26. März 2014



written by Jahn J Kassl
transated by Franz

War again presentable 
Even if still cautious, but one blows the horn to war.
And the events in the Ukraine serve as a pretext: 
“Since 5:45 we are shooting back”, Hitler yelled in the 
Reichstag and the Second World War began. And the German 
NWO high-priest Merkel gets closer and closer to that hour, 
only the “Radio station Gleiwiz”, the attack under false flag,
is still missing. This time Poland is the ally and the Ukraine 
the triggering event in order to march against Russia.

German President Joachim Gauck, the protestant preacher,
who has been selected for that position due to Merkel’s 
graces, vehemently blows the horn to war.
He sees Germany’s role in the world not only as a 
supplier for the warring parties, but wishes more action 
and the engagement: “I have to observe that in our 
country – besides some genuine pacifists – there are those 
using Germany’s historical guilt as an excuse, in order to 
hide unworldliness and comfort.” “Like everything that comes 
from this mouth of lies also this thought is not new.” 
(konkret 3/2014)

Means in plain language from Gauck: 
To take responsibility and up to arms. 
And German soldiers are already omnipresent in: 
Yugoslavia, Timor, Macedonia, Congo, Darfur, Kuwait, 
Afghanistan, Sudan, Kosovo, Cambodia, Somalia, 
Senegal, Mali, etc.

Tragic of the old Revolutionaries 
And the “old and deserved revolutionaries” 
fall for these fake revolts (what is a tragic in itself), 
just like the majority of the population: “On many continents 
rages the eternal war for freedom.....In these days the war
for freedom rages in the Ukraine...We are in awe and 
admire....Please carry on – as a patriot of the 
Ukraine...We hope with anger and trepidation...” 
(Wolf Biermann, 77, DDR civil rights activist and 
songwriter – in an open letter to Vitali Klitschko. 
The complete letter with the names of signatures 
is at the end of this essay.)

The previous freedom fighters today frenetically applaud 
and euphorically greet the fascist EUSA dictatorship with 
the same verve that the communist DDR dictatorship and 
communism in general were fought against.
Those who climb up to a public “love declaration”
for Klitschko, who likes the company of Nazi leader 
Oleh Tjahnybok, the head of the “Swoboda” party, 
has not arrived in the here and now and still lives 
in the past.

The “iron curtain” is still intact in the Biermann’s of this time, 
the Berlin Wall has not fallen yet and the “Evil” is the “Russian”. 
This surely requires the US missiles on Polish territory, 
only 60 kilometers from the Russian enclave Kaliningrad. 
These Patriot missiles are positioned there since 2010,
in immediate vicinity of Russia. And it was Russia 
(the actual rogue state) that decided in its first reaction,
in order to avoid any escalation of the conflict, to forego 
any armament in this region, that is suitable for it; and it 
would have been entirely appropriate. Who threatens whom, 
who is the aggressor, where are the perpetrators and who 
are the victims or shall be the victims?

The USA and Europe, the self-proclaimed “democratic 
interest alliance” for the whole world, threaten and 
encircle the Ukraine.
Goal: The incorporation of the Ukraine into NATO
– no matter what the cost is. And it can cost a lot, 
jillion, namely war.

The decisions have been made a long time ago and 
Obama and Merkel signal this on a daily basis. 
The “old revolutionaries” suppress all of this.
Being blind on one eye they see only half of the world 
and yet they claim the entitlement for completeness of 
their opinions.

Biermann writes, how and what he can, it has always 
been like that and mostly good – until today. And other
writer barons, political activists, predators of the system 
or pinstripe revolutionaries from 1968 agree with him; 
they talk when inappropriate, and they are silent when 
the opposite is necessary, just so they do not leave their 
comfort zone. Already corrupted by the system a long time 
ago, only “anger” and “trepidation” has remained with the 
Biermann’s, Jelinek’s and Cohn-Bendit’s of this time.  

“The opposite of what is generally believed is the truth
in most cases.” Jean de la Bruyere, French writer (1645-1696).

And the truth is: “A....tactic of deception (of the One World 
Government) is the Orwellian utilization of ambiguity. Meaning, 
war is called peace, pacifists are terrorists, and those who try 
to speak the truth are badmouthed, because they spread hate 
and maliciousness.” Daniel Estulin (publicist and Bilderberger critic)

Should your government declare that winters are warm 
and summers are cold, please do not be surprised: 
That is the method!

While we increasingly remember the Hitler-Nazi crimes, 
the new brown-shirts already parade and they occupy
– not only in the Ukraine – the State offices. Naturally 
totally “legal”: “Always consider that everything that 
Hitler did was legal.” Martin Luther King (1929-1968)

Our politicians sell us the illegal overthrow by the putschists
in the Ukraine as “legal”! How stupid do they think we really are?
It is the actual example of the reversal of things, democracy is 
dictatorship, Klitschko a revolutionary and Obama the shining Light.

Fact is: The new Nazis have put on a democratic coating, 
and even though the paint is long gone, they still sit in the 
White House, in the German Bundestag, in the European 
Union and in the City of London. 

