Conversation with God
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Translated by Franz
Attacks and Lies
JJK: Over and over again I myself and the Lichtweltverlag
are confronted with attacks, hits below the belt, lies, which
are distributed about myself or about us. Sometimes it comes
from human Beings, which at one time were close to me, then
again the sources are unknown. Attacks, which come regularly
and which sometimes affect me deeply and sometimes not.
And this is the question, which is posed to me, why these
hits below the belt and the hate sometimes flow down like
liquid manure on marble, then again I have to fight for
some time to get rid of it. Why do attacks sometimes
penetrate me and then again not?
GOD: Beloved Jahn, Beloved human Beings, you, who
this conversation. This phenomenon affects many human
Beings and
therefore I will address it more closely.
How and if such infringements and attacks, hate and
which come to a human Being from the outside, and have
an affect in
oneself, fundamentally has two causes:
1.) The intensity of the attack.
2.) The energetic, psychic, physical, mental,
and spiritual „condition of the day” exactly at the time
of the
This is what counts and it is necessary to adjust to
In these cases, which you describe, which you are
more preoccupied with, because these hits below the belt
are very
vehement and because you find yourself in intensive
energetic processes. It is
as if someone during surgery on an
open body enters the operating room and
disturbs. This is
always to be considered. Thereby it is important to
that this always portrays a snapshot. Attacks from the lower
vibrating ego level – and all attacks come from this pool of
energies – cannot
not attach to a higher vibrating entity for
very long; they flow off. It is necessary to wait for the time
until then, to
care for eventual emotional and mental injuries
and to heal. Whereby? With the divine Light and with your
family beyond the veil, which has a great mandate
for these healings.
JJK: I myself always make use of the Crystal Cube of
Ascension. For me it is an unbelievably strength giving
as well as powerful
GOD: Yes, this recommendation is expressively given
Because issues, which normally would take several sessions
in the divine
Light, can be redeemed in a very short time
due to the help of this gift.
JJK: Meaning: Attacks must sometimes “penetrate”
reach us, because our being is open somewhere
during energetic work?
GOD: Yes, to a certain stage in the development
it is
like that. This changes as soon as all energetic
tasks have been completed –
after enlightenment
has been attained on all levels. It is important to
understand that you deal with such
situations naturally.
Never drift into self-accusations or self-indictments.
What have I still not redeemed, or what have I
These are justified questions. But do not ask them immediately,
instead following after the smoke has been cleared. Why?
At the very first it
is necessary to escort the troublemaker
out of the “operating room”. And for
that I give you today
a very powerful handle.
Please begin the process to destroy energies,
want to destroy you. Ask the forces of
Light for it or mandate it for yourself:
I (speak your name here)
MANDATE THAT THESE (name the attacker
or attackers, if
Today this is of great significance.
Destroy dark Energies
Dark forces and entities react differently to the
of their destruction than to the possibility of their
Whoever wants to
avoid one’s change into the Light,
will reject transformation impulses and will
with the destructive actions as long as possible.
But as soon as such an entity is confronted with one’s
destruction it retreats. One’s own ego is the greatest
value of the egotist. If it feels threatened it changes its
behavior. Here
one answers with exactly the energies,
which emanate from these forces and it
is pure fear of
one’s destruction, which then prompt these entities to
It is also important to understand that in this
time the attacks become more
and more massive.
Ultimately it is about nothing more than the survival
of dark
energies on this level. And these fight for their
continuation with all means.
In the future you must formulate your mandates even
decisively and clearer. Never back off from DESTRUCTION
and removal of a
condition, which is unhealthy and unbearable
for you. Affirm this process and
no longer back off from it.
Call the Heavenly forces for help; call ARCHANGEL
to your side, and you will quickly and thoroughly be freed
from the
monsters of this matrix, which romp about in
your environment.
JJK: I now come to a further question, which is on my
GOD: I am all ears…
JJK: Why do conditions of jealously and envy rule
those, who call themselves Light entities, which think
consciously to
walk the path of the Light and also call
themselves light warriors? Why do the
light warriors fight
against each other instead of “marching” in unison?
