channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Friends, Brothers, Sisters,
Siblings from the Light and God’s eternal Children!
Fanaticism. The widespread reality in this changing
and transforming into the Light world. Still.
Where does the spiritual origin of this fact lie, which,
since the beginning of mankind, brought wars, pain,
crimes and infinite suffering to individual human Beings
and whole populations?
The fanaticism of a soul is based on the fact that
it has created a radical experience for itself and
also wants to experience this on this level.
Fanaticism, regardless if a human Being gives
itself a light-filled or dark countenance, is always
an experience of fallacy, the evil and of darkness.
A Being, who has chosen this for him, wants to empty the
chalice of suffering, in order to be able to start the way back
to the Source thereafter. Fanaticism is the deepest point,
which a human Being can reach, because with it go hate and
lack of love and it is equally a point of turning back, after this
level has been experienced.
Religious fanaticism or the fanatic identification of a human
Being with his people, the race or a language, are always
experiences, which bring this soul to the null-point of their
development. Meaning that the fanatic expression of a life
is very often the turning point of a soul, the point where it
begins to turn away from false thinking, false speaking and
false actions.
Thereby it is of greatest importance to see how
the energy, which such an experience sets free,
1.) The energy of hate is liberated.
2.) The energy immediately flows back to
human Beings or to whole populations.
3.) This energy is being questioned.
4.) This energy is dissolved by:
a.) Redemption of the associated karma.
b.) Recognition of the circumstances,
which led to this decision.
This fact is thereby described in order to better understand
the course of the world and the behavior of human Beings.
Instrument of the Dark Ones
Fundamentally, and this pertains to the great dark circles
behind the visible political and religious system of society
in this time, the representatives of darkness specifically foster,
stoke and build up fanaticism, so that scenarios of threat,
meaning, different anxieties in human Beings can be maintained.
Thereby human Beings remain manageable and guidable. It is the
fear, which enables this, because without fears, a human Being
is free and the human society is healed.
In conclusion this means: Many souls and soul fragments
enter into human life in order to experience this side of darkness.
It has been like that at all times and today finds its
greatest expression. Once a soul returns into the Light
after such an experience or returns to an appropriate
level of awareness, it will be confronted with its actions,
which this programming had brought forward. And the
“cleaning jobs” begin.
Karmic Redemption
Meaning, perpetrators become victims, so that karmic
redemption may occur. Fundamentally it is true that
perpetrators are also victims of their fallacies, yet in
this context it behaves as described here, because a
karmic redemption must always occur on the level,
where the necessity for it has been created.
Meaning that roles and sides are changed life after
life until karma is redeemed and insight is born.
It is of great significance to understand this soul
level, in order to understand today’s upheavals.
In this process of generating and creating karma,
today it is foremost about to redeem existing and
great karmic connections.
The radicalized and fanaticized human Beings,
who cause worldwide devastations, are therefore
on the one hand still only Beings with existing soul
fragments and are as such suitable “instruments of
the dark ones” and on the other hand these human
Beings are inundated with energies, which are released
from the collective energy field of many human generations.
The severity of such discharges is obvious and they appear
on a daily basis. This process is part of the great purification.
Thereby new karma is acted out in another world, while the
old karma of this level is redeemed. So much at this point
in order to understand today’s events in this world.
The Euphoria
Euphoria works contrary to fanaticism!
Euphoria or enthusiasm is the fuel of the light warrior.
Enthusiasm is positive, brings forth a creative human
Being and is foremost one thing:
It is non obtrusive, because it passes by friendly
for all those, who do not want to be infected.
provides every creative light-filled process
with sufficient energy.
Euphoria wants to communicate with everyone in Love,
does not exclude anything or anyone, but does not bother
anyone, who does not want to be touched.
Euphoria is the higher-ranking sensation of a soul,
is the joy of a human Being, is the energy whereby a
Being can create new and light-filled realities. Pure
genuine enthusiasm is visibly created life; fanatical
“enthusiasm” is visibly created death.
Fanaticism narrows the viewpoint
of a human Being and closes the
human heart; euphoria expands
the viewpoint of a human Being
and opens the heart.
Therefore let self be carried by enthusiasm
and let self be “infected”. Euphoria is a wonderful
fuel for our sacred actions on this earth.
Get enthusiastic about God, get enthusiastic about
Life! Get enthusiastic about what you came to do!
Observe your “exaltation”. If it makes you wide and
loving on the inside, then it has been channeled correctly;
if it restricts you on the inside and it entices you into a
missionary zeal, then the way has been paved for fanaticism
and the turning away of a light warrior from the path of
Light seems likely.
Therefore be free to lead an enthusiastic life far
from fanaticism. Recognize the uniqueness of all life.
If a uniquely light-filled countenance illumines you,
be happy, and if a uniquely dark face looks at you,
avoid it.
And one more thing: Defend yourself, if energies elbow
themselves into your life, as they rob your freedom and
want to control you.
