Honored Readers!
“Actually it
deals with the fact that those
human Beings, who are connected with
your work
or are personally close or
very close, provide their financial portion,
as they
are able to do so.” Asana
Mahatari, 11/08/2014
Great Wave” – Asana Mahatari:
Indeed, the
free availability of our messages still requires
money. And therefore we would
like to express today at this
point our heartfelt gratitude to all readers and companions
the way, who have given us for some time – and in these
last days
increasingly – greater or smaller amounts, regularly or
irregularly, and
depending on what is possible.
A heartfelt thank you also goes to all those readers and
companions along the way, who in the last weeks have
actively supported the
Lichtwelt project, whereby you have
arranged for a fixed monthly contribution
to the Lichtwelt-Verlag.
In total we
can only perform our work at all due to your
support in the meaning of
“All-That-Is”, and/or free
from financial issues.
“It is time to set the blessing of money
against the
evil of the financial system.
Money is able to ease suffering and is able to level
the path for light-filled
realities. Money is able to
level the path for this day, until the time of
is fulfilled and you have entered into the money-less
society of a higher
dimension of All-That-Is.
During the time of transition it is necessary
recognize the character of all impermanent
things and to program them with new
It is necessary to recognize that what generally
is viewed as a
hindrance to enlightenment,
levels the path toward enlightenment, if it
correctly applied. It is each human Being
himself, who gives value to
things, gives them
power and reality – due to his energy.
Whoever only assumes the dark side of power in
money, has not yet recognized that everything
where an almighty Creator God directs his Light
toward, changes and receives a
new structure
– the quality of Light, the reality of Love.”
Master Kuthumi 11/14/2014
this spirit and with God’s Blessings,
We thank you for your energy
In Love
Your Lichtwelt-Team & Jahn J Kassl
In Love
Your Lichtwelt-Team & Jahn J Kassl
your donation please click the link!)