In the
esoteric scene the “fight of jealousies” rages
and sometimes I have the
impression that that world
barely distinguishes itself from the world of outer
expressions, which we have undertaken to change.
Among „Priests“ hate is the greatest, so it seems.
False Prophets wherever I look
Why do so many highly talented Light entities open
themselves to dark energies, which strengthen the ego
and kill God devotion and humility? And it seems to me
that the number of these human Beings is very high.
False prophets wherever I look.
themselves to dark energies, which strengthen the ego
and kill God devotion and humility? And it seems to me
that the number of these human Beings is very high.
False prophets wherever I look.
Why cannot everyone work for the benefit of all, there
where he has been put, without sounding off about the
work or the life of others? Why can many “Masters” not
enjoy the work of other “Masters”? They rather belittle
it or they put themselves smugly above the work and
the efforts of others.
where he has been put, without sounding off about the
work or the life of others? Why can many “Masters” not
enjoy the work of other “Masters”? They rather belittle
it or they put themselves smugly above the work and
the efforts of others.
Why is madness so widely distributed among “esoteric
followers” and reason, love and peace so poorly developed?
GOD: Because the step from ME to US has not been
As soon as this occurs all wars will end on all and also on
this level.
this level.
From ME to US
Many light warriors have not understood the nature of
transformation and the interaction of all human Beings,
or are closed for it. For some light warriors they are the
measure of all things and instead of looking at the wonderful
blooms and fruits in the neighbor’s garden with humility and
thankfulness, they are jealous of it and feel envy as great and
healthy fruits also grow in the field of others. One does not
want to understand that each light warrior has come to earth
with his specific assignments and that each light warrior
fulfills these with his method.
transformation and the interaction of all human Beings,
or are closed for it. For some light warriors they are the
measure of all things and instead of looking at the wonderful
blooms and fruits in the neighbor’s garden with humility and
thankfulness, they are jealous of it and feel envy as great and
healthy fruits also grow in the field of others. One does not
want to understand that each light warrior has come to earth
with his specific assignments and that each light warrior
fulfills these with his method.
Each prospective “Master”, meaning, human Beings, who
today already walk ahead of other human Beings, is assigned
to a particular group of human Beings, is assigned to a particular
energy frequency, so that human Beings can be picked up from
where they stand.
today already walk ahead of other human Beings, is assigned
to a particular group of human Beings, is assigned to a particular
energy frequency, so that human Beings can be picked up from
where they stand.
JJK: Human Beings must not seek us; instead
we pick them up from where they stand?
we pick them up from where they stand?
GOD: Yes, this is the significant point so that as
as possible can be touched by the divine Light.
Here it is about the essential first touch and not
about enlightenment. And each, may it be a so tender,
casual and seemingly insignificant touch of God’s Grace
is a great gift for individual human Beings and for the
whole living planet of Mother Earth.
as possible can be touched by the divine Light.
Here it is about the essential first touch and not
about enlightenment. And each, may it be a so tender,
casual and seemingly insignificant touch of God’s Grace
is a great gift for individual human Beings and for the
whole living planet of Mother Earth.
The goal is, and
this is part of the awakening of
the light warriors, that each one, where he has
been put by God, who I am, fulfills his assignments.
the light warriors, that each one, where he has
been put by God, who I am, fulfills his assignments.
It is the task of
prospective Masters to live in peace
with oneself and to be in peace with his
Inner peace is the solution for everything.
The step from ME to US must be carried out and
consciousness must be brought back to its usual place
in human consciousness before the kingdom of peace
can be established.
consciousness must be brought back to its usual place
in human consciousness before the kingdom of peace
can be established.
JJK: Where is the usual place of the ego?
