written and channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb
has seized the Now, understands it and has it
internalized, exists and acts far
from time and foremost
far from impatience. Impatience
causes unrest, brings discord
and in the soul of a human Being, who has been
captured by it,
affects permanent indisposition.
it is necessary to face this fact concretely and appropriately,
because the
process of the planetary and individual ascension is
It is one thing
to understand theoretically
the concept of the Now, yet it is an entirely
different thing to also understand it inwardly,
because only then impatience
and the waiting, for whatever, ends.
For a human Being, who waits
for his ascension,
time can become agonizingly long until then.
power of this situation over you can be taken from you,
whereby you walk across
the veil of space-time and arrive in
the space-time-less Now – also and
foremost, if you still
stand in this world due to your assignments and serve
all Life.
this reason I have decided to publish here the 9th chapter
the Now” from the book: “30 Gates to Enlightenment”
(Invocations, Exercises,
Mantras), so that being timeless in
this world already opens for all, who are
willing to go beyond
the intellectual understanding of the Now.
„You can immediately
let go of the concept of time and space,
as you lift your consciousness and sharpen
it - it is up to you,
from which position you observe life, and it is not in the
position, where life actually happens.” (Lord Maitraya)
position, where life actually happens.” (Lord Maitraya)
In gratitude to be allowed to perform this work and
in Love
J Kassl

Seize the Now,
Exercise/Part I-II
The Now can only be captured, so you direct the
attention of your thoughts towards the present moment.
The further you go astray and follow day dreams and plans
for the future, the more difficult it is, to embed in the Now.
This means, that each unrest, each expectation and waiting
comes from the mind.
Go there and Love – MASTER KUTHUMI:
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages
published on this website.
Exercise/Part I-II
The Now can only be captured, so you direct the
attention of your thoughts towards the present moment.
The further you go astray and follow day dreams and plans
for the future, the more difficult it is, to embed in the Now.
This means, that each unrest, each expectation and waiting
comes from the mind.
Impatience develops in the
mind, because it tells you,
what has to happen when, and if it does not happen, you
become reluctant, restless and you loose your balance within
yourself. So that you can arrive in the Now, you need to become
conscious of it. Because your soul feels embedded in the Now
quite naturally, it does not know any other state of being.
Observe a human Being, observe a thing, an object,
what has to happen when, and if it does not happen, you
become reluctant, restless and you loose your balance within
yourself. So that you can arrive in the Now, you need to become
conscious of it. Because your soul feels embedded in the Now
quite naturally, it does not know any other state of being.
Observe a human Being, observe a thing, an object,
something. Then look at it. And then
try to watch
it only, fixedly watching it, what shows – without evaluating it,
without judgment, without care. This is pure observation and
you are in the Now.
it only, fixedly watching it, what shows – without evaluating it,
without judgment, without care. This is pure observation and
you are in the Now.
Train this practice it at every opportunity, when your are
out and about, when you work, as you meet other people,
as you climb a mountain by yourself or you spend time on
an island. Move away from the attitude of evaluation.
Then you watch what is, in relaxation, free of any pictures,
out and about, when you work, as you meet other people,
as you climb a mountain by yourself or you spend time on
an island. Move away from the attitude of evaluation.
Then you watch what is, in relaxation, free of any pictures,
which trigger thoughts. This requires just some practice
and you
will be free.
Time disappears under such
an observation, there is no
more impatience, no waiting – although it seems that
there is nothing to do, you are very active, it is the most
awake condition of a
human Being, as he is capable of
pure observation. That is the Now.
And always, and that is at the same time the second part
of the exercise, when the mind interferes wanting to be
important, also observe that, do not judge, do not say,
that the mind should be quiet, no, also observe your
thoughts, as they come, even if they are judgemental,
observe every reaction within yourself, until everything
quietes down, is stillness and peace.
Your thoughts, which emerge from your mind, are not
used to just being observed, and as you do such, they
disappear, because they have become redundant.
The ego feels, it is unnecessary and gives up, to occupy
you furthermore with this unrest.
The most effective resource, in order
to reach stillness, is to observe the
thoughts, which cause so much unrest,
continuously and watch them as they
They are powerless against such a technique,
which robs them of any life foundation.
