Freedom and Healing
written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
every great celebration, which the Catholic Church carries out,
whereby the
life of Jesus the Christ is commemorated, the prevalent
and often false images,
which were implanted in human Beings of
the “Redeemer”, are uploaded.
is also the case with Christmas 2014. Why?
every commemoration of Jesus the Christ,
as the Roman Catholic Church has
contrived it, is dedicated
to suffering and pain. The dramatic end of Jesus and
his alleged
death on the cross have been very deeply imprinted in the
collective consciousness of human Beings and is passed on at the cellular level
from generation to generation. While the celebration of Jesus’s birth
is carried
out, the horrible pictures of his violent death are also uploaded,
a death,
which has never happened, yet does excellent service for the
Roman Catholic
Church, in order to continue their agenda to exert
power over frightened and
guilt-ridden human Beings.
Not a single Roman Catholic celebration
manages without
the subtle message of suffering, blood and pain, because
celebration is done under the cross and is decorated
with Jesus hanging on the
cross. Whoever bows his knees
under this symbol
remains obligated to suffering and is far
from freedom.
the celebration of Christmas is superbly qualified to
enliven these inner
illusions in human Beings, whereby life
continues in fear and guilt. Just the
fact that this celebration
is carried out by more than 1 billion
Vatican-Catholics creates
an extremely powerful collective energy field,
wherefrom only
very few can withdraw.
of the Cross
Whoever gathers under the symbol of the
cross or sings
the praise, and whoever carries out this celebration without
reflection, will always be crushed by the burden of the cross
and can never be
reached by the energy of Love and the Light
of the Ascended Ones, which
emanated from Jesus.
have an effect and human Beings succumb to them;
even then, when the individual
human Being is not at all
conscious of it.
is a sick and sickening game for human Beings, a game,
which the Roman Catholic
Church has contrived as an end in
Beings stay behind uncertain, remain captured in
their guilt and seek comfort and counsel, foothold and
refuge from their torturers. The calves choose their butchers
themselves and follow them until death.
their guilt and seek comfort and counsel, foothold and
refuge from their torturers. The calves choose their butchers
themselves and follow them until death.
goal of this propaganda has been and is, to never let
human Beings come into their own divine power.
The self-determined and self-conscious direct binding to God,
like it was taken for granted by the gnostic early church, is
impossible for those, who have been polluted by Catholic
human Beings come into their own divine power.
The self-determined and self-conscious direct binding to God,
like it was taken for granted by the gnostic early church, is
impossible for those, who have been polluted by Catholic
As long as pictures of suffering and
even when only in “trace elements”, exist
in us, the door to insights is locked and
the door to the Light cannot be opened.
even when only in “trace elements”, exist
in us, the door to insights is locked and
the door to the Light cannot be opened.
too many of us still experience ourselves as “unworthy”,
in order to enter
under the “roof of the Lord”. And it is exactly
this condition, which closes off
the access to divine recognition
for all “believers”. We all originate directly
from the Creator,
come forth from the Source of sources and are truly Gods in
human Gestalt.
„Verily, verily, I say unto you,
He that believeth on me,
the works that I do shall he do also; and greater
than these shall he do (John 14,12
are Creators and omnipresent as well as almighty
entities of the Light. We can
do, what also Jesus has
done, and even still much more….
it is this truth, which instantly frees human Beings from
their self-doubt and
their self-denial that is cloaked in secrecy.
Catholic Doctrine
not a single word over it and if, then it is so hidden or
falsely or
re-interpreted that human Beings continue to go
astray and must remain far from
birth of the savior, a celebration of joy and of Grace,
which every year is
symbolically celebrated on December 24th
(winter solstice), is
entirely devalued, because the joy of his
birth is subverted by the bitter
taste of his impending death,
because only then does his birth also have any
The Roman Catholic Church keeps
human Beings away from any profound
and individual recognition of God.
human Beings away from any profound
and individual recognition of God.
doctrines and belief concepts, which are recited during
every High Mass, confirm
it as well as the prayer wheel
statements from its priests, bishops and popes,
from such celebrations.
the center of this religion and its representatives are
suffering and death,
guilt and sin, with the goal to carry
out earthly lordship due to these
instruments. Neither joy
nor Life are prayed to, it is pure idolization of dark
which therefore is equal to the idolization of the devil.
