Essay regarding the Death of Günter Grass
and the Double Standards of the Elites
Appended Grass‘s poem
from 2012: „What Must Be Said“
written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
On April 13th, 2015 one of the most significant
German language writers of current history,
Günter Wilhelm Grass (*16.10.1927), returned to
his creator. For this occasion his poem from the year
2012 “What must be said” is included at the end in
its entirety.
Double Standard of the Elites
As Grass publicly announced his participation in the
Waffen-SS in August 2006, politicians and media jumped
on him. The double
standard of our politicians and the
media had high season and that Grass had
reported his
SS-membership to the US army during his imprisonment
on May 8th,
1945, no longer had any weight.
Joachim Fest, conservative
German journalist, historian
and biographer of Adolf Hitler, said to the German weekly
Der Spiegel about Grass's disclosure: “After 60 years,
this confession comes a bit too late. I can't understand
how someone who for decades set himself up as a moral
authority, a rather smug one, could pull this off.”
and biographer of Adolf Hitler, said to the German weekly
Der Spiegel about Grass's disclosure: “After 60 years,
this confession comes a bit too late. I can't understand
how someone who for decades set himself up as a moral
authority, a rather smug one, could pull this off.”
… Grass's
biographer Michael Jürgs described the
controversy as resulting in "the
end of a moral institution".[61]
Walesa initially criticized Grass for keeping silent about
his SS membership for
60 years. He later withdrew his criticism
after reading Grass's letter to the
mayor of Gdansk, saying
that Grass "set the good example for the others."[62] On 14
2006, the ruling party of Poland, Law and Order, called on Grass
relinquish his honorary citizenship of Gdansk. Jacek Kurski,
a Law and Justice politician said, "It is unacceptable for a city
where the first blood was
shed, where World War II began, to
have a Waffen-SS member as an honorary
citizen."[63] But,
according to a 2010 poll[64][65] ordered
by city's authorities,
the vast majority of Gdańsk citizens did not support
position. The mayor of Gdańsk, Pawel Adamowicz, said that
he opposed
submitting the affair to the municipal council
because it was not for the council to judge history.[66]
(Source: Wikipedia)
CDU-Politicians Wolfgang Börnsen and Philipp Mißfelder
asked him for the return
of the Nobel Prize.
(…) Max A. Höfer, Executive of “Initiative Neue Soziale
Marktwirtschaft”, cited in the spring of 2007 in “Neue Zürcher
Zeitung”, the „penetrating moral rigors“ of Grass are
an „act
of substitution“, „which polemics
probably never exclusively
and only point to the fact, which is much more
nurtured by
the essence of concealed shame and guilt, and hoped
“that nobody would no longer let themselves
be taken
to task” by Grass.
The Nazi-Club was swung, certainly politically
The “good ones”, those, who stood on the correct side
of the
system and exercised the sovereignty of interpretation,
got worked up
about Grass’s long silence regarding his Nazi past.
And just as loud as the outcry was about Grass, just as
silent is it
today, when it deals with the war of the new
Nazis, the Kiev Junta, against
their own people.
The wall of silence regarding the events
in Donbass
are nearly as impervious, and our representatives
collaborate with
the Putsch-regime in Kiev, which
is infiltrated by Bandera fascists.
What for Hitler were the Jews, the
Gypsies and the Slavic
races in general, are for the Kiev rulers, from
and Yatsenyuk down, the Russians and anything Russian.
The gas
princess and multi billionaire Julia Timoshenko,
who obtained her unbelievable
wealth due to theft from
her own people, would like to singlehandedly shoot a
bullet into Putin’s head (“I am willing
to take up a
weapon and shoot the bastard (Putin) in his head” 2014).
From the West regarding this? Until
today silence!
Instead there is military assistance
from the USA and NATO
for the Kiev fascists, so that the genocide against their
people can be continued and can provoke a great war against
Russia. The
saber rattle at Russia’s borders completes the
picture and lets one conclude
this without misunderstanding.
