channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Dream: I am elected or appointed to the
ultimate Regent of this or a similar world.
It opens up to me that even the Pope has to comply
with my orders. I notice how this message apparently
spreads to all human Beings on this earth simultaneously
and how they suddenly meet me with the typical respect,
which subordinate human Beings have toward authority.
I sense this as very unpleasant. Then a woman appears.
She carries my crown on a sachet. With a coup de main
I sweep it from the sachet and I notice that it is made
of paper. (End of dream)
„My Kingdom is not of this World!“
Beloved Ones,
A dream picture, which shows that after the ascension
of a human Being into the Light of the fifth dimension
or beyond, each “crown” loses in fascination on a lower
vibrating level and is rejected by such a human Being.
Sense of the Dream Picture
This dream picture has been given so that you
may gain another indication about your multidimensionality.
The builder of new worlds, which you are, carries out most
different functions, even already now. And therefore you are
the Regents on lower frequency worlds, so that worlds grow
and human Beings can awaken. You exercise these tasks far
from the conscious awareness on this level; this is still
impossible in any other way. Your consciousness is still
limited on this level and not schooled enough so that you
could perceive yourself in your manifold expansions from
this level.
Yet this is ongoing and your awareness expands and increases
daily in every respect. Until then the developments and events
on further levels of All-That-Is, which you are connected with or
where you work, as it is required, will be recorded in you due
to dreams, meditations or visions.
This means that your multidimensional reality as Creator God
has not only created new worlds, but you simultaneously express
yourself in these worlds, as Master or as Kings – or as a Regent
of a whole world, like in the dream picture.
This service is mostly a great challenge for you, because your
need for respect and power has been extinguished and you know
the ways of a civilization and thereby also the efforts of its
You have solely decided for this service for the reason so
that growth, insight and enlightenment of all Beings of this
still unconscious culture becomes possible.
And you are on-site there in the most significant position,
which a world like this one can offer: as unrestricted and
unlimited Logos-Regent of these worlds.
Status of the Regent
In these societies of 4D worlds you enjoy a preeminent
status so that you can make decisions per mandate,
which serve the benefit of all.
Everything is possible for a Creator God, even though
such a Being, as he stands in service in a world defined
by limitations, must basically also submit to these limitations.
Yet in individual cases you may, due to the power of you’re given
almightiness divert suffering and directly foster happiness;
self-determined and all knowing.
Far from any ego attachment, far from any personal identification
of power, you carry out this service for these worlds. Even the
Popes are subordinate to you, which underscore your unique
This encompassing abundance of the power of creation has
been given to you so that lengthy decision processes or warlike
controversies between the different Peoples of this world are
minimized or eliminated.
In these worlds, which will be inhabited by the remaining
ones of this time and by new soul expressions, it is mostly
about to awaken as quickly as possible. The evolution of this
society and the transformation of individual Beings are molded
mostly far from experiences of pain and suffering. Therefore the
most effective instruments were handed over to you, because
truly: The Regents of the different 4D levels are released
from any discourse with the ignorant ones.
And you are the ones, who have been installed
in order to lead these worlds directly into the Light.
And yet your Kingdom is not of one of this world!
Crown, respect or power cannot dazzle you, because
your kingdom is far from those worlds – in Heaven.
And you are always fully aware of this fact.
Thereby you are incorruptible servants of humanity,
which first rambles upwards, on the vines of the Lord,
you are vine and grape, fruit and juice at the same time.
You are what you are: Angels descended from Heaven,
adored as Gods by human Beings yet still not being
recognized as Gods. This means: Many human Beings,
who act as Logos-Gods, are themselves present in this world,
which they have created and have breathed into Life:
As Logos-Regents of this world.
The specific nature of a Logos-God is that he creates
new worlds, guides them due to the power of his almighty
spirit and if necessary will make himself visible and manifest
to the Beings.
The creation of worlds is a constantly continuing process
and will be fostered and determined due to the constant
attention of the underlying Logos of the world.
You are eternal, imperishable and immortal.
