channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Dream: „The whole world heals!“, I hear a voice saying
this and then until I wake up repeatedly: „Everything heals,
everything heals, everything heals, everything heals…“
Beloved Ones,
The great time of Grace of the Creator has begun!
Infinite streams of Grace from the prime Source of
All-That-Is come to earth in these days. Gifts of great
power, sacred value and outfitted with God’s Spirit
accompany and strengthen Mother Earth and awakening
mankind on their path into the Light.
Amongst human Beings and a source of Light for the
living Mother Earth, a place of strength, the undivided
consciousness, which has been anchored in this world
and which serves mankind – until the end of all days.
„The whole World heals“
This fact determines the course of this time.
Even though it seems unbelievable, also if fear
inducing events appear in front of your eyes, the
days are nonetheless imprinted with healings and
not with pain and new experiences of suffering.
The refinement of human Beings has begun and in
the middle of darkness the swarm of “chosen ones”,
those light warriors who have chosen the ascension for
oneself, because they have prevailed over their lower
nature and thereby have attained access to the gates
of knowledge.
„Everything heals, everything heals“….
How true, how correct, and how wonderful.
In this message I will talk to you about the gift for
Mother Earth, the gift, which is being activated in this
time quality and which the loving Mother of all Life in
this world has joyously accepted.
And this human race has prepared this
gift for the living Mother Earth.
And this gift is defined by your unconditional
willpower to fully subscribe to your further
Crystal Cube from Atlantis
At this occasion the time is ripe to transfer the
“Crystal Cube from Atlantis” to mankind, so that the
miracle of enlightenment in human Beings may occur
and the uplifting of the planet may be fulfilled.
This manifestation lifts Mother Earth to a new vibration
and this means that all life partakes in great and far-reaching
healings. The energy of the “collective Crystals”, meaning all
crystals, which so far have arrived at the Lichtwelt Project,
already have an effect and with the activation by each human
Being, in order to work directly with the Crystal, this energy
is increased and potentiated.
Yet this also means that the process of transformation of
the individual and of the planet continues with a so-far
unreached velocity and is accompanied by unimaginable
discharges on the Mother planet. Because before the Light
takes on the regency on this earth, before Love is omnipresent
among human Beings and before the kingdom of peace begins
in this world, everything warlike, anything dark and everything
of evil must be burnt, banned or be transformed.
And so it is, and so it comes, and so it occurs:
„Everything heals, everything heals“… How true.
Mother Earth has gratefully accepted the gift of
the unconditional devotion of many human Beings
toward their own transformation and thereby the
rebirth of the planet may be fulfilled in a new manner
for many human Beings.
1.) In joy for the ascending ones and in
absence of suffering.
2.) In deep trust in God for the ascending
ones and far from doubt or hopelessness.
3.) In the certitude for the ascending ones that
God is omnipresent and in the consciousness that
they are under God’s complete protection.
Space-Time Phenomena
Mother Earth has begun to anchor her whole entity
on the highly vibrating level of the 5th dimension.
This process begins to dissolve space-time.
Thereby you increasingly lose the feeling for
time and space is perceived differently.
In these days pay attention to how your awareness
changes, how your inner senses of clairvoyance,
clairaudience, foreboding and intuition develop and
refine. You are being reoriented and like an instrument
tuned to the sound of Creation. Look at the sky, hear
the breath of Mother Earth and recognize how each
healing affects the whole and eases the healing of
your mother planet. You begin to discover your
divine abilities due to the anchoring of Mother
Earth in the high vibrational dimension.
Everything heals
And with every further step of your redemption the
veil, which still separates the worlds, becomes more
transparent, until you arrive in the beyond and can
enter into the new world. Mother Earth experiences
relief due to all activations of the Crystal Cube.
This fact has an effect and is of immense significance
for the further process of the uplifting.
You have offered this gift to the living Mother Earth
and with each healing in the Light of the Masters, in
the presence of the Archangels and in God’s Love,
Mother Earth can release pain and dissolve suffering.
That, which you have decided to do, has an effect!
And you have decided to overcome resistance in yourself
and you are ready to encounter the still existing shadows
without any fret and with joy. You have decided to orient
your life entirely according to the needs of your pure soul,
so that it can vibrate in Love – until out of you the divine
entity, that you have always been, remains eternally and
is now, transforms back, until you return into the Light as
refined Gods. Mother Earth heals and takes her new place
in this universe, so that also human Beings swing up and
ascend, because those, who are ready, experience the
oneness with God in a time, which is very near.
The great days of mankind and the great days of the
living Mother Earth continue. The last act of creation for
this world fulfills itself. The evil is removed from its roots,
everything heals, becomes whole and Light is everywhere.
Master of the first and old days
I am guardian of mankind on its way into the Light.
I love you infinitely
Healing of Living Mother Earth – GOD:
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