10. Februar 2015


written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Spanking of Children is not taboo! The Pope made this 
controversial remark during his weekly general audience 
on Wednesday (02/04/2015) – which discussed the role of 
fathers in the family: For him corporal punishment is 
acceptable – as long as the dignity of the child is 

The message, the Pope considers corporal punishment 
under certain conditions appropriate, spreads like a wildfire 
at this time. During the general audience on Wednesday, 
which was about the role of the father in the family, the 
Pope praised a father, who had admitted to spank his child. 
The “Guardian” picked up the message from Radio Vatican 
on Thursday. Since then there is a lot of criticism expressed 
in the social media regarding the remarks from the Pope.

„One time, I heard a father in a meeting with married 
couples say, ‘I sometimes have to smack my children 
a bit, but never in the face so as not to humiliate them,’” 
the Pope said, “How beautiful!” “He knows the sense of 
dignity!” Pope Francis added. “He has to punish them 
but does it justly and moves on.”
(Source: orf online 02/07/2015) 


After the statement, „Human Beings should not procreate
like rabbits“ (01/18/2015), the Bishop of Rome shows himself 
again from his best side – people oriented and authentic. 
In short: the human side is shown again in “God’s 
Representative” on earth!

This time the Jesuit excretes educational advice: 
As long as you do not spank children in the face -
„how beautiful“! This statement deserves that the 
Ring of the Fisherman, the Pallium, the staff of the 
Cross and the Mitre should be taken from the Pontiff 
Maximus, that he resigns and takes up company with 
his predecessor, because he can quite certainly discuss 
the topic of child education extensively with Benedict XVI 
on eyelevel, yet implicitly far from the public.

Fact is: The Catholic Church again has a head, 
who acts beyond good and evil, a chief, who 
spreads his “infallible” wisdom among human 
Beings and thereby believes that human Beings 
will accept everything.

After all “violence in the family” is still a custom in 
many levels of society, and instead of firmly acting 
against it, the naive and childless Jorge Mario Bergoglio 
offers us his educational concept. 

„Beating, sexual abuse and psycho terror: 
UNICEF has published a worldwide study on 
violence against children and young adults. 
The results are staggering.
Violence in education: Six out of ten children between 
the ages of two to 14 years are regularly physically punished. 
This pertains to 1 billion children. Close to every sixth child 
is subjected to heavy beatings. Three out of ten adults are 
of the opinion that corporal punishment is part of education. 
The number gets larger if the level of education is less. 
In countries like Egypt, Yemen and Chad roughly 40 percent 
of the children are punished by heavy beating.“ 
(SPIEGEL ONLINE 09/04/2014:

For 1 billion children, roughly as many as there are Catholics, 
„heavy beatings“ or at least a „healthy slap‘“, Mister Bergoglio? 
Both quite well according to your taste, in order to „move on.“ 

That the world is foremost so violent, because violence 
against our children is still being used as a “method of 
education”, fully withdraws from the consciousness of 
the Pontiff, who at every opportunity calls for peace. 
No wonder that his peace pigeons, before they even 
leave the window of his residence in the Vatican, 
and before they can lift off, are torn up by ravens and 

The babbling loudly thinking Pope, a crazy one nobody
listens to? No. Pope is a Pope and many, very many, listen 
to him. The religious head of still 1.2 billion Catholics has 
power, and what he says, has an effect.

Thereby the Pope takes the “religion of love” ad absurdum, 
because instead of calling for unconditional love toward 
children, he supports one or the other violence against 
children and shows public understanding for it.

Pope Francis should read the bible accurately: 
„Fathers do not embitter your children, or they 
will become discouraged.“ Colossians 3,21 

Pope Francis should seek refuge in his abilities but not 
in his inabilities: „Violence is the last refuge of the 
incompetent.“Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) 

Pope Francis should stop to blaspheme God: 
„Whoever commits violence to the least, 
blasphemes the Creator.“
Bible, Salomon’s verses 14,31 

Pope Francis should drop his self-righteousness:
„Terrible also always in justified cases, is violence.“ 
Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) 

Pope Francis should choose kindness and not 
cruelty: „All cruelty springs from weakness.“ 
Lucius Seneca(4 BC- 65 AD) 

Pope Francis should learn to read the soul of a child: 
“Violence is illiteracy of the soul.“ 
Rita Süssmuth (77) 

Pope Francis should not fear his own weaknesses: 
„Non-violence is the weapon of the strong & violence 
is the weapon of the weak.“ 
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) 

Pope Francis should bless the children, just like 
Jesus did and meet them like Jesus: 
The blessings of the Children: Mark 10,13-16 
13People were bringing little children to Jesus for him 
to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them.
14When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, 
“Let the little children come to me, ands do not hinder them, 
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
15Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the 
kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 
16And he took the children in his arms, placed his 
hands on them and blessed them.

The Kingdom of Heaven
belongs to the Children!
If these from the “Holy Father” to violence freed 
children will give him entry to the kingdom of Heaven 
on the day of judgment, is strongly in doubt.

In summary: A Pope more to wean off from.
Someone who has understood little, but always 
pretends that he does. Thereby the Jesuit very cleverly 
portrays the impression that he is on the side of the poor, 
on the side of the weak, on the side of the disenfranchised 
and needy, just because he carries out his office in “modesty” 
and keeps a believable distance to the pageantry, which his 
predecessor liked to be with. 

Pope Francis is, measured by what he 
repeatedly says and measured by his 
ongoing ignorance, regarding the trace 
of blood of the Roman Catholic Church 
across centuries, a primitive and easily 
looked through pied piper in the chair 
of Peter. 

Alone during the “conquest of America” by the Spaniards, 
100 million human Beings were killed in the first 150 years 
in the “name of God” – the “greatest mass murder of all time”.  
(Theologian Leonardo Boff, Publik-Forum, 5/31/1991)
according to Pope John Paul II a "fortuitous guilt" 
(Spiegel special Nr. 3/2005, p. 91), because in this 
manner the Catholic faith also gained a foothold there.

And „gaining a foothold“ of the Catholic faith already 
happened with the violent conversion of Germanic and 
Slavic heroes (9th to the 12th century, tens of thousands 
dead), with the crusades (11th to 13th century, millions of 
dead), with the pogroms against Jews (11th to 14th century, 
hundreds of thousands dead), with the “Holy Inquisition” 
(13th to 18th century, roughly 1 million dead, according to 
other estimates even up to 10 million, as well as unnumbered 
tortured, mistreated and terrorized human Beings were left 
behind) (Der Spiegel, 6/1/1998) , with the “witch mania“ 
(16th to 18th century, up to 1 million dead) and with the 
murder of 750,000 orthodox Serbs in Croatia (1941-1943) 
under substantial support of Catholic priests and the Vatican 
(Karlheinz Deschner, Ein Jahrhundert Heilsgeschichte, Bd. 2, 
Köln 1983). 

To all these and further crimes of the Holy Catholic 
Church, the otherwise so talkative Pope does not 
say a single word. Nothing. 

In summary: This NWO-Pope with a „sense 
for dignity and punishment“ seamlessly gets 
in-line with the long row of predecessors, 
because instead of asking for forgiveness
for all the committed crimes, and exercising 
redemption, this horror continues to be 
hushed up.  

A Pope like many before him – and I predict the 
following: like none after him. How beautiful.

In Love
Jahn J Kassl 

Pope: Do not Procreate like Rabbits – JJK: 

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