dêmos) "people" and κράτος (krátos) "power"
or "rule" in the 5th century
BC to denote the political systems then
existing in Greek
city-states, notably Athens;
the term is an antonym
to ἀριστοκρατία
(aristokratía) "rule of an
elite". Furthermore, freedom
of political expression, freedom of speech, and freedom
of the press
are considered to be essential rights that allow
eligible citizens to
be adequately informed and able to vote according to their
interests. It has also been suggested that a basic feature of
democracy is the capacity of all voters to participate freely
and fully in the
life of their society. Wikipedia) from the mouth
of our politicians is a pure mocking of the
citizens and also the
inflationary utilized expression of “peace”, because in
the political establishment acts exactly conversely.
Today peace means war; the war propaganda against
which our politicians and mass media confront us with for some
time, is
proof of it. It is war by other means, before it really starts.
Like in the
Ukraine, where it is already bitter reality.
War in Europe
Therefore war has returned to Europe and responsible
for it is
the US-submissive political bureau in Brussels together with the
overwhelming number of EU representatives, the nodding ones on
duty, the
Yes-Sayers and opportunists, whose prestige and their
well-paid job means
everything and their service for the people
means nothing. Proof for it are
plentiful and I spare myself a listing
of the totally incompetents as well as
the total failures of our traitors
of the people.
I am sick and tired of it!
Sick and tired, yet with much more justification than
us in
the comparably still “calm” West, is also the Prime minister
of the
People’s Republic of Donetsk, Alexander Zakharchenko!“
And in
his review of the year and in his outlook for the New
Year he describes a sharp
and free of hate picture of the events
of his young Republic. From my
perspective it is a courageous
and free of any illusion speech, wherein one can
experience the
closeness to the citizens in every sentence and the love for the
land. It is so different from us in the West.
Zakharchenko is plagued by the worry for his people
and he
certainly does not have to deal with problems in credibility,
like with
our politicians. Naturally the situation in the Donetsk
People’s Republic is
fundamentally different from the one here
with us. There it is about the naked
survival, about the daily
fight for survival, while the still “well-to-do” West
untouched so far.
Yet also with us
there is war!
It is a war by different means and
with other weapons. Because the
politicians have declared war to their
voters and the media has declared
war to
their readers!
The past year 2014 has proven this very impressively:
1.) The citizens reject TTIP, it comes nevertheless.
2.) The citizens reject the wrong and warlike Russia
policy of the EU, yet it is still being pursued.
3.) The citizens rebuff relinquishing the rights of
sovereignty to Brussels, our politicians force exactly that.
4.) The citizens firmly reject the ingratiation of
Berlin or Warsaw toward the undead at the White House,
yet it is
still being pursued, as if there were no tomorrow.
And finally,
5.) The citizens themselves have been concerned about
poverty and have been affected by this disastrous economic
and financial
They are victims of this political arbitrariness, at the mercy
of the
corporations; and our politicians continue to increase
their power. This is a disgusting truth, which human Beings
encounter everywhere.
And during their addresses the politicians feign
they appeal to the “combining” and throughout the year they
the separation of society with their policy.
Ahead of all this is the hypocritical mother of
Merkel, who during her TV New Year’s Eve address actually
said in the
direction toward PEGIDA: “Too many times
are prejudices, is coldness, yes, even hate in their hearts.”
With coldness and hate (“It is the task of politics to
the feeling of threat in the population. Angela Merkel, 02/03/2003
in the presidium
of the CDU) Merkel certainly knows her way around,
because how would you
explain otherwise that Merkel consistently
and ice-coldly governs away from the
will of the people. Merkel has
repeatedly broken her oath of office, which
orders her to “avert
damage from the
German people”, with ESM, immigration
NSA-ignorance or German US-ingratiation, and together with Federal
NSA-ignorance or German US-ingratiation, and together with Federal
President Joachim Gauck, the priest, who pleads for an expansion of
military operations, there, where he “sees
a threat to
German interests”, belong in front of a regular court of law
and not in the Berlin office of the Chancellor.
I am sick and tired of it!
System Change
Today it is about
system change and not anymore about
the replacement of some incompetent
politicians, because
the whole cast is corrupted, purchased from a
Elite and can be exploited by them at whim.
Without a doubt this system change is the command of
time and the command for the year 2015. Only then can
the bloodshed everywhere
on earth be ended, only then
will the drone and/or economic wars be part of the
and all of mankind will be surprised how this was ever
How was it possible that every 5 seconds, in a world
offers everything, a child under 10 years of age suffered a
painful hunger
How was it possible that Nazis, Fascists and Zionists
took over power under the mantle of democracy in this world?
How was it possible that truth was reinterpreted into
peace into war and good into evil and that the calves chose
their butchers
Our children will ask us this; and many of us will
no answer, if it continues like that.
Take Sides!
Therefore it is necessary to show your true colors
now, show the flag and stand up against this injustice.
It is time to take sides! „The hottest places in hell are
reserved for those, who in times of moral crisis did not
take sides.” Dan Brown (Inferno)
reserved for those, who in times of moral crisis did not
take sides.” Dan Brown (Inferno)
Without a doubt: Today we stand less in front of a
crisis” but more in front of the inferno of the “total moral
failure” of
our elites.
Why does Europe politically legitimize Nazis in Kiev
the USA arms them, only so that this Putsch government
can continue the
genocide against their own people?
Why does the media not lose one single word about
why do our otherwise so talkative politicians not take a
Why are our politicians allowed to use the platform
a New Year’s address for their lies?
Because we still allow them to do so, despite
gradual awakening of many groups of human Beings.
Politicians and media are only powerful as long as we remain
impotent! The more human Beings awaken, these clowns will
suddenly be history
and also the system, which they served.
Like rain cleans out the dirt, these conditions will
– all in one go. Because more and more human Beings are sick
and tired
to continue with this madness any longer!
Against Suppression
Therefore it is necessary to continue to do everything,
to stay with it, until this system of suppression goes down,
until the “society
of salary slaves” awakens and the slaves
themselves get up. This is transformation and this means
the certain end for
the 0.01 percent elite, which hold
themselves harmless on account of us human
It is an equally crazy as well as unique time, because
never before in the history of mankind has the day been
ever closer, when these
conditions together with the roots
will be removed, and never before were the
efforts of mankind greater. All leading indicators point in
1.) Light influx from All-That-Is.
2.) Awakening of human Beings.
3.) End of an Age in the cosmic sense,
the great
divine cycle.
This means that today more than ever it is necessary
to level the path for the truth and the publication of this
essay and the
following crystal clear and truthful speech
of the Prime minister of the
Donetsk People’s Republic is,
from my perspective, a very valuable contribution
to it.
War in the Ukraine
means war in Europe,
also if the bombs still do not fly around us!
Let us not
fool ourselves about anything:
Alpha-Journalists and the leading
politicians declared war to the citizens of
Europe by means of fiendish war propaganda.
In unity these elites go ahead against us, political
maneuvers and medial lies determine their daily business.
It is time to bring these human Beings back from their
world into our reality, the world we must live or vegetate in due
their decisions. And I am convinced that the year 2015 has
the quality for it.
The system change is coming up and I am sick and tired
politicians and media, which with all their power sabotage this
lie to us and lead us behind the light.
What is to be done?
1.) Purchase no mass media and cancel your
2.) Turn off the television and inform yourself
with the Internet!
3.) Think for yourself!
4.) Reject all elections, because you have no choice!
5.) Defend yourself and educate!
Every human Being can see with the example of the
Ukraine policy of the West how the propaganda media
and the system politicians
work on us.
In the Ukraine, affected by war, the facts of the year
are definitely others, entirely others. The Prime minister of
the Donetsk
People’s Republic, Alexander Zakharchenko,
names them.
At the same time Zakharchenko leaves no doubt about
the outlook for the year 2015 for the young Republic and
the affected human
Beings, whereby he says:
„The major battles yet to come!“
Not only in Donetsk.
In Love
Jahn J Kassl
Alexander Zakharchenko

Alexander Zakharchenko
appealed to the people DNI
Источник: http://dnr.today/news/aleksandr-zaxarchenko-obratilsya-k-narodu-dnr/
| Пресс-центр ДНР © http://dnr.today
Dear citizens of the People's Republic of Donetsk,
Dear friends, colleagues, mothers and fathers, grandfathers
and great-grandfathers!
Today's appeal to the people to be kind of summing up the
past year and heavy the results that we have achieved,
I want to draw your
attention to the tasks that lie ahead us
and on whose solution depends on the
welfare and prosperity
of our young republic.