GOD: In human consciousness the ego exercises the
function of protection. It guards human Beings on the
physical, emotional and mental level from setting self-
destructive measures. The ego should not have any
access to the spiritual level. And here is the reason
for many upheavals. The ego has meddled in all affairs
of human divine consciousness and will not be called
for “advice” in important moments; instead it has lifted
itself to the sole ruler over human Beings and their
function of protection. It guards human Beings on the
physical, emotional and mental level from setting self-
destructive measures. The ego should not have any
access to the spiritual level. And here is the reason
for many upheavals. The ego has meddled in all affairs
of human divine consciousness and will not be called
for “advice” in important moments; instead it has lifted
itself to the sole ruler over human Beings and their
Why with some light warriors and not with others?
Because those, who are affected by it, have not
redeemed their interpersonal and intrapersonal affairs.
Whoever has not
redeemed earthly affairs,
meaning relationships to others and the
relationship to the self, whoever carry
unredeemed conflicts inside, takes the
meaning relationships to others and the
relationship to the self, whoever carry
unredeemed conflicts inside, takes the
low energy
structure of the ego with him
to the higher level.
to the higher level.
All is one; everything merges and works together.
If this is considered then much can change.
Many light warriors think that as soon as they operate
a higher light level, that they are then decoupled from all
human lowlands.
This is not at all like that, because also
to the high levels they carry
oneself as a whole and exactly
like they are.
No human Being has
succeeded to flee from oneself.
Power and Place of the Ego
No matter wherever you may go you can never run
away from yourself and you take everything with
you to everywhere.
Also the spiritual level is affected and again I point
to the significance of self-examination and self-healing.
JJK: But why do so many light workers perform healing
work for other human Beings, impersonate as Masters
or Gurus, and thereby still have not finished their own
basic work?
GOD: Because every human Being decides for oneself,
either in knowledge or ignorance of things. Each human
Being takes up the trace to oneself in a unique manner.
Everything in this world is the result of conscious or
unconscious decisions. Everyone is in one’s responsibility
here. Everything occurs based on inner motivation.
Chances only happen because they come to you.
Arbitrariness is not meant by it.
JJK: Is it correct to say that some human Beings “help”
others so that they divert from their own issues and
thereby take on the aura of a “good one”?
GOD: This is the most widely distributed form of help.
Human conditioning determines this. The lower vibrating
human unconscious always seeks a way in order to remain
untouched by the divine Light. The lower vibrating unconscious
feels the best in the twilight and avoids any insight. On the
other hand the higher vibrating subconscious is indeed
interested in healing and insights.
JJK: Unconscious and subconscious?
GOD: Unconsciousness with the seat in the second
chakra is the dark side of the ego, while the subconscious
with the seat in the third chakra portrays the light side of
the ego. This is the difference.
JJK: But some human Beings will shake their head
again, because this version has been rather unknown
so far?
GOD: Human nature reacts to innovations mostly with fear.
Therefore innovations or discoveries are initially ridiculed
and later, as they begin to be accepted, will be fought against.
Only after this intensive struggle with the new can the human
psyche accept it. The human Being, who discovered how to
make fire due to friction, had to endure the same among
his contemporaries. Before all human Beings could warm
themselves with the fire, he had to endure much ridicule.
This happened to very many – not all – who brought forth
new insights. It is not necessary to look at it any further.
Are our Assignments always fulfilled?
JJK: A question, which preoccupies me very much, is,
if it is possible that a human Being is called back before the
planned time due to outer circumstances. Meaning is it possible
for a dark force to take the life of a light warrior, who is in the
midst of his assignments? Is there the possibility, based on free
will and the free game on earth, that human plans on earth do
not get fulfilled, that individual assignments cannot be maintained,
because a bullet hits you?
GOD: No. Heavenly assignments, as they are accepted,
always get fulfilled. Always without exception – also even
if a bullet hits you. It is important to understand that these
assignments are never rigid, instead that they adjust to the
given circumstances. There are very many adjustments,
which need to be responded to. Let us assume that your
assignment is to walk from A to B and also to arrive at B.
You have accepted your assignments, are fully conscious
of them, and with heavenly guidance you merrily go on
your way.
Then unexpectedly hindrances block your way.