Politicians collaborate with Nazis
What Grass has been accused of, namely the SS membership
of a 17-year old, today is political and media mainstream:
It is the yearlong cooperation of our politicians with the
elites, the Neoconservatives in Washington
and recently the support of the Nazi
and Bandera fascists
in Kiev.
With the small difference, that our elites are no
longer 17,
and carry a different responsibility. Grass had to endure
ridicule, while Obama, Merkel, Tusk, Mogherini, Schulz,
Juncker, Schäuble, Hollande, and whatever their name is,
quite obviously with the Kiev Nazis or the NWO
conspirators in the White House
and thereby give silent
agreement to the Bandera brigades for the genocide in
the Ukraine.
It is murder against the people, which only in its extent
still does not
reach the number of victims of the SS crimes,
yet in its manner is not inferior
in anything compared to the
Hitler Nazis.The situation in the Ukraine corresponds
percent to the classical definition of Dimitrov, fascism in its
classical and purest form«. (Stephen Lendman, 12/17/2014)
Double standards, which are absolutely sickening!
Against which a 17 year-old was then supposed to fight
against, something
our elites do not even recognize today:
fascism and its resurrection! Therefore our politicians belong,
according to “paragraph of promotion
of Nazi ideology”, in
front of an International Military Tribunal and not in a
government chair!
As a result of the
enormous suffering inflicted upon the world
by the Nazi regime, and especially
Europe, a number of European
countries have enacted laws criminalizing both the
denial of the
Holocaust and the promotion of Nazi ideology.
The aim of these laws
is to prevent the resurrection of Nazism
in Europe by stamping out at the
earliest opportunity – or to
use the phrase “to nip it in the bud” – any public
of Nazi views, whether through speech, symbols, or public
Individuals and groups
today promoting Nazism, often called
neo-Nazis, do not limit their ideology
just to anti Semitism.
Part and parcel of their message also involves hatred of
minority groups, most often individuals of African, Arab and
descent, and immigrants from non-European nations.
As a result, a number
of the European laws banning neo-Nazi
messages also ban racist and hate speech.
Some also criminalize
the denial of other genocides, most prominently the
of the Armenians.
Some of these
countries, like Germany and Austria, take these
laws very seriously and
vigilantly prosecute both speech and
behavior having any reference to Nazis and
Nazism. Others,
like Lithuania and Romania, despite laws on the books,
them sporadically.
A last set of
countries put a higher value on free speech over
the suppression of neo-Nazism
and freely allow promotion of
the Nazi message. In these countries, freedom of
the press
and freedom of speech are vehemently upheld even to the
detriment of
other rights. These countries include the
United Kingdom, Ireland and the
Scandinavian nations.
The anti-Nazi laws do
not exist in every European country.
Presently, the following European
countries have some legislation
criminalizing the Nazi message, including denial of the Holocaust:
criminalizing the Nazi message, including denial of the Holocaust:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany,
Liechtenstein, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania,
Slovakia, Spain and
Switzerland. Holocaust denial is also
illegal in Israel.
(Holocaust Denial Laws and Other Legislation
Promotion of Nazism, Prof. Michael J. Bazyler, Oppenheim
Fellow International Institute for Holocaust Studies,
Yad Vashem Professor of
Law, Whittier Law School, California,
Here I see the facts of the case clearly
fulfilled, because our
political actors are in constant connection with the
in-chief of the Ukrainian army, the illegitimate President of the
Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, as well as the illegitimate President
And this while the murder continues in
the East of the country!
And Israel?
Also here is the double standard, which
our elites have
succumbed to, the master of all lies.
While Israel manages the greatest free
air concentration
camp on earth (The 40 kilometers long and 10 kilometers
Gaza strip is surrounded by a 60 kilometer long wall,
which was erected in the
1990’s. 1.7 million people are thereby
nearly completely controlled by the
Israeli army.
The Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and
Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes, spoke in this
connection of a “huge free-air prison
without normality
and without human dignity. (, 11/18/2012)
and writes a
deep-black chapter in human history by burning
and mass murder, everyone, who
criticizes this policy, is
branded with the accusation of anti Semitism.