Remain anchored Light pillars of this time and never
let yourself be put in front of the cart of an ideology or
Remain anchored!
There, where you experience a lack in freedom,
stay away, there, where you recognize a lack of love,
stay away, there, where you meet death instead of life,
stay away.
Remain enthusiastic light warriors, who accept their
abilities and live, light warriors, who realize the most
light-filled potentials and always appear to human Beings
in your divine Light, meaning:
a.) Love peace, shun war.
b.) Honor human Beings, avoid contempt.
c.) Adulate life, shun death.
d.) Be a servant of your assignments!
Do not let yourself be infected by the “fanatical”
dark energies, which have been ignited anew.
This world is still being haunted by darkness;
with sufficient energy.
Euphoria wants to communicate with everyone in Love,
does not exclude anything or anyone, but does not bother
anyone, who does not want to be touched.
Euphoria is the higher-ranking sensation of a soul,
is the joy of a human Being, is the energy whereby a
Being can create new and light-filled realities. Pure
genuine enthusiasm is visibly created life; fanatical
“enthusiasm” is visibly created death.
Fanaticism narrows the viewpoint
of a human Being and closes the
human heart; euphoria expands
the viewpoint of a human Being
and opens the heart.
Therefore let self be carried by enthusiasm
and let self be “infected”. Euphoria is a wonderful
fuel for our sacred actions on this earth.
Get enthusiastic about God, get enthusiastic about
Life! Get enthusiastic about what you came to do!
Observe your “exaltation”. If it makes you wide and
loving on the inside, then it has been channeled correctly;
if it restricts you on the inside and it entices you into a
missionary zeal, then the way has been paved for fanaticism
and the turning away of a light warrior from the path of
Light seems likely.
Therefore be free to lead an enthusiastic life far
from fanaticism. Recognize the uniqueness of all life.
If a uniquely light-filled countenance illumines you,
be happy, and if a uniquely dark face looks at you,
avoid it.
And one more thing: Defend yourself, if energies elbow
themselves into your life, as they rob your freedom and
want to control you.
Remain anchored Light pillars of this time and never
let yourself be put in front of the cart of an ideology or
Remain anchored!
There, where you experience a lack in freedom,
stay away, there, where you recognize a lack of love,
stay away, there, where you meet death instead of life,
stay away.
Remain enthusiastic light warriors, who accept their
abilities and live, light warriors, who realize the most
light-filled potentials and always appear to human Beings
in your divine Light, meaning:
a.) Love peace, shun war.
b.) Honor human Beings, avoid contempt.
c.) Adulate life, shun death.
d.) Be a servant of your assignments!
Do not let yourself be infected by the “fanatical”
dark energies, which have been ignited anew.
This world is still being haunted by darkness;
redemption of
suffering, whereby new suffering is
created, seeking its redemption in another world.
Darkness volatilizes in this world and the dark ones are
hauled into the light for all to see. And thereby this time
distinguishes itself from all past times: After the dark
energies of many epochs have been redeemed and human
Beings have been healed from fanaticism, the reconciliation
of the world will be the gift for all human Beings.
I speak to you as one, who has savored life in all
its richness and in all its lack. I speak to you as the
one, who knows the course of the world and understands
that at the end of all processes is insight and redemption
– for all human Beings.
In these days fanaticism rears up for
the last time, before it is extinguished
due to the transformation work of the
light warriors and due to God’s behest.
The fire of hate turns into ember and cools down to ashes
while the flame of ascension illumines every corner of the
world and warms every human heart.
Mankind’s desire is quenched,
Love spreads out and Light has prevailed.
Truly: The time wherein no time exists comes
closer and closer.
In the Love, who I am and as a
brother of all human Beings,
In the Ocean of God’s Grace, Part II – BABAJI:
created, seeking its redemption in another world.
Darkness volatilizes in this world and the dark ones are
hauled into the light for all to see. And thereby this time
distinguishes itself from all past times: After the dark
energies of many epochs have been redeemed and human
Beings have been healed from fanaticism, the reconciliation
of the world will be the gift for all human Beings.
I speak to you as one, who has savored life in all
its richness and in all its lack. I speak to you as the
one, who knows the course of the world and understands
that at the end of all processes is insight and redemption
– for all human Beings.
In these days fanaticism rears up for
the last time, before it is extinguished
due to the transformation work of the
light warriors and due to God’s behest.
The fire of hate turns into ember and cools down to ashes
while the flame of ascension illumines every corner of the
world and warms every human heart.
Mankind’s desire is quenched,
Love spreads out and Light has prevailed.
Truly: The time wherein no time exists comes
closer and closer.
In the Love, who I am and as a
brother of all human Beings,
Elija-Prophecies 49-65 (digital) – JJK:
In the Ocean of God’s Grace, Part II – BABAJI:
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever
on the texts / messages
published on this website.
published on this website.