Roman Catholic Church as the self-proclaimed “guardian
of values” is worthless,
because the most precious good of a
human Being, the direct binding to God, on
all levels, subtly or
obviously, is sabotaged and undermined.
human Being freed of guilt and self-conscious is its greatest
enemy, because
for his “salvation” he no longer needs an
institution. This makes any church
useless and the church
in Rome also knows this precisely and therefore is with
means set against its insignificance.
summary this means:
if under the cross a loving crib is built,
every celebration of Christmas is
by the symbol of the cross. Also
this celebration of
Christmas awakens guilt feelings in many human Beings,
when one rarely experiences this in the air filled with
incense of a church.
With effective folklore and romanticism
lulled in, most church attendants feel
“unworthy” and “little”
with respect to the exaggeration of a false Jesus image
– still.
dark magic of the Roman Catholic Church affects in such
a manner and the
images, which for 1600 years are being evoked
and recalled in human Beings, so
that human Beings remain
completely and utterly surrendered to it. Whoever can
unrestrictedly exercise lordship over thoughts, the conscience
sensations of human Beings is indeed truly powerful.
And the church exercises
this power cleverly and frivolously.
I invite all human Beings, who are willing, to free
themselves now from all
false inner images and programming,
which are still or already again effective.
us utilize Christmas 2014 in order to liberate ourselves
from the curse of the
church and foremost, in order to free
ourselves from any guilt, from any guilt
confessions and from sin.
this occasion I have decided to publish now at the
time of Christmas and at
this site the “Invocation” from
the book “The Jesus biography, my life on
earth, Part I”
with two additional messages (“Love your Neighbor”, “Stigmata”).
those readers, who already know this “Invocation”
or the book in total as a
deepening, and for those,
who are still not entirely familiar with it, as
and liberation.
human Being, who is now ready for it, can attain this
liberation now! Then
nothing stands in the way for the celebration
of Love and freedom, then all
inner programming and images of
the sinner have dissolved, and then the ground
for self-recognition
has been stepped on and the level of Love for God has been
– and only then – occurs whereof the Roman Catholic
Church is most afraid and
wherefrom it wants to keep us:
Knowledge, awareness and enlightenment; the
union of a
human Being with God.
up. Liberate yourselves from the
shackles of the Roman Catholic Church,
which has only one thing on its mind:
To view mankind also after Christmas
2014 as under-age Beings instead
shackles of the Roman Catholic Church,
which has only one thing on its mind:
To view mankind also after Christmas
2014 as under-age Beings instead
of awakened Gods.
In Love
Jahn J Kassl

I ask you, Jesus Christ, to transform
ideas of suffering and guilt through your Light.
ideas of suffering and guilt through your Light.
I ask you for your presence and for
your Light
of Love.
of Love.
I am now ready to let go and to recognize
that my joy, my peace, my kindness and
my love are the powers, which blossom now.
I am ready to separate myself from all
distressed thoughts, the pain-filled
feelings about your demise on earth.
distressed thoughts, the pain-filled
feelings about your demise on earth.
Please cut now the energetic bonds so
that I may face your countenance.
that I may face your countenance.
I recognize you as the one you are.
As my brother, who shows me my own
beauty and accompanies me during the
now upcoming journey, back to God.
beauty and accompanies me during the
now upcoming journey, back to God.
I am now ready to let go of all suffering!
I am free of any guilt and of pain.
I am who I am!
Love, Peace, Joy and Happiness.
God’s eternal Light.
Beloved Jesus, I thank you.
My Heart is eternally joined with
your Heart. I am that I am!
your Heart. I am that I am!
In Eternity, Amen.
This is an excerpt
of the book “Jesus Biography, My Life on Earth, Part I"
will probably be available in Marc 2015 from Lichtweltverlag.
Christmas 2013 – JAHN J KASSL:
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever
on the texts / messages
published on this website.
published on this website.