Today this knowledge is given to the Masters of this
time and to the soon-to-be ascended Masters, so that
you can expand your horizon.
Because before the ascension of this world, as well as
after the ascension of this
world, the ascension of many
worlds will continue; and you, the new Logos-Gods of this
earth, are part and an essential thrust force of all these
universal processes.
You are few, to whom this applies and who look forward
to the journey to Heaven in a human garment. Yet your
power exceeds any earthly limitation and becomes the
all-determining reality in the last days in this world,
which the dark ones have nothing more to oppose to.
Your kingdom is neither of this or any other low vibrating
world. And yet the scepter of the regency for those worlds
has been handed over to you. The reasons for it are obvious
and are being presented here.
You possess the degree of maturity for it, because
who has redeemed his human issues and has transformed
himself into a Creator God, is enabled to serve the world,
which he himself has created – and yet is not part of it.
And you are enabled beyond all measures.
You rebuff earthly attributes of power, as a victor,
who has triumphed due to himself, rebuffs the wreath
of victory, because no impermanent laurel can do justice;
you know your assignments and your home in Heaven.
The one, who has God, has everything!
The one, who is God, is all!
And the one, who has all and is all,
it is alien to him what is significant to
the ignorant one.
You are the Regents of these worlds and many of you
have decided to enter into form in these worlds, so that
Life, which you have breathed into reality, will be offered
the possibility for enfoldment.
And hierarchical structures are necessary on these levels,
because otherwise the whole society would get lost. And
you are at the top of this hierarchy - as Logos-Regents
of these worlds.
Why is this presented here, if it applies to so few?
So that those, to whom this apples, recognize what
the Now-concept incorporates and so that you may
recognize a further aspect of your infinite Being.
And so that those, who hear and see about this,
have a silent notion of where the human journey
goes at the end of every human Being, where it
flows into: because truly: what is reserved for a
few today, will in the near future and in other worlds
between Heaven and earth be possible for the next
circle of the ascending ones; until ring after ring is fulfilled,
until all human Beings, who have been in service in one of
these worlds, will be captured by their own divinity.
For all human Beings, who follow this message now,
it is of significance to take on the track to their own truth,
because what still seems far at this moment, already
determines your reality tomorrow.
But you, who already today have been equipped with
the service of a Regent in a new world, have stripped
off space-time and the laws of space-time have also
been suspended for you in this world.
Phenomena and conformations of this fact are already
distributed and will continue to increase.
You are already working beyond the narrow limitations
– due to your power of creation and Love.
A truly outstanding position in society is truly upcoming
for you. You have overcome the earthly structures; you
serve the universal principles of all Life and you integrate
with the heavenly hierarchies.
Heavenly Hierarchies
You belong to the high levels of All-That-Is and from
the fifth dimensional step up all Beings work and affect
in absolute harmony with the All-That-Is reality in God.
On this level the hierarchies exist to the degree, whereby
Beings are recognized due to their assignments, but not
whereby one Being yields to another Being, subordinates
himself and must obey blindly.
No Being raises himself above another, and all serves the
great plan of the Creator. Every Being knows his place, knows
his assignments and his uniqueness; and thereby every Being
fulfills his assignments in the co-operation of heavenly Light
There is neither Master nor student, neither ruler nor controlled
ones, instead there is the pure recognition of Love and the pure
essence of the divine Light; wherefrom all find plenty of it and
thereby always nurture themselves directly from the Source,
supply themselves with knowledge and are instructed in their
Directly from the Source, directly from God,
because the oneness with God determines all and affects all.
In the higher realms of Light, all Life obeys the One, who is, God.
Each Being knows about his assignments and implements these
in harmony with the great whole.
Heavenly hierarchies fulfill a different sense and work
differently than hierarchies on earth or on earth of related
planets. And whoever works in the orchestra of ALL-THAT-IS,
in him the need for earthly power has been extinguished and
the wish for impermanent symbols has been redeemed from his soul.
(Paper crown in the dream, remark JJK)
Today this knowledge is necessary for the new Creator Gods
and Regents of new worlds also hence, so that you can allocate
many of your dreams, lucid images, visions and inner images.
