written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Honored Readers,
Honored Readers,
Peace Price Nobel drone, psychopath and mass murderer,
US President Barack
Hussein Obama comments the torture report
of the US Senate with unbelievable
offhandedness and absolutely
disdaining of human Beings: “Today is also a reminder that upholding
the values we profess doesn’t make us weaker, it makes us stronger
the values we profess doesn’t make us weaker, it makes us stronger
and that the United States of America will remain the
greatest force
for freedom and human dignity that the world has ever known.”
is a distressful report, which was exactly expected like that,
and Obama indeed
uses the word “human dignity” in this context.
it is one thing to suppose it and it is something entirely
different, if the
assumptions become certainty.
report from Michael Snyder confirms the brutality,
which for some time the US
governments go ahead with
and confirms once more that the USA has degenerated
a totally fascist Nation a long time ago. This
is a fact, which
many human Beings still shut themselves off from and it is
foremost human Beings of the New Age scene.
I have decided to publish this vivid article
(nothing for weak nerves!) also in
the Lichtwelt portal.
is high time that we describe Obama
and the rat pack in Washington as what
are: a rotten devious brood
of vipers in the atrium to hell.
“You brood of
vipers! Who warned you to flee from
the coming wrath? 8 9 The ax is already at the root
of the trees,...” (Luke 3,7).
the coming wrath? 8 9 The ax is already at the root
of the trees,...” (Luke 3,7).
truth is not only reasonable for human Beings,
but it is absolutely essential
on the road from insight t
o healing. This
also includes the spread out “torture truth”
of the USA in the following
Because only based on such PUBLISHED unimaginable
Because only based on such PUBLISHED unimaginable
facts can and will some human Beings
wake up.
prevails – nonetheless! Yet once we remove everything
that does not vibrate in
Love. How? Whereby human Beings
remove at the very first their false and
watered-down images,
which they still have of Obama & Co.
everything will be on its right path,
because whoever faces the truth
to him darkness can do nothing.
of the darkest chapters of US exercise of power is
described here. May the time
be close, when such crimes
occur very far from us, because we have overcome
space-time and we have realized ourselves on highly
vibrating Light levels
of All-That-Is.
I trust in it.
In Love
Jahn J Kassl
I trust in it.
In Love
Jahn J Kassl

Horrific Torture Report Shows Why
Much Of The World
Considers America
To Be The Nazis Of The 21st Century
written by Michael Snyder, on December 9th, 2014
Good guys do not sadistically torture people.
Good guys do not sadistically torture people.
guys do not threaten to sexually abuse the
family members of their prisoners,
and they certainly
do not forcibly ram things up the rear ends of those in
their custody. One of the greatest dangers that our
country is facing is
the fact that we are not passing on
what it means to be “American” to future
Once upon a time, Americans were the good guys.
now, instead of fighting the Nazis we are behaving
just like them. The
details of the Senate torture report that
was just released are almost too horrifying to talk about.
We must talk
about them though, because we are losing
our soul as a nation. So please
be warned – this article is
going to be quite graphic. The reason for
this is so that we
can all take a long, hard, honest look at what we have
After everything that has happened, top politicians from both
political parties are still standing up and defending those that
conducted and
authorized this torture. The rest of the world is
watching this, and the
number of people that are absolutely
convinced that America is pure evil is
growing by the day.
By not loudly condemning this torture and bringing
perpetrators to justice, we add fuel to the fire of those that
hate this country, and we make it more likely that Americans
will be targets of violence all over the planet.
perpetrators to justice, we add fuel to the fire of those that
hate this country, and we make it more likely that Americans
will be targets of violence all over the planet.
There are very few people that are more outspoken about
the evil of Islamic terrorism than I am.
But there is no way that we will ever defeat
Islamic terrorists by becoming just like them.
But there is no way that we will ever defeat
Islamic terrorists by becoming just like them.
When I was growing up, I was taught that Americans never
torture their prisoners. That was something that the Russians,
the Nazis,
the Chinese and the North Koreans did. We were the
“good guys”, and so I
was taught that we always treated our
prisoners humanely. Oh how things have changed.
The following is a summary of some of the details from the
Senate torture report that just came out. As a nation, we
should be
deeply, deeply ashamed of what our government
has been doing…
- We kept prisoners awake in "stress “stress
for 180 hours
for 180 hours
- We waterboarded prisoners until they started vomiting
- One prisoner died of hypothermia
while chained to the floor
- At least five prisoners were subjected to a procedure
as “rectal
- Prisoners were routinely paraded
around naked with their hands
shackled above their heads
- One detainee was “chained to
the ceiling, clothed in a diaper,
and forced to go to the bathroom on himself”
- Prisoners were regularly subjected to mock
executions during
which they believed that they were about to be
- U.S. interrogators regularly threatened to physically
rape and sexually abuse the families of prisoners
And of course this report only focused on a small portion
of the prisoner abuse that has been going on all over the
world for more than a
Once again, I want to warn you that the material
in this
next section is quite graphic.