Besides the
expression of “conspiracy theorist” or “Nazi-Club”, “anti Semitism”
is another accusation, which has been implemented by the NWO,
in order to
silence critics.
Allegation of Nazi-Club and
Günter Grass also experienced this, when
he published the
poem “What Must Be Said” in the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”
on April
4th, 2012.
“This past week (March
2nd, 2015), Israel’s prime minister,
Benjamin Netanyahu on the invitation of US
John Boehner, addressed the US Congress on nuclear weapons
specifically how dangerous Iran would be with these
weapons of mass
destruction. Few would dispute that point
while others would go even further
asserting that none of
the countries in the Middle East should have nuclear
But, no one has made this bold statement more eloquently
Günter Grass, the 87-year old Nobel Prize laureate,
German writer
(novelist, poet and playwright) and artist
(illustrator, scepter, and graphic
Grass is best known
for his novels including The Tin Drum (1959),
Cat and Mouse (1963), Dog Years (1965), and his memoirs:
Peeling the Onion
(2007), The
Box (2010), and Grimm’s Words:
Declaration of Love (2010) but he is also known as the author
of the
controversial poem “What Must Be Said” (2012) – which
reveals the hypocrisy of the
German military when they decided
to sell and deliver a submarine that could be
used to launch
nuclear warheads against Iran.
Unfairly criticized
and declared persona non grata in Israel,
Grass has been a life long advocate
of peace and a supporter
of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. He has
criticized Germany and went on record opposing the unification
Germany, afraid the country would resume its role as a
“belligerent” nation.
What Must Be Said are
the words of a “hesitant” German to
call out both the German and the Israeli
government and
the western powers for their policies and actions on nuclear
warheads in the Middle East. The danger of selling Israel a
submarine capable
of launching nuclear warheads into Iran
is portrayed in the poem with the
question asked: Does
Israel have the right to launch a nuclear warhead onto
Iranian soil and wipe out the Iranian people because the
country may be
developing their own nuclear warheads?
And, why isn’t Israel subject to the
same supervision and
inspections as Iran? The poem points out the
of the world powers and how dangerous it is to allow nuclear
in an area fraught with tension, aggressive behavior,
and fragility.”
(Source: Anne
Paddock, Paddock Post, March 7th, 2015)
Following the publication of the poem
Grass gave several
interviews and said among others: “There are only a few
countries, which disregard UN resolutions as does Israel.
It has been pointed out often enough by the UN that the
policy has to stop, but it continues.”…
“Any criticism of Israel is the worst one can do to Israel.”
…”Israel is
not only a nuclear power, instead it also developed
into an occupation power.”(Source: Spiegel online, April 5th,
„Let any
one of you who is without sin be the
first to throw a stone at her.” (John
in Jerusalem, human Beings dropped the stones,
after Jesus put a mirror in
front of them, they felt caught
bare handed, and the woman survived. Today this
entirely different.
The greatest evildoers are as far from
any guilt or
injustice consciousness as the sun is from the earth,
and they
accuse others of the evil, which they themselves
Today the new Nazis and the Nazi
which have advanced to the highest offices of State
or to the
highest positions in the media, describe those,
who stand up against the system,
generally as Nazis,
this unquestionably under the cover of democracy.
even receive the Nobel Peace Prize, like the drone bomber
and mass murderer, US
President Barack Hussein Obama.
It is obvious that mankind has a problem:
„Civil disobedience is not our problem.
Our problem is civil
obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world
obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed
because of
this obedience…Our problem is that people are
obedient allover the world in the
face of poverty and starvation
and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem
is that people
are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and)
the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”
Howard Zinn (1922-2010) US-American Historian, Failure
to Quit
And this problem is a challenge and a chance at the
same time,
because it is necessary to withdraw from this system and to
create a
new consciousness – first in oneself!
Obeying the inner Voice
Obeying yes, but
not the system,
instead one’s inner voice!