What will happen? You will take a detour, look for a new
path or remove the hindrances from the street to the wayside.
But you will never lose sight of your goal.
You may be “delayed”´, but you will never fail.
A light warrior of the first and last hour, who has mostly freed
himself from his ego and serves God with devotion, cannot fail.
It is impossible. What occurs, is that the goal is reached foremost
in another manner if the path is bumpy or impassible. Always.
JJK: Meaning if it also appears that a human Being is recalled
in the middle of his light-filled work, he has nonetheless fulfilled
his assignment?
GOD: Yes, always. The journey is the reward.
This expression is widely distributed and is perfect
at this point. Furthermore it is important to understand
that everything occurs with God’s will. Nothing can occur
without God, nothing. Whoever internalizes this truth has
reached a great degree of freedom.
JJK: But what about human Beings, who miss their life plan,
and do not live their blueprint and deviate from their original
life intentions?
GOD: These human Beings begin anew, or they
continue in a further life from where they stopped.
Here it is to be distinguished between the ones, who
remain on their path and those, who have left their path.
Whoever veers away from one’s path, negates his assignments
and conducts a life in the arbitrariness of this level, will be prompted
to make corrections after the arrival in the Light. Gradually also these
human Beings find their way back to the right path.
JJK: I am still preoccupied with two questions…
GOD: I am with you; go on Jahn…
Refugee and Immigration Crisis
JJK: The refugee and immigration crisis in Europe.
How will it proceed? Is there a danger for our life,
I mean for the human Beings here in Europe?
GOD: It is part of the great transformation that these
energies discharge and balance. Human Beings, which
were put into motion, demand their part of prosperity
and the riches of the “Western” world. The exploitation
has been recognized as such and now the consequences
become obvious, the boomerang returns. This is one level
and this level includes the geopolitical intentions, the
conscious creation of these conditions. Secondly it is
important to understand that also in this time every
human Being, who follows his light path and his inner
guidance, will always be at the right place.
Because I am omnipresent in his life and I have
„Arm“ yourself with God, and then you have everything.
Walks with Obama
JJK: The second question: What does it signify that twice in
a row I dreamed of Obama, as we peacefully walked side by
side in the center of Vienna and we talked about trivial things?
This seemed too trivial to me.
GOD: Here your multidimensional entity becomes effective.
Assignments have led you to this earth and you have
assignments on other levels, which you fulfill simultaneously.
These dream images show you that Obama must vacate the
throne he was put on and will be confronted with his trivial life.
Thereby it does not mean that he has to resign as President,
instead that he is cut off from the energy sources, which carried
and nurtured him so far. It is the calm before the storm for this
soul, which is prepared for a great purification process.
Your walks attuned this soul for this catharsis. Everything
occurs in the Now, and you fulfill your assignments.
ime and space exist only on a certain level of awareness,
JJK: Is it correct to say that some human Beings “help”
others so that they divert from their own issues and
thereby take on the aura of a “good one”?
GOD: This is the most widely distributed form of help.
Human conditioning determines this. The lower vibrating
human unconscious always seeks a way in order to remain
untouched by the divine Light. The lower vibrating unconscious
feels the best in the twilight and avoids any insight. On the
other hand the higher vibrating subconscious is indeed
interested in healing and insights.
JJK: Unconscious and subconscious?
GOD: Unconsciousness with the seat in the second
chakra is the dark side of the ego, while the subconscious
with the seat in the third chakra portrays the light side of
the ego. This is the difference.
JJK: But some human Beings will shake their head
again, because this version has been rather unknown
so far?
GOD: Human nature reacts to innovations mostly with fear.
Therefore innovations or discoveries are initially ridiculed
and later, as they begin to be accepted, will be fought against.
Only after this intensive struggle with the new can the human
psyche accept it. The human Being, who discovered how to
make fire due to friction, had to endure the same among
his contemporaries. Before all human Beings could warm
themselves with the fire, he had to endure much ridicule.
This happened to very many – not all – who brought forth
new insights. It is not necessary to look at it any further.
