Light Reading via Livestream
on 30 January, 2015
Message from GOD
Date: on 01/30/2015, at 6pm
Place: Palais Strudlhof,
Strudlhofgasse 10, 1090 Vienna
Strudlhofgasse 10, 1090 Vienna

Is the Ascension delayed?
channeld by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
No, nothing can be “delayed”, because this event
occurs in the eternal Now. Do the events get “delayed”
on this level of space-time? No, because with each
human Being, who steps back from his contracts,
two human Beings come along to accept their
To the extent how the ones
prematurely throw in the towel,
others bear up, attain their power
and thereby as a whole bring in the
necessary energy to the ascension
With the dependability, which is inherent in each
divine process, the ascension is being fulfilled!
May also weeks and months go by, it will be fulfilled
and the human Beings, who stand on earth in their
assignments, know this very precisely. These human
Beings remain unreached by impatience, because due
to their awakened consciousness they are protected
from being held hostage.
JJK: Today what is the most important quality,
which is necessary to have and what are the most
important courses of action, which one should do?
GOD: Quality: Love. Course of action: lovingly.
the great reconciliation with
this world and with mankind
has begun, so that light warriors,
who now leave the battlefields of
this time, are totally merged with
the vibration of Love.
The Light Reading is in German. Yet energy is not bound
language barriers and therfore every human Being, no
matter what one's language is, can experience the Light
Reading lifestream or on location.
matter what one's language is, can experience the Light
Reading lifestream or on location.
Internt-Live transfer begins at 6pm (Vienna time):
Invitation to the Light Reading - ASANA MAHATARI:
Invitation to the Light Reading - ASANA MAHATARI: