channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
Live like it is worthy of a human Being,
be, like it is fitting
for the gentility of a human Being and become, like God
determined it for a human Being; this is the destination of
this journey
across infinity.
Receive now the
10 Guideposts for Right Livelihood:
1.) Lead a simple life.
2.) Think clearly and on the basis of a
purified heart.
3.) Act innocently like children.
4.) Follow your inner guidance.
5.) Trust your own power.
6.) Respect all life.
7.) Take in light-filled food.
8.) Seek out light-filled locations.
9.) Surround yourself with light-filled
human Beings.
10.) Seek closeness to God.
These simple guideposts keep you on the
ground in this
stormy turning point in time and keep you on course on
the light path. And it is always the simple and easily
understood measures, which affect great things, as
they are followed exactly.
stormy turning point in time and keep you on course on
the light path. And it is always the simple and easily
understood measures, which affect great things, as
they are followed exactly.
-simplify life, whereby you put your
clear thoughts
into easily understood words and perform actions,
which can barely be misinterpreted or misunderstood.
into easily understood words and perform actions,
which can barely be misinterpreted or misunderstood.
-To act like children means to act
And to act innocently means without
egotistical hidden
agenda or motives. Look at children as they are without
intention and clear, as they express this or that, unless
parents and the
environment prohibit this mode of expression,
whereby it is expressed
differently and thereby the child
recognizes this as unwanted.
recognizes this as unwanted.
-simplify your life, whereby you do not
get attached to
wealth, and foremost then if you have substantial earthly
wealth. Property is not the burden, instead how you manage
it, and how you resonate with it. Does the property serve
wealth, and foremost then if you have substantial earthly
wealth. Property is not the burden, instead how you manage
it, and how you resonate with it. Does the property serve
you or do
you serve the property?
-Connect with your inner guidance and
trust your power.
Attain this ability and this self-confidence until this
of acting becomes flesh and blood. Begin to make courageous
without depending on second or third ones.
Begin so that mistakes are courageously admitted.
Mistakes are part of life and only whoever does not get
stopped for too long, goes on. “Mistakes” only means that
the overall picture has deficiencies, something is lacking.
The more often you make decisions, the more secure you
will become and mistakes will be less and the more
Begin so that mistakes are courageously admitted.
Mistakes are part of life and only whoever does not get
stopped for too long, goes on. “Mistakes” only means that
the overall picture has deficiencies, something is lacking.
The more often you make decisions, the more secure you
will become and mistakes will be less and the more
will be the results. Self-trust must be attained,
must be learned and with each made decision trust grows
in you and your inner guidance grows.
must be learned and with each made decision trust grows
in you and your inner guidance grows.
-Do not let yourself be guided by
anyone, instead guide
yourself, whereby you connect with your inner guidance,
which is inherent in each human Being. This is the point.
-Respect the multitude on this earth and
the multitude
of all life, which the earth brings forth. The “foreign”, this
or the “other” shall not create fear in you, instead should
be trusted. Never deny your own roots, which you have
established on earth and in this existence, and never
uproot anyone, who derives this part of his identity in
the same manner.
of all life, which the earth brings forth. The “foreign”, this
or the “other” shall not create fear in you, instead should
be trusted. Never deny your own roots, which you have
established on earth and in this existence, and never
uproot anyone, who derives this part of his identity in
the same manner.
You can feel at home everywhere.
But truly at home you are only in God.
And while this insight is gradually born
in you, it is necessary
to get strength from the roots, which the earthly home
Therefore also respect the connectedness
of a human Being
to his earthly home, to “his” country, to “his” land, and
the expression “home” positively.
Before any human Being can overcome this
world, it must be
totally accepted. And this path leads to the right handling
the expression “home” and of home itself. This is the point.
-You are what you eat! This is a true
statement, which I
confirm hereby. So pay attention to what you eat. Your
thinking and your actions are directly affected by it.
confirm hereby. So pay attention to what you eat. Your
thinking and your actions are directly affected by it.
Pure food increase your vibration,
spoiled food lower it.
Whoever wants to manifest his light,
needs light-filled
energy sources and the intake of food has a significant
role in it. Prefer vegetable sources of nutrition, animals
are your partner, your protector and companion, healer
and messenger between the worlds. Animals have not
been created to serve human Beings as a source of
nutrition! Understand this, act accordingly and change
your habits! This is the point.
energy sources and the intake of food has a significant
role in it. Prefer vegetable sources of nutrition, animals
are your partner, your protector and companion, healer
and messenger between the worlds. Animals have not
been created to serve human Beings as a source of
nutrition! Understand this, act accordingly and change
your habits! This is the point.
-Move in a light-filled environment. Pay
attention about
whom you are with. Avoid places, which do not feel good.
Do not go on empty, senseless paths, whereby you are
tempted to perform actions, which are no longer appropriate,
whereby you feel obligated to “friendships”, which have served
their turn long ago, and do not continue professional dependencies,
which should have been given up a long time ago.
whom you are with. Avoid places, which do not feel good.
Do not go on empty, senseless paths, whereby you are
tempted to perform actions, which are no longer appropriate,
whereby you feel obligated to “friendships”, which have served
their turn long ago, and do not continue professional dependencies,
which should have been given up a long time ago.
This arbitrariness distances you from
your assignments,
waters down your path of the Light and soils your thinking,
your sensations and your actions.
Whoever today still agrees to compromises,
because he does not want to
lose this and
wants to keep that, is still not ripe for further
insights and is
unsuited for the ascension.
-God is the source of your life and the
way. Seek the closeness
to God! Be active and foremost creative in it. Orient your life entirely
to God! Be active and foremost creative in it. Orient your life entirely
toward God and this means:
Think with God, speak with God, act
through God; and you will always take the
right course, find the
right words and entertain the appropriate thoughts.
To be in God’s custody means: To see
perfectly clear like glass
what is! It also means: To genuinely recognize
shadow and light,
in yourself and in the world. Because only whoever knows
knows human Beings and knows God.
And whoever has reached this step is
ready for the „ABC of Eternal Life“,
which I transfer to you on the day of the
Light manifestation in Vienna
(meant is
the Light Reading on July 31st, 2015, rem., JJK).
Clarity, simplicity and wisdom – these are the characteristics,
which a
human Being should possess, as long as he still stays
on earth.
The last steps of the
old earth are now
stepped on and wrapped in the golden
Light of God’s Love we
rise above this
I am the messenger of Life,
Which is eternal in the infinity of the
Self-Love and Affirmation of the Transformation – MASTER KWAN YIN:
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