Obama, Merkel & Co have found their equal in the 
Ukrainian government: Because who finances fascists, 
supports them and lifts them into high positions, 
is easily himself one, despite all contrary firm assurances.

In conclusion: If Europe allows to be maneuvered into 
a conflict with Russia, this means the third World War. 

We should be aware of this, as Merkel, Obama’s lapdog, 
is fully aware of it. Because Merkel, forged in the DDR cadre, 
has broken her oath of office, “To avert suffering from the 
German Nation”, numerous times and has thereby advanced 
to the High Priestess of the NWO.

The songwriter Wolf Biermann, “Expert in struggles for freedom”  
(Frankfurter Allgemeine, 2/6/2014) ignores this and many follow him. 
The “intellectuals” are now identified as dummies, because who 
sees in Klitschko a revolutionary or even a shining Light, has 
drawn incomplete or wrong conclusions from the DDR revolution. 
Nothing learned. A sad assessment and tragic, that applies to 
everyone, who have cosigned the “Moving words for Vitali Klitschko”  
(bunte-online, 3/23/2014). (List of names at the end of the essay)

Because it is true: „One can ignore reality, 
but one cannot ignore the consequences of the ignored reality.”  
(Ayn Rand, Russian-American writer, 1905-1982)

And otherwise I demand the unconditional basic
income for all human Beings 0-99 as a basic birthright.

Jahn J Kassl 

Open Letter
from Wolf Biermann to Vitali Klitschko 

Beloved Vitali Klitschko,

Because we know you and admire you, we send 
you a few words of encouragement to all those human 
Beings who presently fight so courageously in the Ukraine 
for true democracy and against the false, the “flawless 
democracy” à la Putin and Janukowitsch.
On many continents rages the struggle for freedom that 
for generations has been fought in always-different new 
costumes and in different historical settings. In Europe the 
Ukraine is our neighbor, and therefore this struggle also 
touches more directly our own interests and our fate.

Heinrich Heine – probably the most German of all our great 
writers – wrote in French exile in Paris in the year 1851 his 
political account of his life “Enfant Perdu”. Therein the poet 
calls himself a lost child and a true warrior in the eternal 
struggle for freedom at the same time.
This struggle for freedom and the liberties were repeatedly lost, 
and nonetheless the fight has repeatedly been tried anew, 
in changing times in the history of mankind.
In these days a war for freedom rages in the Ukraine
– and not only in the Maidan in Kiev. We Germans experience 
this fight only on television just as we would a boxing match. 
We are in awe and admire that this Ukrainian World champion 
can do more than speak with his fists. Please continue to 
act – as a patriot of the Ukraine and Europe as well – in the 
sense of the world-unifying “Bridge over troubled waters”. 
And please transmit this first stanza of Heine’s poem to
your friends in Kiev.

Enfant Perdu

For thirty years I faithfully endured 
the lost post in the fight for freedom.
I fought without hope that I would prevail,
I knew that I would never return home in health. 

But today complete this first stanza in the Ukrainian 
reality less pessimistically as our exiled poet in his 
poem at that time. Fortunately you do not stand at a 
lost post.

We hope with anger and trepidation that the hope 
for a blood-less victory does not get lost for you and 
your friends in Kiev. Everybody, even the misused policemen
of the dictatorial regime, different from the Heine poem,
should return home in health. 

Wolf Biermann, am 04. Februar 2014 

This open Letter

Has been cosigned by the following persons:

Omair Ahmad, Martin Ahrends, Prof. Dr. Omar Akbar, 
Fadhil Al-Azzawi, Homero Aridjis, Dieter Bachmann, 
Güner Yasemin Balci, Dr. Jochen Balkhausen, Andreas Bauer, 
Wilhelm Baum, Prof. Christian Beldi, Dr. Tania Beldi, 
Charles Bernstein, Andreas Bertram, Stephan Bickhardt, 
Pamela Biermann, Marianne Birthler, Manfred Bissinger,
 Marica Bodrozic, Heidi Bohley, Kalle Bohley, Dr. Martin Böttger, 
Pam Brown, Thomas Brussig, Hans Christoph Buch, Ian Buruma, 
Sabine Callies, Amir Cheheltan, Thierry Chervel, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, 
Philippe Coutelen, Ernst Demele, Gabriele Dienst, Christian Dietrich, 
Lidija Dimkovska, Frank Ebert, Manuel Edler, Katrin Eigenfeld, 
Tahsin Erkan, Ashur Etwebi, Petra Falkenberg, Sherko Fatah, 
Prof. Dr. Norbert Finzsch, Dr. Bernd Florath, Rainer Fornahl, 
Peter Franke, Helmuth Frauendorfer, Ute Frevert, Ralf Fuecks, 
Werner Fuhr, J.G. Gaarlandt, Klaus Gabbert, Dr. Anja Gerecke, 
Prof. Dr. med. Dieter Gerecke, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Volker Gerhardt,
Jochen Gerz, Matti Geschonneck, Kerstin Gierke, Christian Girod-David, 
André Glucksmann, Matthias Goeritz, Georg Goosmann, Bettina Gräf,
Roman Grafe, Gintaras Grajauskas, Birgit Grätz, Steffen Gresch, 
Dr. Christian Grote, Lars Gustafsson, Dr. phil. Christian Halbrock, 
Klaus Harpprecht, Renate Harpprecht, Frank Herterich, Dr. Norbert Hilbig, Gerold Hildebrand, Ralf Hirsch, Thomas Hoepker, Dr. Gabriele Holoch, 
Monika Hörter, Dr. med. Waltraud Hörter-Volf, Stanka Hrastelj, Elke Hüge, Iman Humaydan, Roland Jahn, Sabrina Janesch, Elfriede Jelinek, 
Gudrun Jugel, Dr. Anna Kaminsky, Matthias Kämpf, Ralph Kessler, 
Julia Kisina, Burghart Klaussner, Jessie Kleemann, Thomas Klingenstein, Oliver Kloss, Sibylle Knauss, Gundel Köbke, Gerd Koenen, Harald Köhler, Günter Könsgen, Klaus Kordon, Dr. Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk, 
Krzysztof Krasiczynski, Ursula Krechel, Christine Kruchen, Dr. Olaf Kühl, 
Holger Kulick, Sonja Kurschildgen, Peggy Kypke, Dr. med. Wolf Kypke, 
Dr. Sabine Lehmann-Brauns, Dr. Uwe Lehmann-Brauns, Christoph Leisten, Michaela Leitner, Marjaleena Lembcke, Peter Lewandowski, Vasyl Makhno, Alberto Manguel, Marko Martin, Tienchi Martin-Liao, Rolf Mautz, 
Damodar Mauzo, Raffael Meininghaus, Helga Metzner, Hubertus Meyer-Burckhardt, Margit Miosga, Dr. Thomas Moch, Dr. Klaus Mölln, Fanny Moreno, Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Ernst Müller, Birgit Müller-Wieland, Jan Müller-Wieland, 
Dr. Ingrid Mummert, Ban'ya Natsuishi, Dr. Ehrhart Neubert, Hildigund Neubert, Quito Nicolaas, Bahman Nirumand, Christina Nix, Prof. Dr. Christoph Nix, Johannes Nix, Dr. Alberto Noceti, Bernard Noël, Florence Noiville, 
Gesine Oltmanns, Ursula Ott, Julio Pavanetti, Cordula Peker, 
Dr. Stefan Peker, Dietger Pforte, Monika Platt, Thomas Platt, 
Elisabeth Plessen, Ines Plog, Prof. Jobst Plog, Liane Plotzitzka-Kämpf, 
Erika Pluhar, Martin Pollack, Jose Manuel Prieto, Eva Quistorp, Holly-Jane Rahlens, Waldemar Ritter, Prof. Dr. med. Henning Rohde, Tilman Röhrig, 
Doris Rosenkranz, Veronika Rotfuß, Carine Rüegg, Christine Rüegg, 
Hartmut Rüffert, Michail Ryklin, Dr. Helmut Salzmann, Walter Sänger, Sapphire, Agus R. Sarjono, Dr. Michael Schaaf, Roland Schäfer, 
Herrad Schenk, Agnès Schillinger, Andreas Schmidt, Peter Schneider, 
Kaspar Schnetzler, Ulrich Schreiber, Christa Schuenke, Stephan Seeger M.A., Barbara Seiller, Dr. Rita Sélitrenny, Tom Sello, Barbara Sengewald, 
Matthias Sengewald, Denise Setton, Eduardo Sguiglia, Rajvinder Singh, 
Folker Skulima, Tzveta Sofronieva, Wolfgang Sofsky, Baby Sommer, 
Manuel Soubeyrand, Jens Sparschuh, Tilman Spengler, Michael Stognienko, Christine Storck, Matthias Storck, Ursula Swoboda, Annika Thor, Juliane Tief, Angela Tieger, Michael Turowski, Amir Valle, Stefaan van den Bremt,
Adriaan van Dis, Haris Vlavianos, C. Claus Voigt, Prof. Dr. Gisela Völger, 
Peter Völker, Christine von Arnim, Keto von Waberer, Prof. Dr. Karin von Welck, Michael von Welck, István Vörös, Ulrich Waller, Rolf Walter, 
Peter Wawerzinek, Gudrun Weber, Ian Wedde, Prof. Dr. Richard Weiner, Reinhard Weißhuhn, Sarah Wiederhold, Herbert Wiesner, 
Wolf Wondratschek, Christoph Wonneberger, Elsbeth Zylla
(Source: Der Tagesspiegel, 2/6/2014)

Final remark JJK: Just the fact alone, that this letter has 
been published in every newspaper of the mass media 
(faz, fokus, 3sat etc.), either in its full length or at least in 
part, should give Biermann and the cosigners something to 
think about! 

(This “essay” was sent out as a “letter to the editor” 
to all editorialstaffs and publishers of daily newspapers 
and weekly magazines inAustria, Germany and Switzerland, 
as well as to top-level politiciansin Austria.)

The light world publishing and the author do not lead any 
corrspondencewhatsoever on the texts / massages published 
on this website.