channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Returned to earth a long time ago in order to remain
among human Beings until the end of time.
I am the Light in a time of darkness, I am goodness in
time of hard heartedness and I am Love in a time when
hate is redeemed and
when mankind takes up the path
toward the Light.
I am the orientation for every seeker,
I am the way for every heart, which
aches for God and
longs for Heaven.
And today this flame of longing for eternity is being
awakened in you, so that you remain vigilant in these
days, when you encounter
new challenges on the inner
as well as the outer, and when you face on the
inner as
well as the outer your own ego, or you feel exposed to
a world full of
And now I direct myself to those Light entities, who
carry the Light, who have already realized parts of their self,
and who
begin now to concede power to their ego and push
back their self. Many Light figures of this time, it is the light
entities of the first and last hours, not only enjoy themselves
in their light,
instead also carry it conceitedly in front of them
and they say: “Look, what I
have achieved, look, what I have
done, look, who I am, look, what I accomplish,
look…., look”.
The lower self rises up and the divine self is neglected until
it is atrophied.
What is described here?
Here it is talked about the budding ego-addiction of
entities and it is now necessary to work against this process.
It is a
reflection, which is of great significance, as the path of
Love shall be
maintained and the world of the Light shall be
entered into.
What Kind of Power does your Ego have?
Whoever carries his “spiritual successes”, his “magic
in a self-important manner into the world and among human
is meant, and these human Beings are invited here to
examine themselves
regarding this circumstance.
What kind of power does your ego have in your life?
This is the question of questions in the time of
And what kind of power do you allow your divine
It is easy to distinguish this, because: Wherever the ego acts,
self fades. Meaning, the ego claims a “good deed” for itself
and you can see it
in human Beings.
A good deed, which comes from the self, leaves only
one trace behind: the Light of Love without shadows.
A good deed, which comes from the self, leaves only
one trace behind: the Light of Love without shadows.
This can also be seen in human Beings.
Meaning further: The motives for a “good deed” are manifold
and today
it is called for to examine these motives. Go back
to the origin of a
light-filled action, follow your true motives
and recognize the possibilities
for growth in this process.
Where the “I” instead of the “I AM” stands in the
center of
a life, the trace to God is lost and the Light on the inside
The path through the sluggish energy of darkness
is predestined.
Whoever puts oneself in front of others, fellow human
brothers or sisters, will be handed back; whoever elevates self
others, who touts one’s abilities like puffery, will be
unmasked, because the
time of truth also reveals these lies.
I direct myself toward those light entities, which,
based on
specific abilities, lift themselves above other human Beings.
I direct
my violet ray of transformation, which I am working
with, into the hearts of
those human Beings, who pounce their
fellow human Beings and lack attributes
like lovingness and
kindness, forgiveness and mildness:
Liberate yourself
from the vanity of the ego.
Liberate yourself
from arrogance and come back
to the path of the humble warrior, who understands
the course of this world and who can look into the
hearts of human Beings. If
you lack kindness, then
acquire it. If you lack compassion, attain it.
How can the kingdom of Heaven be entered with an
excessive ego? Therefore I ask all human Beings to
examine themselves
according to the presented
circumstances. Direct the Light toward your
There is still an opportunity for it, there is still sufficient
for it, and there is still time to go back or to turn
It is written in the chronicles from eternity for this
Prophets will fall and light warriors will remain behind,
because they
have given themselves to self-addiction
instead of to God.
It is announced, and it is given!
From now on give your “light-filled”
deeds a new signature, whereby you
free them from the shadows of the ego.
The ego has no place in Heaven and
dissolves in the Light, like the morning
deeds a new signature, whereby you
free them from the shadows of the ego.
The ego has no place in Heaven and
dissolves in the Light, like the morning
I am
The Biography of
Jesus, Part I – JAHN J KASSL:
The Biography of Jesus, Part II – JAHN J KASSL:
The Biography of Jesus, Part II – JAHN J KASSL:
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