Are our Assignments always fulfilled?
JJK: A question, which preoccupies me very much, is,
if it is possible that a human Being is called back before the
planned time due to outer circumstances. Meaning is it possible
for a dark force to take the life of a light warrior, who is in the
midst of his assignments? Is there the possibility, based on free
will and the free game on earth, that human plans on earth do
not get fulfilled, that individual assignments cannot be maintained,
because a bullet hits you?
GOD: No. Heavenly assignments, as they are accepted,
always get fulfilled. Always without exception – also even
if a bullet hits you. It is important to understand that these
assignments are never rigid, instead that they adjust to the
given circumstances. There are very many adjustments,
which need to be responded to. Let us assume that your
assignment is to walk from A to B and also to arrive at B.
You have accepted your assignments, are fully conscious
of them, and with heavenly guidance you merrily go on
your way.
Then unexpectedly hindrances block your way.
What will happen? You will take a detour, look for a new
path or remove the hindrances from the street to the wayside.
But you will never lose sight of your goal.
You may be “delayed”´, but you will never fail.
Failure, as you follow your spiritual assignments,
A light warrior of the first and last hour, who has mostly freed
himself from his ego and serves God with devotion, cannot fail.
It is impossible. What occurs, is that the goal is reached foremost
in another manner if the path is bumpy or impassible. Always.
JJK: Meaning if it also appears that a human Being is recalled
in the middle of his light-filled work, he has nonetheless fulfilled
his assignment?
GOD: Yes, always. The journey is the reward.
This expression is widely distributed and is perfect
at this point. Furthermore it is important to understand
that everything occurs with God’s will. Nothing can occur
without God, nothing. Whoever internalizes this truth has
reached a great degree of freedom.
JJK: But what about human Beings, who miss their life plan,
and do not live their blueprint and deviate from their original
life intentions?
GOD: These human Beings begin anew, or they
continue in a further life from where they stopped.
Here it is to be distinguished between the ones, who
remain on their path and those, who have left their path.
Whoever veers away from one’s path, negates his assignments
and conducts a life in the arbitrariness of this level, will be prompted
to make corrections after the arrival in the Light. Gradually also these
human Beings find their way back to the right path.
JJK: I am still preoccupied with two questions…
GOD: I am with you; go on Jahn…
Refugee and Immigration Crisis
JJK: The refugee and immigration crisis in Europe.
How will it proceed? Is there a danger for our life,
I mean for the human Beings here in Europe?
GOD: It is part of the great transformation that these
energies discharge and balance. Human Beings, which
were put into motion, demand their part of prosperity
and the riches of the “Western” world. The exploitation
has been recognized as such and now the consequences
become obvious, the boomerang returns. This is one level
and this level includes the geopolitical intentions, the
conscious creation of these conditions. Secondly it is
important to understand that also in this time every
human Being, who follows his light path and his inner
guidance, will always be at the right place.
Whoever is under God’s protection does not
need to be
armed, because he is armed.
Because I am omnipresent in his life and I have
ability to do anything.
Walks with Obama
JJK: The second question: What does it signify that twice in
a row I dreamed of Obama, as we peacefully walked side by
side in the center of Vienna and we talked about trivial things?
This seemed too trivial to me.
GOD: Here your multidimensional entity becomes effective.
Assignments have led you to this earth and you have
assignments on other levels, which you fulfill simultaneously.
These dream images show you that Obama must vacate the
throne he was put on and will be confronted with his trivial life.
Thereby it does not mean that he has to resign as President,
instead that he is cut off from the energy sources, which carried
and nurtured him so far. It is the calm before the storm for this
soul, which is prepared for a great purification process.
Your walks attuned this soul for this catharsis. Everything
occurs in the Now, and you fulfill your assignments.
ime and space exist only on a certain level of awareness,
in a segment of
We have reached the end of this conversation.
Be assured; as night follows the day and the rain
sunshine, Light will follow darkness and the good will follow
evil. Mankind has taken the path in that direction.
I am with you
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