1.) Obeying the inner voice, as one wants to
impose a new war on us, by whatever
2.) Obeying the inner voice,as one wants to kill us
with mandatory inoculation, RFID-Chips or gene food.
3.) Obeying the inner voice and not go there when
there is war.
4.) Obeying the inner voice,and not purchase
what cartels offer us.
5.) Obeying the inner voice
and reject the RFID-Chip.
6.) Obeying the inner voice
and bring your television to special recycling.
7.) Obeying the inner voice
and restrict the use of the cell phone.
8.) Obeying the inner voiceand whenever possible
avoid conventional medicine,
using medications.
9.) Obeying the inner voice
and apply alternative healing methods (i.e.
quantum healing, consciousness work).
10.) Obeying the inner voiceand make known
your standpoint and defend it
11.) Obeying the inner voice and call things by their name.
12.) Obeying the
inner voiceand trust God,
the inner voice reveals God to us.
Günter Grass has returned to his creator. What he leaves
behind for us deserves respect and the necessary appreciation.
The “inner voice” was still intact with this writer,
behind for us deserves respect and the necessary appreciation.
The “inner voice” was still intact with this writer,
the look at the world – even though with bitterness – mostly
clear and what
must be said was still said, even though with
the “last ink”.
These are attributes, which our elites in media and
politics are
cut off from. In these human Beings the “inner voice” has been
silenced, it can no longer be detected and therefore they work
themselves off
in a bold manner on personalities like
Günter Grass. Pointing with the finger
at human weaknesses
of others, they hide their own inhumanity and the resulting
crimes. Today like 2000 years ago:
„Why do you look at the speck of
sawdust in your brother's
eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own
Bible, Mathew7:3
This is with respect to the life and death of this
writer and based on my inner voice “What Still Must Be Said”!

Günter Grass: What must be said
Why have I kept silent, held back so long,
on something openly practised in
war games, at the end of which those of us
who survive will at best be footnotes?
It's the alleged right to a first strike
that could destroy an Iranian people
subjugated by a loudmouth
and gathered in organized rallies,
because an atom bomb may be being
developed within his arc of power.
Yet why do I hesitate to name
that other land in which
for years – although kept secret –
a growing nuclear power has existed
beyond supervision or verification,
subject to no inspection of any kind?
This general silence on the facts,
before which my own silence has bowed,
seems to me a troubling, enforced lie,
leading to a likely punishment
the moment it's broken:
the verdict "Anti-semitism" falls easily.
But now that my own country,
brought in time after time
for questioning about its own crimes,
profound and beyond compare,
has delivered yet another submarine to Israel,
(in what is purely a business transaction,
though glibly declared an act of reparation)
whose speciality consists in its ability
to direct nuclear warheads toward
an area in which not a single atom bomb
has yet been proved to exist, its feared
existence proof enough, I'll say what must be said.
But why have I kept silent till now?
Because I thought my own origins,
tarnished by a stain that can never be removed,
meant I could not expect Israel, a land
to which I am, and always will be, attached,
to accept this open declaration of the truth.
Why only now, grown old,
and with what ink remains, do I say:
Israel's atomic power endangers
an already fragile world peace?
Because what must be said
may be too late tomorrow;
and because – burdened enough as Germans –
we may be providing material for a crime
that is foreseeable, so that our complicity
will not be expunged by any
of the usual excuses.
And granted: I've broken my silence
because I'm sick of the West's hypocrisy;
and I hope too that many may be freed
from their silence, may demand
that those responsible for the open danger
we face renounce the use of force,
may insist that the governments of
both Iran and Israel allow an international authority
free and open inspection of
the nuclear potential and capability of both.
No other course offers help
to Israelis and Palestinians alike,
to all those living side by side in enmity
in this region occupied by illusions,
and ultimately, to all of us.
Günter Grass
• This poem was amended on 10 and
11 April 2012 after it
was revised by the translator. This was further amended
13 April 2012 to include a link to the original poem in German.
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