But before that, I consider it my
duty to thank
you and all the people for their support, patience
and courage in those moments when the fate of the
Republic, the fate of our native land, our
dear Donbass.
This year we have gone through the ordeal that befell the
nation-worker, the people - the Creator, the people - the Warrior.
We have
proved that they can not only build and create, but also
able to protect their
achievements, their land, culture, their loved
ones, with honor to defend truth
and justice. We have proved
above all to ourselves that our society is worthy
to gain statehood.
And the birth of a new state - the People's Republic of
Donetsk - is not an accident but a natural result.
I want to remind you start
finding our way to statehood,
to recall the events that was the starting point,
fateful historical processes. We all remember what events
took place
in Ukraine. Oligarchic clans divided the country
into spheres of influence and
control it on the feudal principle.
Torn apart by internal contradictions,
seeking to seize power,
they started a real war, plunging the country into
bloody chaos.
Hiding behind the interests of the people and the high ideals,
they turned Kiev, capital of Ukraine, in the arena of battle for
flows. To achieve their goals, they did not stop at
nothing. In the course was
put all - angry crowds of well-trained
and armed nationalists, corrupt media,
and the worst thing was
taken into service fascist ideology seemed to be gone
Frank Nazism, the cultivation of hatred and intolerance towards
peoples and opinions - that was opposed to the southeast,
and especially to us -
Began to appear to ban our language, outlaw our culture,
the media
began a campaign to desecration of our historical
memory, our victories. It
seems strange, but it was happening
with the full moral and, as we know, the
financial support of
European countries and the United States. Condemning
in their countries, Western governments have condoned his
revival in
Ukraine, thereby unleashing the hands of extremists,
Dorval to power. The
people of Donbass anxiously watched events
in Kiev. But when the country's
leadership has thrown us - the people
of Donbass - one on one with these dark
forces - our people stood up.
At first it was a timid protest, the people came
out on the square in
the cities of South-East, gathered together to defend their
legal rights. Frightened by what is happening in the country, residents of
and Kharkov, Odessa and Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk and Mariupol
demonstrated their attitude toward lawlessness perpetrated and
respect. Response to mass arrests and intimidation of
people crackdown, beating
any innocent people. But when the
authorities saw that people will not be
intimidated, they went
on a monstrous crime, effectively ended Ukraine.
Let us
remember Odessa, May 2. On this day, people were killed,
many people. They do
not break the law, they did not threaten
anyone. Jut these people thought
otherwise. More than
a hundred people that day were burned alive. Adolescents
the elderly, men and women, people of different professions
and ages were
deliberately destroyed by the brutal mob. But
what happened after this tragedy
defies comprehension.
It turned out that these accidents are to blame, and
themselves. It turned out that the killer can safely roam free,
not even
hiding their faces.
Then, in early May, the account was opened in Slavyansk
innocent victims when a gang of Nazis shot civilians.
And the final feature has
been communicated in Mariupol.
Let me remind you, the ninth of May, the holy
day for us,
the city simply drowned in blood. Victory Parade participants
crushed by armored vehicles, shot in the streets, burned
representatives of law
enforcement officers who refused to
perform criminal orders. It became clear:
they do not stop,
they entered into the taste, these animals smell the blood.
After the incident became clear to us - one protests their
freedom not defend -
the people took up arms. Donbass risen!
To protect their families, their land,
their homeland! But even
then we were ready for a dialogue, were ready to talk.
The people did not want blood, did not want war, the
people demanded one - to
be heard.
But we would not hear from us do not even have to talk.
instead of direct and honest conversation, instead
of looking for ways to
address the people of Donbass decided
to show his place. There has been unheard
of - against his
own people was thrown army! In our house came the war!
In our
blossoming land shells began to fall, razed kindergartens,
schools, hospitals,
mines and factories were destroyed. All that
created decades our hard-working
people, destroyed most
barbarous manner. The mass executions, targeted attacks
on peaceful neighborhoods, the destruction of churches,
theaters and museums -
that saw the peaceful people,
whose only fault was that they think differently.
Yes, people dared to assert their rights, and for this
it was decided to
intimidate, punish and humiliated.
But we survived and we answered. The answer
to unleash
a war, the emergence of death squads in our land was the
of a truly national militia. Metallurgy, teachers,
doctors, miners took up
arms, stood shoulder to shoulder,
to keep out the enemy here. The enemy - this
concept again,
as many years ago, brought us together. People realized that
once again it's time to fight for their existence, we have realized
the danger
that threatened us. How many years ago, fascism
appeared at the gate. We, the
people living on this earth
- the people of Donbass, to halt the advance of
this infection.