But Americans need to be faced with the horrific
That is the only way that things will ever change.
The sadistic behavior of American personnel at the Abu
Ghraib Confinement Facility in 2003 is almost too horrible
for words. The
following are highlights from an official U.S.
Army report about the events
that took place at that prison
that you can find at Are
these the kinds of
things that “good guys” would do?…
*Punching, slapping, and kicking detainees;
jumping on
their naked feet
*Forcibly arranging detainees in various sexually explicit
*Forcibly arranging detainees in various sexually explicit
positions for photographing
*Forcing naked male detainees to wear women’s underwear
*Forcing groups of male detainees to masturbate themselves
while being photographed and videotaped
*Arranging naked male detainees in a pile and then
on them
*Positioning a naked detainee on a MRE Box,
with a sandbag
on his head, and attaching wires
to his fingers, toes, and penis to simulate
electric torture
*Placing a dog chain or strap around a naked detainee’s
neck and having a female Soldier pose for a picture
*A male MP guard having sex with a female detainee
*Using military working dogs (without muzzles) to
and frighten detainees, and in at least one case biting and
injuring a detainee
*Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric
liquid on detainees
*Sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and
perhaps a
broom stick
Have you seen enough yet?
But perhaps even more disturbing is the way
that the rest
of the country is responding to these
Where is the overwhelming public outrage?
Where are the calls for those involved in all of this
torture to be fired from their jobs and arrested?
It has now been documented that the CIA blatantly
lied to
Congress and to the American people over and
over about their sadistic torture
of prisoners.
So who is being held accountable?
Who is losing their jobs at the CIA?
Who is going to prison?
Sadly, the truth is that this torture report will be
for about 48 hours and then it will disappear from the
news cycle.
And Barack Obama sounds like he has absolutely no
intention of ever holding anyone accountable for what
happened. The
following is an excerpt from a statement
that he just made regarding this terror report…
“No nation is perfect. But one of the strengths that makes
America exceptional is our willingness to openly confront our
past, face our
imperfections, make changes and do better.
Rather than another reason to
refight old arguments, I hope
that today’s report can help us leave these
techniques where
they belong—in the past. Today is also a reminder that
upholding the values we profess doesn’t make us weaker,
it makes us stronger
and that the United States of America
will remain the greatest force for
freedom and human dignity
that the world has ever known.”
The “greatest force for freedom and human dignity”?
He has got to be kidding us.
And of course neocons such as Dick Cheney are staunchly
defending the use of torture…
Former Bush vice president Dick Cheney staunchly defended
interrogation program, telling the New York Times it was
‘absolutely, totally justified’.
He denied the CIA withheld any information,
and emphasized
the program had been vetted by
the Justice Department.
‘As far as I’m concerned, they ought to be decorated,
criticized,’ he said of the CIA interrogators.
When our politicians make statements such as this,
make the world a more dangerous place for Americans.
Right now, there are hundreds of millions of people around
the planet that truly believe that the United States is the
most wicked nation
on the globe. And when we sadistically
torture our prisoners, we give
them a reason to feel that way.
Therefore they feel justified when they
commit heinous acts of
terror against us.
If we do not want the rest of the world
to compare us to Nazi Germany, we have
got to quit behaving like Nazi Germany.
to compare us to Nazi Germany, we have
got to quit behaving like Nazi Germany.
And of course the torture of prisoners is just one
area where this is true. For
many more, please see my
previous article entitled “25 Signs That
America Is Rapidly
Becoming More Like Nazi Germany“.
Please share this article with as many people as you
I know that some of the material in this piece is quite graphic,
we have got to wake the American people up while we still
have time. Our
nation is coming apart at the seams, and we
desperately need a change in direction.
About the author: Michael T. Snyder is a graduate of the
About the author: Michael T. Snyder is a graduate of the
University of
Florida law school and he worked as an attorney
in the heart of Washington D.C. for a number of years. Today,
Michael is best known for his work as the publisher of The
Economic Collapse Blog (
Michael and his wife, Meranda, believe that a great awakening is
coming and they are working hard to help bring renewal to
Russia Has Western Enemies, Not Partners – Paul Craig Roberts:
in the heart of Washington D.C. for a number of years. Today,
Michael is best known for his work as the publisher of The
Economic Collapse Blog (
Michael and his wife, Meranda, believe that a great awakening is
coming and they are working hard to help bring renewal to
America. Michael’s latest novel is “The Beginning Of The End”
Russia Has Western Enemies, Not Partners – Paul Craig Roberts:
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