From the Book: "Master-Dialogues"
Volume I, Chapter 3
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb
Conversation with Sananda
JJK: The situation that a dark source was able to interfere
with my channeling and to determine it, still preoccupies me
(see the message «Massive attacks of the dark ones»:
Also the question is raised in my mind, what has to be done,
so that this can be absolutely avoided and the question,
what are the conditions, in order to carry out this work at all?
To carry it out, so that clean and pure messages come
through – and only those!?
SANANDA: I am omnipresent in this world, which now
enters rapidly into the phase of realization of the
transformation on all levels. Your questions are of great
importance, because many feel competent, but really are not
and some are, and do not recognize their assignments.
At the very first it is important to understand that the
dark «adversaries» on this level have power. Power,
which they now lose, yet it is still sufficient, in order
to bother light warriors of the first and last hours.
This fact has been very vividly put in front of your eyes,
so that your attention regarding this is maintained.
This game is still a game of strength, whereby the
dark warriors constantly challenge the warriors of Light,
also, even though the light warriors have become tired
of this struggle a long time ago.
With respect to you, with this visit of the dark force,
it was about to maintain your attention in this specific
area and with this specific entity, which with an army of
desperate and hate filled comrades-in-arms, wants to
leave a scorched earth behind, wherever it seems possible.
So much about this.
Can dark influence on messages be absolutely avoided?
No, as long as the worlds still overlap, this possibility exists.
Yes, if watchfulness is always given, then the dark forces
must yield, because any «foreign occupation» will be
dispelled, even before they are up to mischief.
Two different answers and both are correct.
Quality of a light-filled Message
What are the necessary conditions, so that a sufficiently
light-filled, a generally truthful and a message carried by
God’s Love can come through? What are the characteristics
of a human Being, in order to be able to channel a light-filled
message from Heaven?
The answer for it is simple: The condition is an extensive
purification of the energy field. This is what counts. Many
human Beings, who say of themselves that they receive
messages from the Light, do not fulfill these preconditions
or to a very low extent. Thereby a lot of confusion is spread
among human Beings, because dark messages are given out
as light-filled ones. Many human Beings, who have stepped
unto the path of Light, regard the first insights on the path
as sufficient achievements, utilize the first moments, when
their Being opens in order to attract Beings from the other
world into their energy field.
Thereby it remains hidden to them, how manifold the levels
are and that a «voice» from the other world can be as polluted
and dark, as the voices, which can be perceived in this visible
world. Meaning:
Many channel mediums begin too early with this work
and many do it, without proper correspondence with
their heavenly assignments.
Meaning that they completely miss their vocation,
only through this work they receive a certain attention,
a certain self worth, which in most cases they very much
would have to do without. The solution is the purification
of this lack and not to compensate the lack through an extra
ordinary – yet not fully ripened – capacity, which one pretends
to have.
JJK: Meaning that there is too many channel
mediums, or many, who think they are, but really are not?
SANANDA: Yes. The fact that in the last decades many
inner channels have opened up for many human Beings,
does not automatically mean that everyone should carry
out this work as a channel for the spiritual Light levels.
While a considerable number of human children still push
in front of them their own unpurified blockages, they regard
the first insights along the Light path as so significant, so
that they build up these universal truths and proclaim
themselves as Masters, yet before the mastership has
actually been attained.
A truly clean message can only be manifested
by those, who are fully conscious of the whole
process, the many different levels and also of
the forces, which can affect the transmission,
and not those, who open themselves arbitrarily, in order to
offer a platform for any guests for their shady intentions.
You may remember that I had to brake off a transmission
from my side, because a clean transmission was no longer
guaranteed due to certain centrifugal forces on both sides
of the veil. This always needs to be considered, because it
is easy to channel; yet it is extremely taxing, requires a clear
human spirit and a purified inner Being, as it is called for in
order to bring pure divine Light vibration and the truth from
the Light realms of All-That-Is into the density of words,
which are available for it.
Do Moods have an effect?
JJK: I also ask myself with my work that I myself
am sometimes subjected to certain moods. Do they
have an effect on my channelings and if yes, how?
SANANDA: Here a wildly distributed misunderstanding
needs to be eliminated. Many human Beings believe
that an extremely meditative and inner balanced condition
is required. No, this is not at all always necessary.
Yet what is always required, is a fundamentally purified
Being, then the actual mood is secondary and even
insignificant. Foremost one needs to understand one thing:
The heavenly Light Beings also utilize the different moods of
a human Being, in order to bring through certain messages.
For instance, if you, Jahn, are not amused about the
developments on earth and you are in your thoughts and
emotionally preoccupied with them, this is a very good
fertile soil for us, in order to transmit a message in clear
Here it is about resonance. We go in resonance with you and
you with us. The best transmission is then possible – naturally
on the basis of a substantially purified consciousness – as the
medium is already familiar with the issue and not as it writes
it down on a totally «white piece of paper».
The soil for a clear, truthful and light-filled message
is always prepared and this in different manners.
JJK: Sometimes I also experience that I am
totally switched off during the message?
SANANDA: Yes, this is the case then, when we want to
bring through specific and totally new issues. Issues,
which your daily consciousness rarely touches. This is
a method, which you have agreed to, as the modality
of our work was defined. Therefore it is possible for us
to transmit some messages, which are truly unique in
this world. Your «unwritten spirit» is here of great
significance and this form of cooperation with the
Light forces of All-That-Is is part of your assignments.
Transformation Work is essential!
Whereby we have arrived at the assignments.
Know beloved Ones:
It is essential that you recognize
what you came for to do!
Then everything is on its right and good path.
Then you will be well prepared for the
work of channeling, if this is part of your pathway.
Precondition, in order to clearly recognize your own
assignments, is the implicit will for your own transformation
work. During this process the assignments are gradually revealed
to you. Yet these remain pure speculation, as long as you flee from
this profound work on your inner Being.
You will attract harm, if you stand still in your purification
or you begin too early with certain abilities, which already
loom, yet are not ripe enough.
Because the half-knowing ones
or half enlightened ones are welcome information carriers for
the sluggish forces from different levels of All-That-Is.
Thereby false messages and messages from sluggish
worlds often creep into our reality.
JJK: Besides my many lives, which have predestined me
for this work, have I for more than three years and without
knowing what for, been intensively prepared for this work?
Can a human Being prepare for the activity of channeling,
whereby he makes this decision, just like the choice of a
Old Souls
SANANDA: Yes, this is actually possible, as a human Being
is truly destined for it. And to some human Beings this will
also be distinctly conveyed, even before they truly begin with
their own purification.
Meaning, these human Beings receive dream pictures or life
circumstances and encounters, which focus them on their
assignments, so that they turn around or awaken and accept
their assignments. This «wake-up call» reaches mostly «old souls»,
whose time for a turn-around has become short. This means that
«old souls» enjoy a special treatment from their Light families,
because it is these souls, who were fitted with high assignments
as they came to this world. Each old human soul, whose eternal
assignments remain hidden, will be offered many possibilities
for the attainment of the knowledge, because the soul essence
has a degree of maturity, which makes this possible.
JJK: «Old Souls» therefore enjoy a somewhat
more encompassing accompaniment on earth?
SANANDA: Yes. The appropriate accompaniment,
which they have acquired through many great deeds
in different incarnations. This does not yet apply to a
young soul.
Recognition of «light-starved» Messages
JJK: How can «light-starved» messages be most clearly
recognized? I think often of the fact that I have been
given very many profound messages, which do not lack
anything in distinctness – also «personal» messages were
among them. Following it, these were regarded as
«light-starved» by some human Beings – mostly those,
who were affected by it. Naturally I am also aware that
often times it is exactly these messages, which can break
the «ice of spiritual ignorance» in human Beings and these
events are only possible due to an extremely high and clear
vibration. But what is the orientation for these human Beings?
SANANDA: Each human Being orients according to his own
resonance field and attracts into his life what shall come
into his life at a certain moment.
work. During this process the assignments are gradually revealed
to you. Yet these remain pure speculation, as long as you flee from
this profound work on your inner Being.
