"Live" Message from MOSES

Wake up!
Awaken and apply all force to give your soul nourishment
and to strengthen you. Apply all force
to continue to
consistently pursue your awareness processes. The exit
from this
matrix occurs due to awareness work and not
due to passive expectation of the
breakdown of this world!
Be aware, as God’s people allegorically exited from
Egypt, in order
to come home to God, mankind of today also liberates itself
slavery. And thereby it is necessary to have enough patience,
and understanding, so that the course of the process
can be correctly evaluated
and can be correctly interpreted.
Correct evaluations and correct interpretations have
nothing to
do with a vague presumption, instead the events and their course,
even before they arrive, spring forth from a mature soul, which
can allocate
The spectacle in
this world comes to an end!
This is a fact, and it is your task to end this
spectacle in your inner.
Those, who have
overcome the matrix in self, overcome it.
Whoever has freed himself from the
prison of one’s own
conditioning, attains his freedom long before a whole
is liberated.
The key to the end of your slavery is inside.
It is
time for you to recognize this.
Set off and follow your Light,
It shines for you in Eternity.
In deep Love for my Siblings of this Earth
Light Reading Live-Stream at 6pm:
http://www.lichtweltverlag.com/de/lichtlesung/livestream/index.html Light Reading Live-Stream at 6pm:
Invitation to the Light Reading - MOSES:
The Light Reading is in German. Yet energy is not bound
The Light Reading is in German. Yet energy is not bound
language barriers and therfore every human Being, no
matter what one's language is, can experience the Light
Reading lifestream or on location.
matter what one's language is, can experience the Light
Reading lifestream or on location.