Because who has redeemed his inner issues and has been
confronted with the issue of power (Regency in the dream,
remark JJK), must know the correct allocation, in order not to
remain behind confused or to take redeemed issues from long
ago into the focus of a redemption – which wastes a lot of energy.
worlds will continue; and you, the new Logos-Gods of this
earth, are part and an essential thrust force of all these
universal processes.
You are few, to whom this applies and who look forward
to the journey to Heaven in a human garment. Yet your
power exceeds any earthly limitation and becomes the
all-determining reality in the last days in this world,
which the dark ones have nothing more to oppose to.
Your kingdom is neither of this or any other low vibrating
world. And yet the scepter of the regency for those worlds
has been handed over to you. The reasons for it are obvious
and are being presented here.
You possess the degree of maturity for it, because
who has redeemed his human issues and has transformed
himself into a Creator God, is enabled to serve the world,
which he himself has created – and yet is not part of it.
And you are enabled beyond all measures.
You rebuff earthly attributes of power, as a victor,
who has triumphed due to himself, rebuffs the wreath
of victory, because no impermanent laurel can do justice;
you know your assignments and your home in Heaven.
The one, who has God, has everything!
The one, who is God, is all!
And the one, who has all and is all,
it is alien to him what is significant to
the ignorant one.
You are the Regents of these worlds and many of you
have decided to enter into form in these worlds, so that
Life, which you have breathed into reality, will be offered
the possibility for enfoldment.
And hierarchical structures are necessary on these levels,
because otherwise the whole society would get lost. And
you are at the top of this hierarchy - as Logos-Regents
of these worlds.
Why is this presented here, if it applies to so few?
So that those, to whom this apples, recognize what
the Now-concept incorporates and so that you may
recognize a further aspect of your infinite Being.
And so that those, who hear and see about this,
have a silent notion of where the human journey
goes at the end of every human Being, where it
flows into: because truly: what is reserved for a
few today, will in the near future and in other worlds
between Heaven and earth be possible for the next
circle of the ascending ones; until ring after ring is fulfilled,
until all human Beings, who have been in service in one of
these worlds, will be captured by their own divinity.
For all human Beings, who follow this message now,
it is of significance to take on the track to their own truth,
because what still seems far at this moment, already
determines your reality tomorrow.
But you, who already today have been equipped with
the service of a Regent in a new world, have stripped
off space-time and the laws of space-time have also
been suspended for you in this world.
Phenomena and conformations of this fact are already
distributed and will continue to increase.
You are already working beyond the narrow limitations
– due to your power of creation and Love.
A truly outstanding position in society is truly upcoming
for you. You have overcome the earthly structures; you
serve the universal principles of all Life and you integrate
with the heavenly hierarchies.
Heavenly Hierarchies
You belong to the high levels of All-That-Is and from
the fifth dimensional step up all Beings work and affect
in absolute harmony with the All-That-Is reality in God.
On this level the hierarchies exist to the degree, whereby
Beings are recognized due to their assignments, but not
whereby one Being yields to another Being, subordinates
himself and must obey blindly.
No Being raises himself above another, and all serves the
great plan of the Creator. Every Being knows his place, knows
his assignments and his uniqueness; and thereby every Being
fulfills his assignments in the co-operation of heavenly Light
There is neither Master nor student, neither ruler nor controlled
ones, instead there is the pure recognition of Love and the pure
essence of the divine Light; wherefrom all find plenty of it and
thereby always nurture themselves directly from the Source,
supply themselves with knowledge and are instructed in their
Directly from the Source, directly from God,
because the oneness with God determines all and affects all.
In the higher realms of Light, all Life obeys the One, who is, God.
Each Being knows about his assignments and implements these
in harmony with the great whole.
Heavenly hierarchies fulfill a different sense and work
differently than hierarchies on earth or on earth of related
planets. And whoever works in the orchestra of ALL-THAT-IS,
in him the need for earthly power has been extinguished and
the wish for impermanent symbols has been redeemed from his soul.