And always, and that is at the same time the second part
of the exercise, when the mind interferes wanting to be
important, also observe that, do not judge, do not say,
that the mind should be quiet, no, also observe your
thoughts, as they come, even if they are judgemental,
observe every reaction within yourself, until everything
quietes down, is stillness and peace.
Your thoughts, which emerge from your mind, are not
used to just being observed, and as you do such, they
disappear, because they have become redundant.
The ego feels, it is unnecessary and gives up, to occupy
you furthermore with this unrest.
The most effective resource, in order
to reach stillness, is to observe the
thoughts, which cause so much unrest,
continuously and watch them as they
They are powerless against such a technique,
which robs them of any life foundation.
Exercise that, day after day, and you will inherit the
Yes, your own thoughts are the greatest manipulator of a
Why that? Because your “own thoughts” are most of the
Yes, your own thoughts are the greatest manipulator of a
Why that? Because your “own thoughts” are most of the
time not your own. In them you find the collective consciousness;
and all manipulated thoughts, which have been created by the
collective, find entrance into your system. So most of the time
you think foreign thoughts and not your own.
Therefore there is so much unrest in your heads.
If you were totally free from them, you would think
and act in complete agreement with your soul, be in
the Now, yet you would not produce any redundant
thought loops.
So it is of great urgency, to clear all your patterns,
to let go of any opinions and concepts, and to free
your head. Then the exercise, which has been given
here, is a wonderful game, which relaxes you and does
not require any effort.
and all manipulated thoughts, which have been created by the
collective, find entrance into your system. So most of the time
you think foreign thoughts and not your own.
Therefore there is so much unrest in your heads.
If you were totally free from them, you would think
and act in complete agreement with your soul, be in
the Now, yet you would not produce any redundant
thought loops.
So it is of great urgency, to clear all your patterns,
to let go of any opinions and concepts, and to free
your head. Then the exercise, which has been given
here, is a wonderful game, which relaxes you and does
not require any effort.
You are then ready for the
“pure observation”,
as you have dismissed your thought concepts.
as you have dismissed your thought concepts.
This is now possible and happens
almost by itself,
in human Beings, who have already achieved mastery.
in human Beings, who have already achieved mastery.
I will teach all other human
Beings, to do the exercise,
to do it, until you are quiet, until you remain in the Now,
centered and anchored. 3D and 5D begin in your
consciousness. From inner to outer, that is the way.
Begin with this exercise, it serves to bind you to your inner
knowledge and to release you from all mistakes, which your
mind provides continuously.
In my love you are real, and I am amongst you, to give
instructions, which return power and might to you, because
as long as you think old thoughts and you feel old life in your
emotional body, you are excluded from the miracles,
happening day for day in front of your eyes and unfolding
in your life.
You can immediately let go of the
concept of time and space, as you
lift your consciousness and sharpen
it - it is up to you, from which position
you observe life, and it is not in the
position, where life actually happens.
Until soon you loved Ones,
The time for the harvest is now,
and I train you to become capable helpers.
Ps.: The complete digital book: “30 Gates to Enlightenment
to do it, until you are quiet, until you remain in the Now,
centered and anchored. 3D and 5D begin in your
consciousness. From inner to outer, that is the way.
Begin with this exercise, it serves to bind you to your inner
knowledge and to release you from all mistakes, which your
mind provides continuously.
In my love you are real, and I am amongst you, to give
instructions, which return power and might to you, because
as long as you think old thoughts and you feel old life in your
emotional body, you are excluded from the miracles,
happening day for day in front of your eyes and unfolding
in your life.
You can immediately let go of the
concept of time and space, as you
lift your consciousness and sharpen
it - it is up to you, from which position
you observe life, and it is not in the
position, where life actually happens.
Until soon you loved Ones,
The time for the harvest is now,
and I train you to become capable helpers.
Ps.: The complete digital book: “30 Gates to Enlightenment
Invocations, Exercises, Mantras” will shortly be published
the Lichtweltverlag. Go there and Love – MASTER KUTHUMI:
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages
published on this website.