You will attract harm, if you stand still in your purification
or you begin too early with certain abilities, which already
loom, yet are not ripe enough.
Because the half-knowing ones
or half enlightened ones are welcome information carriers for
the sluggish forces from different levels of All-That-Is.
Thereby false messages and messages from sluggish
worlds often creep into our reality.
JJK: Besides my many lives, which have predestined me
for this work, have I for more than three years and without
knowing what for, been intensively prepared for this work?
Can a human Being prepare for the activity of channeling,
whereby he makes this decision, just like the choice of a
Old Souls
SANANDA: Yes, this is actually possible, as a human Being
is truly destined for it. And to some human Beings this will
also be distinctly conveyed, even before they truly begin with
their own purification.
Meaning, these human Beings receive dream pictures or life
circumstances and encounters, which focus them on their
assignments, so that they turn around or awaken and accept
their assignments. This «wake-up call» reaches mostly «old souls»,
whose time for a turn-around has become short. This means that
«old souls» enjoy a special treatment from their Light families,
because it is these souls, who were fitted with high assignments
as they came to this world. Each old human soul, whose eternal
assignments remain hidden, will be offered many possibilities
for the attainment of the knowledge, because the soul essence
has a degree of maturity, which makes this possible.
JJK: «Old Souls» therefore enjoy a somewhat
more encompassing accompaniment on earth?
SANANDA: Yes. The appropriate accompaniment,
which they have acquired through many great deeds
in different incarnations. This does not yet apply to a
young soul.
Recognition of «light-starved» Messages
JJK: How can «light-starved» messages be most clearly
recognized? I think often of the fact that I have been
given very many profound messages, which do not lack
anything in distinctness – also «personal» messages were
among them. Following it, these were regarded as
«light-starved» by some human Beings – mostly those,
who were affected by it. Naturally I am also aware that
often times it is exactly these messages, which can break
the «ice of spiritual ignorance» in human Beings and these
events are only possible due to an extremely high and clear
vibration. But what is the orientation for these human Beings?
SANANDA: Each human Being orients according to his own
resonance field and attracts into his life what shall come
into his life at a certain moment.
The distinction, the recognition
of messages and the right allocation
of it, requires exactly the same purified
energy field, as the reception of messages.
An unconscious, in his energy field polluted human Being
is never in the position to make a clear distinction, no matter
in which field. Therefore there is no general rule, because what
is fear producing for one, is purifying for the other, etc.
The field, wherein this experience is played out, is truly very,
very wide.
Yet I would like to mention a basic rule for orientation:
Always connect the message with the messenger!
Is the human Being, who passes on this message,
«credible» or is this human Being besieged by a multitude
of unresolved issues. Also look this human Being into the
eyes and into his face. Look at their life, does it agree with
what they do as a spiritual medium, or are unresolved issues
stuck in their cells. Are the words in agreement with the
gestures and the gestures in agreement with their actions?
In short: Apply the method, which you apply quite often,
whereby you examine a human Being for his credibility,
what means, to compare the life and the vibration of a
human Being with what he does. Because it is always true:
Each human Being can be recognized by the fruits of their
actions. You recognize this quite easily in the look and the
face of a human Being. Is this look clear or unclear, what are
the facial features? This is the best resource in order to bring
into harmony the messenger with the message, because an in
himself unclear human Being can never channel a clear message
and operates on a low vibrating level of Creation.
Actual Space-Time Events
In conclusion these words regarding the
actual space-time events on this level.
1) The healings of physical as well as subtle levels
in all human bodies fulfill themselves in all light
warriors of the first and last hours.
2) The number of ascending ones increases,
while the number of unconscious human Beings
is still very large.
3) The quality of the ascending ones turns this world
into the Light, and it has no more significance that
many human Beings – also «old souls» – have decided
4) The stronger the impression of a great world
fire expands, the closer is the uplifting.
The great time has come.
In infinite Love
Master-Dialogues, Volume I - JAHN J KASSL:
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