Essay about the actual
current events:
Free Air Concentration
Camp Gaza, Filtration Camps in the
Ukraine, FEMA-Camps in the USA, Genocide,
Flight MH17,
Obama, Putin - and the Media
written by Jahn J Kassl
translates by Franz
Repeatedly the crimes of
the US Government and mainly
of the actual US President Barack Obama are themes
publications of the Lichtwelt portal. And this for good reason:
So that we
can escape the “Obama Deceptions” and can look
into the eyes of the facts.
That the Nobel Peace
Prize Laureate does not shy away
from any crime can no longer be suppressed due
to the facts,
which regularly come to light; but that with Obama the crimes
have obtained a new dimension, is yet on a somewhat different
The peculiarity of
murder and homicide,
the destruction of life anywhere in this world,
which is
defined in its useful US doctrine of global
“war against terror”, has truly
reached inconceivable
Actually with approval
from Washington, the greatest
free air concentration camp in the world, the Gaza-Strip,
is put to rubble and ashes
– once more – by the Zionists.
Zionists: a non-religious peculiarity of Judaism,
which was begun around
1880, ideologically viewed atheist.
Judaism: a thousands of years old Religion, in order to serve God.
According to the main concept of orthodox Jews there cannot
be a political State for Jews; they condemn the crimes against the
Palestinians; conclusion: Judaism rejects the Zionist State of Israel.
Judaism: a thousands of years old Religion, in order to serve God.
According to the main concept of orthodox Jews there cannot
be a political State for Jews; they condemn the crimes against the
Palestinians; conclusion: Judaism rejects the Zionist State of Israel.
actually practiced by the Government of Israel,
is godless and thereby the
exact opposite of religiously
and spiritually oriented Judaism. The Zionists
declare the Orthodox Jews as Anti-Semites, therefore as
“Jews hating
themselves”. This is a background, which shows
how consciously manipulated and
falsely the expression
“Anti-Semitism” is used. Anybody, who questions the
political actions of the State of Israel or rejects the crimes
of the Zionists,
is earmarked as such.)
Since the USA vetoed the Palestinian application for
Statehood at the UN on November 29th 2012, the
Middle East does not
come to rest and riots increase.
The conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Islamic
Resistance Movement, escalate further.
The 40 kilometer long and 10 kilometer wide Gaza-Strip
is surrounded by a 60-kilometer long wall, which was
built in the nineties. Thereby 1.7 million people are constantly
by the Israeli Army and are constantly monitored.
And these human Beings no
longer bear their fate and rebel
against it.
The coordinator for emergency help from the United
Nations, Undersecretary John Holmes,
speaks in this
context of a “huge free air
prison without normal
conditions and human dignity”.
(Source:, 11/18/2012)
Eiman al-Sahbani, a medical professional in
Gaza-Strip sees it exactly like that and
„die Presse“ quotes: „Hamas is not guilty of the misery,
Israel and Egypt, which made the Gaza-Strip into a prison.”
Medially this situation
is hushed up with just a few exceptions.
Also the actually increasing critical
situation is dismissed as a
necessary military operation of Israel.
The human Beings, who
are kept behind the wall like
wild animals and are subjected to the
arbitrariness of
the Israeli authorities, are they terrorists, or do the have
the human right to rebel against it?
Nobody would dare to describe the Polish and
Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, which was
erected by the Nazis in 1940, as
terrorists, after
they rebelled against their
conditions in 1943 and
were subsequently destroyed. (Warsaw Ghetto:
“Jewish living area in Warsaw”, as it was harmlessly
The Palestinians have
been described as such by the media,
despite their yearlong disrespect and
mistreatment by the
Israeli authorities. Thereby I was reminded
of the remark by
an Israeli businessperson, who has died in the meantime.
man, who was quite sympathetic, casually said to me
several years ago about the
ongoing smoldering conflict:
“The Palestinians
are like animals one cannot talk to.”
My mouth stayed open and I lost my
Yes, “like animals”, but
who? Those, who are treated
like animals or even worse, the ones, who treat
Beings like that?
Thereby injustice is
done to animals, because these live
for the most part in harmony with creation,
what does not
apply to most human Beings and certainly not to the Israeli
Government. Look into the eyes of the incumbent President
Benjamin Netanjahu, look into his face – a human Being or
monster? Or do you still remember Ariel
Sharon, General
and President from 2001 until 2006. Bombs and grenades
his answers to every attempt for autonomy of the
How should children,
which know nothing but injustice,
war and death, become peace loving human
War generation follows
war generation and those,
who seek an escape, are declared terrorists and will
be killed at the next opportunity. Women lose their husbands,
children their
fathers, mothers their children. This is what the
Palestinian people have been
subjected to for decades.
This is an upside-down worldview
and how really absolutely
incompetent are the reporters of the mass media,
which actually
bemoan the death of two Israeli soldiers, while 300 dead
are not even worthy of a footnote.
That Israeli citizens
hail each bomb impact in Gaza,
like reported on CNN, is equally macabre as well
as a
genre picture of these brainwashed and totally rotten
human Beings. A
shame for all of humanity.
The new “Untermenschen” live in the
Gaza-Strip and
Israel’s Government
makes sure that it remains like that.
in nothing to the Nazi regime, the Israeli Government
together with their US
brothers in arms, act today exactly like
Hitler’s henchmen from then.
Flight MH17, Filtration Camps
Furthermore the war drum against Putin’s Russia is
No day without some Western Politician reporting something to
Putin. No day on which the
media reports of the West cover a
carpet of silence over the genocide, which
the Kiev Government
commits on their own citizens. And also here, Neo-Nazis are at
work and
Fascists determined the number of blows against their
own citizens.
