written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
„In this century, we are long past the days when the
international community will stand quietly by while one
country forcibly seizes the territory of another. We call on
all members of the international community to continue to
condemn such actions, to take concrete steps to impose costs,
and to stand together in support of the Ukrainian people and
Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.”
So says the White House. (Referendum on the Ukraine, 3/16/2014)
At this point I spare myself to mention ”territories” that America
written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
„In this century, we are long past the days when the
international community will stand quietly by while one
country forcibly seizes the territory of another. We call on
all members of the international community to continue to
condemn such actions, to take concrete steps to impose costs,
and to stand together in support of the Ukrainian people and
Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.”
So says the White House. (Referendum on the Ukraine, 3/16/2014)
At this point I spare myself to mention ”territories” that America
has “forcibly” annexed due
to uranium and drone bombs, due to
war and killings of civilians. This list is without end, and we
presently count 40 wars and roughly 20 million dead, which
can be directly or indirectly attributed to the imperialistic
activities of the USA since the Second World War.
It is America that consistently breaks International Law!
And today Washington dares to appear as upholder of
moral standards in the example of the Referendum on
Obama has the absolute nerve for it – and he does it!
And Europe, the “International Community” follows him;
war and killings of civilians. This list is without end, and we
presently count 40 wars and roughly 20 million dead, which
can be directly or indirectly attributed to the imperialistic
activities of the USA since the Second World War.
It is America that consistently breaks International Law!
And today Washington dares to appear as upholder of
moral standards in the example of the Referendum on
Obama has the absolute nerve for it – and he does it!
And Europe, the “International Community” follows him;
faithfully, in disgusting servitude and totally
to the principle: “Fuehrer, order, we follow you.”
In summary: The saber rattling of the EUSA against
Russia continues and enters into the next phase.
This augurs ill. What is demanded now is our determination
to stand up against any War!
Wake up! It is High Noon.
And otherwise I demand the unconditional basic
to the principle: “Fuehrer, order, we follow you.”
In summary: The saber rattling of the EUSA against
Russia continues and enters into the next phase.
This augurs ill. What is demanded now is our determination
to stand up against any War!
Wake up! It is High Noon.
And otherwise I demand the unconditional basic
for all human Beings 0-99 as a basic birthright.
Jahn J Kassl
(This “essay” was sent out as a “letter to the editor”
Jahn J Kassl
(This “essay” was sent out as a “letter to the editor”
to all editorialstaffs and publishers of daily newspapers
and weekly magazines inAustria, Germany and Switzerland,
as well as to top-level politiciansin Austria.)
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
and weekly magazines inAustria, Germany and Switzerland,
as well as to top-level politiciansin Austria.)
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
corrspondencewhatsoever on the texts / massages published
on this website.
on this website.
Putin the door opener - JAHN J KASSL: