Message from the Light Reading
on December 18th, 2015 in Vienna

Photography © 2014 Jens Schnabel, Munich
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
God is with us!
I am ASANA MAHATARI, those, who know me,
also know me
as Master ST. GERMAIN.
I am That I Am. I am now amongst you!
Thinking of God
Do you know why the life of many human Beings looks
a roller coaster? Days, hours and moments that heights and
characterize? Do you know why it is so difficult for many
human Beings to stand
in the center, to remain in their center
and center there? The answer is simple:
Most human Beings think too
little about God.
All thoughts should
always circle around God and have
God in the center. A fulfilled and balanced
life can unfold
out of this centered position.
At the very first distraction many human Beings digress
from thoughts about God.
„Now I have to do this“ or „I have to solve this
they say – and thereby forget God.
Let us look at this more closely.
What happens if you are constantly bound to God by
of your thoughts and thereby remain in constant connection
with God? You
remain in peace on the inside – always – and
you never topple out of inner
balance. This is also guaranteed
as you are confronted with a challenging
situation. If you
remain centered in God, such a situation cannot “take you
over”, anxieties cannot get settled in you and shocking events
are very quickly
If your thoughts
digress from God in precarious situations,
you topple out of oneness and fears
and worries begin to
The Exercise
Please do – and exercise this consistently – the
As soon as you are again in a difficult situation,
turn to
God with your thoughts and with your heart.
In everything, which preoccupies you, in everything
that you
see, in everything that disturbs you, center in God and ensure
your thoughts remain constantly oriented toward God.
It is helpful as you repeat God’s name. This supports
you to
remain focused in the loving, kind, empathetic and omnipresent
Bring the “personal” God into your life and all precarious
situations will be
instantly defused, calm down and you can
relax quickly and anchor in your
I give you this exercise today and at the close of
this year,
whereby in challenging moments your thoughts are entirely
toward God, so that dark energies can neither impair
you nor take you over. As soon as you have internalized this
exercise and
have anchored it as a permanent “mantra”,
your emotions and feelings begin to
In this manner you change your cellular consciousness
and gradually you become equal to God.
This simple and extremely effective exercise, as you
practice it consistently, is the key to a harmonious life.
It functions
through thoughts. Correctly oriented thoughts
towards God make you into whom
you are. False thoughts,
turned away from God, make you into whom you believe
you are. Salvation or harm in your life lies in the world
of your thoughts.
Therefore before you can whole-heartedly practice the
to God, you must possess a sound mind and your thoughts must
entirely absorbed in God.
The binding to God
begins with the first thought about
God, becomes weaker as soon as your
thoughts diminish
and ends as soon as the thoughts cease.
Beloved Ones,
in this message of today it is about to lift you to
the next
level of insights. Therefore I encourage you to this regular
which ensures that you remain anchored on this
new level. The talk is about the
Consciousness Level far from Fear
How to get rid of fear? This is a question of great
And whoever finds the answer has taken a great step toward
personal freedom. Whoever recognizes that due to the constant
binding to the
Creator, lower vibrating energy fields can no longer
hold in your environment;
one will enjoy the attributes, which are
inherent to the life quality on this
level of consciousness: peace,
harmony, wisdom and compassion.
And due to exercise, repetition and regularity this
will be reached and this condition can be maintained.
Some human Beings have a tendency to seek the “quick
Not that it were impossible, yet a good sword most of the time
forged in the glowing fire for a long time. Meaning: as soon
as you internalize
that earthly life, measured against the timeless
eternity, is less than an
instant, you begin to evaluate in what
kind of relation human impatience stands
against this fact.
The living bond with God means to exist in
timelessness and
this is also attained due to a bond to the Source. The closer
you are to God the more insignificant timespans become,
they lose their
significance, like toys, which lose fascination
with children of increasing
This is today, here and now, the message for you
siblings of the Light: you can now reach the next step in
insights. It
is the level where the closeness to God remains
constant and whereby fears
This reality exists far from earthly truth.
Due to regular practice of this exercise, whereby you
direct your thoughts always to God, you change yourself
and you change your
environment; you become peace
loving and easiness comes in, “blows of fate”
rare occasions and the meaning of life is revealed day by day.
You will not be
transfigured once the “Day of Judgment”
occurs and also enlightenment does not
occur beyond the
veil. It is true: The Life on God’s wings is today your
heritage and is already being realized on earth.
Ensure that you remain open for this truth and that
every day you increasingly remind yourself of God until
each moment is
permeated with His presence.
I accompany you.
In Love, with Joy and out of Gratitude.
God is with us! In Eternity.
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