We stopped the promotion of alien ideology, but paid a terrible
price. I will be frank: what makes our nation - a feat.
It may sound pathetic,
but it is true. But the feat of the people
consists of thousands of heroic
deeds that are made daily
civilians of our republic. Low bow our heroic
doctors. Our
doctors have worked wonders, rescuing people under the
bombs and
bullets, often as during the Great Patriotic War,
right on the front line. No
one could never think that these
characters will be peace workers mines and
factories. I will
say that you so well know and remember: every day for several
months, these people rebuild destroyed businesses, the gas
supply system, water
supply, destroyed power lines. And every
day, in spite of the incessant
shelling, staff housing and utilities
went into dangerous areas to rebuild destroyed,
eliminated the
accident, repaired the damaged life support systems. Thanks to
their selfless work, their fearlessness, and often at the cost of
their own
lives, in people's homes Donbass is light, water and
heat. Every day in our
cities were burning fires were burning
houses. Every day dozens of people are
under the rubble.
And every day, risking their lives, went to their aid
workers. Firefighters and rescue workers - perhaps their faces
and do
not remember the people they got from the rubble and
pulled out of the burning
houses. But we remember them,
remember what the heroism they showed every day.
I will
say this: every citizen of the republic contributed to the
and the establishment of our state. But this
is not the end.
I will be honest
with you - we are waiting for hard times ahead.
Yes, we now have a well-armed,
battle-worthy army. Yes, we
are well armed - and here I want to say thank you
Ukrainian army, which "heroic" gave us their arms
and ammunition.
Yes, we have achieved victories. I recall that just a
and the prevailing international situation did not let us develop
the offensive, which would lead to the complete defeat of the
Ukrainian Army
and the liberation of the whole territory of the
Republic of Donetsk. You all
remember what was September 5 -
we had 2 days prior to the taking of Mariupol.
I also want to remind
you that the outcome of the victorious advance of our
troops began
to Minsk agreements that were not more than a concession on the
of the authorities in Kiev, who realized what a disaster they
face. However, we
understand that the representatives of the war
party, whose positions strong
today in Ukraine, perceive the
prevailing truce only as a temporary respite to
regroup their
forces. They do not want peace, they are not interested
even territories under their control. These representatives
of oligarchic
capital, in alliance with corrupt officials, they want to
continue the
They learned how to make money on the blood of humans
and abandon
this "profitable" business is not going to.
That is why Ukraine are
waiting for, as we know, the next
wave of mobilization, therefore accumulates
on the borders
of confrontation heavy equipment and weapons. The fact that
is a preparation to the breakdown of peace talks, and
the beginning of
full-scale hostilities, can be judged by the
following facts. Night December 13
is fully closed airports
Kharkov, Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk. Within a few
without explanation, were banned civil flights. Let's call a
spade a
spade - this was due to the start of the informal
military assistance to
countries in the West and the US
Ukraine. Pay attention. We were regularly sent
aid, which collects the brotherly people of Russia. Convoys
escorted by representatives of international organizations:
the Red Cross, the
OSCE, representatives of other international
missions. Each truck literally
every drawer opened and checked
its contents for ammunition and weapons. We do not
mind, let
them look, searched the car - we have nothing to hide. But for
reason we have not heard that members of the same
international organizations
to monitor these airports in Ukraine.
I suspect that they did not let on a gun
And somehow sneaking suspicion that these
landed military transport plane
was brought not
semolina, buckwheat, and not even New Year's toys.
Our opponent
is prepared, and he already have international
direct military support. It can
even be taken as a compliment,
apparently, we are angered them seriously. They
started to
respect us! From all this you can make one conclusion: the
battles yet to come. But we are ready for them and,
as they say, keep your
powder dry. There is a wonderful
expression: thou shalt not feed his army -
will feed the
army of the enemy. And we are doing everything we can
to ensure
that our armed forces were shod, clothed, fully
equipped and ready to battle
any opponent. But the creation
of an efficient army, the presence of capable
forces of the
republic - it's not only our achievement. Our main victory
- is
the creation of new government agencies. Virtually
from scratch, with no
experience, in terms of staff shortage,
created by state mechanisms. Many
people were afraid to
take the initiative, a large number of experienced
have taken a wait, many of us left. Thus, for example, was
completely destroyed by the judicial system - the republic
remained virtually
no judges, prosecutors, lawyers. City left
almost all law enforcement agencies:
traffic police, the
investigating authorities, the police - most of these
were put outside the country, and a large number of staff has
remained a choice - to leave their homeland or be outlawed.
