Next Light Reading on Friday, July 31st, 2015
With a message from MOSES
Place: Palais Strudlhof, Strudlhofgasse 10, 1090 Vienna
Livestream beginning at 6 pm local time (MEZ)

Photography © 2014 Jens Schnabel, Munich
We Complete our Work
Beloved Ones!
We have spent many lives together in Lemuria or in Atlantis.
We are the “Great Old Ones” of the first days and we are the
“Great Wise Ones”, who are passing the last days of this
mankind now.
Today we complete what needs to be finished and we create
God’s kingdom in this world, entirely according to the image
of those first days, as we were deeply joined with Mother
Earth due to our Light and due to our Love.
Nobody among the unconscious human Beings can
correctly assess or evaluate the dimension of your work.
How honored and respected your service and you are in
the universe of the Light, only Heaven knows this and all
those, who have entered into Heaven before you.
I am the energy, which joins you with the new earth.
I am the strength, which prepares you for the new earth,
so that you may anchor yourself there, whereby you may
merge with the Light of your home and with the siblings,
which expect you beyond the veil.
I strengthen you and I walk ahead of you.
As you wish it, I stand by you, until the ocean
parts again and you can enter into the world
of the Light.
Never did you have to stand on your own feet
alone and you never will be, because the great
number of Ascended Masters has entered into
this world!
I am one of them from this circle, who we create
new out of old; awaken the dead to life and answer
hate with love.
The course of this world changes in these days.
So it is.
merge with the Light of your home and with the siblings,
which expect you beyond the veil.
I strengthen you and I walk ahead of you.
As you wish it, I stand by you, until the ocean
parts again and you can enter into the world
of the Light.
Never did you have to stand on your own feet
alone and you never will be, because the great
number of Ascended Masters has entered into
this world!
I am one of them from this circle, who we create
new out of old; awaken the dead to life and answer
hate with love.
The course of this world changes in these days.
So it is.
Invitation to the Light Reading - MOSES:
Light Reading Live-Stream at 6pm:
The Lichtweltportal is free of advertisement and declines
Light Reading Live-Stream at 6pm:
The Light Reading is in German. Yet energy is not bound
by language barriers and therfore every human Being, no
matter what one's language is, can experience the Light
Reading lifestream or on location.
Elija Prophecies 49-65 – JAHN J KASSL:
The Light Reading is in German. Yet energy is not bound
by language barriers and therfore every human Being, no
matter what one's language is, can experience the Light
Reading lifestream or on location.
Elija Prophecies 49-65 – JAHN J KASSL:
with messages (free of charge):
The Lichtweltportal is free of advertisement and declines
any direct linking, in
order to guarantee the clarity of the
homepage and the pure vibration of its
The light world publishing and the author do not lead
any correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages
published on
this website.