(Paper crown in the dream, remark JJK)
Today this knowledge is necessary for the new Creator Gods
and Regents of new worlds also hence, so that you can allocate
many of your dreams, lucid images, visions and inner images.
Because who has redeemed his inner issues and has been
confronted with the issue of power (Regency in the dream,
remark JJK), must know the correct allocation, in order not to
remain behind confused or to take redeemed issues from long
ago into the focus of a redemption – which wastes a lot of energy.
Today the
multidimensionality of all Life and your own glory is
revealed to you.
In summary:
Therefore this dream picture as well as this message applies
to those human Beings who have done their homework, and
have been redeemed in their foundation!
Whoever wastes himself after earthly power, whoever
looks forward in joy to the dignity of a King or a high
position, is not meant, because he still does not know himself.
Whoever aims for a high office on earth,
whoever wishes this in a low vibrating
world, has entered onto the path of a
formative experience, yet has still not
stepped onto the bridge of knowledge.
These are mostly human Beings of middle soul age, which resort to
this path; an old and ripe soul knows the course of things and will
never take the initiative for such a high office himself.
God’s pure servants wish foremost
one thing: the closeness to God!
Neither office nor honors can quench this longing.
And therefore God’s true servants orient themselves toward God!
This is the background wherefrom the true Masters have taken
on the scepter of Regency in one of the lower vibrating worlds.
Logos-Gods, who with a part of their Being turn toward the newly
created worlds, in order to help the remaining ones and the new
arrivals in the ascension.
You are the immortal Regents of lower and higher 4D worlds
and this dream picture demonstrates this in a bold manner.
Now you have made acquaintance with a further truth of your
Being, you were familiarized with that, which is withdrawn from
your earthly consciousness and you have recognized another
expression of your unlimited reality –but foremost you recognize
one thing based on this truth: the extent of your Love for the
remaining mankind in one of the 4D worlds.
Truly you are Gods in human Gestalt,
whose form dissolves until the pure essence
of God appears openly.
Truly you are Gods among human Beings,
Who mercifully reveal themselves to all as the
Light of Life and the loving reality of the Creator.
I am with all of you at all times.
I am with you at all times.
I am
Turning Point of Space-Time – SANANDA:
revealed to you.
In summary:
Therefore this dream picture as well as this message applies
to those human Beings who have done their homework, and
have been redeemed in their foundation!
Whoever wastes himself after earthly power, whoever
looks forward in joy to the dignity of a King or a high
position, is not meant, because he still does not know himself.
Whoever aims for a high office on earth,
whoever wishes this in a low vibrating
world, has entered onto the path of a
formative experience, yet has still not
stepped onto the bridge of knowledge.
These are mostly human Beings of middle soul age, which resort to
this path; an old and ripe soul knows the course of things and will
never take the initiative for such a high office himself.
God’s pure servants wish foremost
one thing: the closeness to God!
Neither office nor honors can quench this longing.
And therefore God’s true servants orient themselves toward God!
This is the background wherefrom the true Masters have taken
on the scepter of Regency in one of the lower vibrating worlds.
Logos-Gods, who with a part of their Being turn toward the newly
created worlds, in order to help the remaining ones and the new
arrivals in the ascension.
You are the immortal Regents of lower and higher 4D worlds
and this dream picture demonstrates this in a bold manner.
Now you have made acquaintance with a further truth of your
Being, you were familiarized with that, which is withdrawn from
your earthly consciousness and you have recognized another
expression of your unlimited reality –but foremost you recognize
one thing based on this truth: the extent of your Love for the
remaining mankind in one of the 4D worlds.
Truly you are Gods in human Gestalt,
whose form dissolves until the pure essence
of God appears openly.
Truly you are Gods among human Beings,
Who mercifully reveal themselves to all as the
Light of Life and the loving reality of the Creator.
I am with all of you at all times.
I am with you at all times.
I am
Turning Point of Space-Time – SANANDA:
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever
on the texts / messages
published on this website.
published on this website.