As a result, our
city and all the inhabitants of the republic remained
defenseless. Some local
authorities: local councils, municipalities,
cities, town councils also thrown
his people. They took a wait,
apparently, did not want to take responsibility
and waited where
the pendulum will swing, whose side will win and who will win.
Let's face it - they were afraid. Also hit hard medicine, and the
system has ceased to exist. By order of the leadership
of the National Bank has
been discontinued operations of all
banking institutions - removal of
employees, export or destroy
documents, disable special programs. But let's
speak plainly
- we have done almost a miracle! I'm sure the world does not
of such examples. The fact that some countries have built
over decades, we have
been able to build over months or even
weeks. In the context of war, when the
whole territory of the
republic on fire when we threw the whole army, we have
painstakingly built the state, brick by brick lining up all
of its elements.
Yes, Today we can not boast a high standard of living.
Not all government
institutions function as needed.
Working here for many more. But the process of
a new state is running, and it is irreversible. As a result
of titanic
work of thousands of our citizens have been
created all the conditions for the
gradual recovery of the
authorities, the restoration of normal and peaceful
We've got the main legislative body - the National Council,
in which a
team of true professionals and patriots of their land.
Most of the deputies of
the parliament flesh and blood people.
They fearlessly rushed to help victims
of war residents of the
republic: equipped with air-raid shelters, brought
bread to the
starving, provided transportation of persons with disabilities
frail in a safe place. Thousands of people were saved
thanks to the selfless
actions, truly the people's representatives.
We were able to keep the
industrial infrastructure, the grand,
unique resource that created our fathers
and grandfathers.
Hundreds of coal enterprises, factories, processing
metallurgical and machine-building plants, unique enterprises
chemical industry enterprises of the military-industrial complex,
research institutes - all managed to maintain. At the
November elections it is
the people gave us great confidence,
elected to the Legislative Assembly and
the head of the republic.
We have formed, I believe, effective government,
which able to
solve the most complex tasks. To be honest, work is being done,
they say, to force majeure mode. But there are positive results,
gives us
confidence in our future. In particular, we have taken
steps to ensure the food
security of the country.
Preparing planting program in 2015, which must be
for approval to the People's Council, before 20 January 2015.
creates the conditions for efficiency in the agricultural sector,
to increase
the productivity of agricultural producers, livestock
development. We performed
a comprehensive analysis of the
situation in agriculture, and the data suggest
- our residents
will be provided with quality food own production. Work is
underway to ensure financial security. Well underway to restore
the banking
system, which is already preparing the relevant bills,
deal with personnel
issues. We are in daily work with the business
community, consulting with
entrepreneurs from both the small and
the medium and large business. We are
working on the development
of legislation that regulates the taxes and fees, a
full package of
documents which will be developed within a month. I am sure
this will create a comfortable and flexible interaction between
and business, which will result in the efficient
functioning of the economy.
need to build an economic model so that every citizen of the
republic could
without delay to open a business, to feel himself the
master of his own
destiny. In short, the work is awesome.
But I want to emphasize - all the
representatives of the
power structures must remember that the political model
of our state, is already incorporated in its name
- Donetsk People's Republic.
We, the government, servants of the people,
we are the same residents and
citizens of the
country, as well as all and any privileges and
benefits we can not be. We have only one
privilege - to serve the people.
I am convinced that such an understanding is and the
deputies, and members of the government and local officials.
country, as well as all and any privileges and
benefits we can not be. We have only one
privilege - to serve the people.
I am convinced that such an understanding is and the
deputies, and members of the government and local officials.
I believe that everyone is in place, and only thinks about
thing - the prosperity of our country.
You know if the great poet of the
Vladimir Mayakovsky, lived in our time, his famous lines
sound like this,
"I know the city will, I know, the garden bloom,
Источник: http://dnr.today/news/aleksandr-zaxarchenko-obratilsya-k-narodu-dnr/
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2015: The Year of Truth – JJK:
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Emphasis by JJK.