Actually the tragic
crash (shooting down by the Kiev government!?)
of the passenger plane Flight MH17 over Ukraine with 298 human
Beings being killed, must serve as a new bashing of Putin.
That Russia demanded a
thorough and independent investigation
of the tragedy gets lost in the media reporting
of the West and in
the political perception of the West as well as Putin’s
proposal to
control the borders of the fought for border areas together with
Ukrainians and OSZE.
In spite of these media
war drums are being increased.
This is a method that human Beings of the first
and second
World War were sworn to and now shall be prepared for a
third World
NATO toughens its
stance, the CIA coordinates the Ukrainian
Armed Forces, the USA supply and/or
pay for military equipment
and the dumb EU toughens its sanctions against
In the meantime,
“filtration camps”, this is the name in
Kiev’s new verbal expression, are being
erected for its
own population (“filtration is the process for the
or purification of a medium…”
Totally according to the
US pattern of FEMA concentration camps,
in order to “reeducate” (brainwashing,
mind control) human Beings
or, what is even more probable, totally according to
the NOW
agenda of population reduction, to kill them.
There are an estimated
800 FEMA-Camps (“Federal
Management Agency”) standing ready in the
USA for internment and murder of
their own citizens.
Many of these
concentration camps have started operation,
mass graves have been dug, coffins
fitting up to 5 human
Beings have been delivered, and special buses without
windows and trains for mass evacuations are ready.
What is Washington preparing for?
The admission capacity of the FEMA concentration
distributed across America, is 16 million people!
Actually affected by the forceful internment are
those without financial means and homeless people, or
human Beings,
who just on suspicion and without a legal
warrant are forcefully removed from
their homes and are
arrested as “terrorists”. These human Beings simply
like they never lived! How good it would be for the world, if the
media would report about all of this; and about the following:
„FEMA is reporting to US Homeland Security,
and out of
a total of several hundred ordinances
the following were already activated:*
- Ordinance 10995: Confiscation of all communication media of the USA
- Ordinance 10997: Disconnection from all electrical power sources and confiscation of all fuel.
- Ordinance 10999: Confiscation of all means of transportation
- Ordinance 11000: Indention of the whole US population into work groups and according to the plans of Homeland Security and if necessary the separation of families according to the plans of the US government.
- Ordinance 11001: Confiscation of all means for health, education and welfare.
- Ordinance 11003: Confiscation of all airports and airplanes.
- Ordinance 11004: Confiscation of all houses and the financial power of attorney, in order to enable forceful resettlement.
- Ordinance 11005: Confiscation of all train companies, all inland waterways and supply facilities.
- Ordinance 12656: The National Security Council has the right to decide about emergency powers of attorney, in order to push through increases in inner surveillance, the separation of communities, the restriction of movement of individual persons and groups, the deployment of the National Guard, in order to implement the ordinances by force.” (Source:
This is a horror scenario of a world gone off track.
Thereby the government in Kiev, concerning their criminal
Thereby the government in Kiev, concerning their criminal
energy and criminal acts, are not inferior in anything compared t
o the
“great brother” in the USA and the “filtration camps”
also start their
The occurring and as here described genocides,
by the Nazi governments in Jerusalem,
Washington and Kiev remain medially
unnoticed, as
if our writers never heard anything about on location research
about the internet. That they neither write the truth nor are
allowed to write
about it, is obvious and from this viewpoint
the journalists are by all means
to be sorry about.
Yet without a doubt the
main responsibility for these
upheavals carry the CIA and the USA. And ahead of
else is Barack Hussein Obama,
the greatest man slaughterer
of this time and according to his own admission is
even proud
of it: (“I am really good in
killing people,”) bragged the
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate to his advisers.
Obama approved 326 drone
attacks, the CIA killed 3600 human
Beings in the years 2004 to 2013 (this is
the official number,
the real number is unknown). And somewhat surprising to
this was reported in the mass media and admitted.
That a human Being is
capable of absolute and unconditional
love, cannot be recognized in any fiber
of Obama and so the
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate lives out the exact opposite –
death and the destruction of human lives to an epochal extent
are the
result of it: Yes, he can.
The “war against
terror”, which in practice never ends,
after it was called out by Georg W Bush
and has been
fitted with Obama’s ruthless signature; the killer drones
fly low,
almost silent and foremost daily.
Under the following link:
You find the report, written by Dr. Jürgen Todenhöfer,
which shows the
execution of the Pakistani family Bismillah.
On 8/23/2010 the sons, 8 and 10 years old, as well as the parents,
brutally killed by an unmanned US killer drone. A word and
picture document is
presented here, disturbingly and vividly, which
uncovers Obama’s diabolic
nature in a distressing manner. Who
until today thought that it is bad, knows at
least by now: It is
much worse about the 44th President of the
United States of
America than has been assumed. A beast in pin stripes, not
more, not less; and in the end only one question remains
with Todenhöfer:
Why do you kill children, Barack Obama?
is far from any human imagination, what Obama
and the rat pack in the White
House is capable of.
are murders, which happen in close cooperation
and feedback from “Ramstein in Germany”,
the technological
focal point of the drone war.
Whereby Germany’s role as lap dog of the
USA is
verified and whereby it is our responsibility to call
these crimes by
will be brought to justice for his deeds!
is certain. The “day of God’s judgment” does
not exist, yet there exists God’s
justice. And Obama
will also be turned over to it.
Until then it is necessary to point out
his deeds,
his criminal energy and his diabolic nature, which
he acts out in
this world, so that the day of justice
and the moment of freedom for a suffering
arrives sooner rather than later.
Jahn J Kassl
This “essay” was sent out as a “letter to the editor”
to all editorial staffs and publishers of daily newspapers and
weekly magazines in Austria, Germany and Switzerland,
as well as to top-level politicians in Austria.
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Brings War To Europe – JAHN J KASSL: