Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus
Bible, Matthew 26
14 Then one of the Twelve—the one called
Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests
15 and asked, “What are you willing to give me
if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted
out for him thirty pieces of silver.
16 From then on Judas watched for
an opportunity to hand him over.
The Bible errs!
In the book “The Jesus Biography,
Part II” Jesus Christ himself gives
information about it.

Accordingly the following
happened in those days:
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb
Weeks before my arrest, at a time when I recognized
what was ahead of me, I took Judas to the side and
asked him to keep the priests of the temple informed
about the locations of our gatherings. It was preordained
that my arrest would be low-key and as much as possible
should not create a lot of stir. I was desperate to avoid
any new unrest, and the search by Roman soldiers certainly
would not go unnoticed in the population. So I instructed
Judas, who was the only one among my companions to
have free access to the temple, to deliver this information
to the priests.
Judas was familiar with the temple, and he was known to
many of the priests and even to the High Priest, because
he finished the study of the scriptures there. This was
reserved for just a few, yet Judas was one of those,
who received this education. His knowledge of the
scriptures therefore was impressive, and many times
he was able to outline the scripture, interpret it and
also create the connection with my life. Early on he
recognized that God’s word fulfills itself, and this
right in front of his eyes.
His trust and his affection towards me were unique,
and quite often the disciples were baffled and even
jealous how quickly he understood what was expressed
in my messages.
I asked him to use every opportunity to keep
the Sanhedrin informed about my whereabouts.
(Sanhedrin: The highest judicial court of the Jews,
that had the right to accuse, judge and punish
according to Jewish Law, sanctioned by the Romans.
Remark of the Author)
As was said before, it was very easy for the Roman
soldiers to find me that evening, in the garden that
served as a sanctuary in order to recover from the
events of the day.
In the hours after my arrest, the desperation of the
disciples caused blaming Judas for everything. Naturally
some of them knew that I had instructed Judas, but the
appearance of the soldiers was just too much for some
of them.
Judas was completely composed, because he was the
only one to know, that I permitted it like that, and he
did a great service so that the events could fulfill
He spent the following days in the temple of the city.
Therefore he was always informed about what happened,
and very soon it was obvious that Pilatus had released me.
Judas was told about this, and finally it got about in the
temple that not I, but a “lookalike” suffered the death
on the cross.
After about two days, when Judas had the certainty that
I was alive and I initially went into seclusion, he left the
walls of the temple in order to bring himself to safety,
because the anger of the Priests began to boil over as
they heard about the “failed” crucifixion.
Miriam who was the first one to ensure herself of my
integrity, sent out messengers in order to inform the
disciples; and gradually the anger and the misunderstanding
faded away about the assignment that Judas had received.
“Do not worry!”
This expression that I used frequently,
had a special significance in those days.
Gradually the worry disappeared, and while I,
secluded in Qumran, communed with my Father
in Heaven, my brothers and sisters waited for my
……and their hearts were filled with joy
as this fulfilled itself 40 days later.
For Judas it was clear, that I spent my time there,
after all it was the place that offered everything in
order to regain one’s strength in silence. He followed
me, and after his family in Karioth had been informed
about the events, he finally arrived at the salt sea on
the 12th day after the events in Jerusalem.
(Karioth: The city where Judas was born lies in
the south of Palestine. Translated from Hebrew:
ish-karioth, the city where Judas was born.
Remark from the Author)
The End of Judas
Bible, Matthew 27
MT3 Then Judas, who betrayed him,
when he saw that Jesus was condemned,
felt remorse, and brought back the thirty
pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,
MT4 saying, "I have sinned in that I betrayed
innocent blood." But they said, "What is that to us?
You see to it."
MT5 He threw down the pieces of
silver in the sanctuary, and departed.
He went away and hanged himself.
The Bible errs!
In the book “The Jesus Biography,
Part II” Jesus Christ himself gives
information about it. Accordingly
the following happened in those days:
(…) Many reports bear witness that he hanged himself,
and in some places one claims that he was stoned by
the disciples. But it was not like that, these stories are
entirely fictitious, freely constructed and untrue! It did
not happen this way, did not take place or play out that
It is time to lift the guilt from Judas’s shoulders!
It is necessary to direct the Light toward the actual
events so that the darkness yields from your hearts.
But the told and the recorded story in the books about
the life of Judas have not come to you in this form without
intention. So that you feel guilty and laden, weak and anxious,
so that you remain in “sin” and so that you are available as
compliant lambs for the newly formed churches.
Originating from the fallacy of the “original sin” to this
“betrayal” the arch stretches so that the new institutions
could establish themselves. Guilt was created in order to
declare all of mankind as sinners, and in particular collectively
stamp a Nation, the Nation of the Jews, as criminals, in order
for the dark forces to live out their power over human Beings
without hindrance.
Be assured that neither the “original sin” nor the “sacrificial
lamb of Jesus” correspond to the truth! These are perfidious
inventions of those, who oppress the earth for centuries,
and who have kept you from your divine nature.
(…)…but Judas remained in Qumram, and in the days
of our common stay in this seclusion his life revealed
itself and he became fully conscious of his assignments.
While I returned, in order to prepare my brothers and
sisters for my upcoming departure, Judas remained at
that location. The Essene community became his new
“home” and so his life fulfilled itself in the light.
In the year 66, when the Romans toppled the walls
of Qumram, Judas looked back to a fulfilled and blessed
life, and in those days he returned fully into the Oneness,
into God’s loving presence.
I am Jesus Christ, the guardian of your days,
and truly I say to you:
Light will prevail, and my Love will heal all
wounds, because you are innocent and free of sin!
In Eternity, Amen.
The Biography of Jesus, Part II
(new digital publication) by JAHN J KASSL:
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