11. März 2014


written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

On March 6th, 2014 when I published the essay about the 
Ukraine (“NWO attack on Russia”) http://lichtweltverlag.blogspot.co.at/2014/03/ukraine-nwo-attack-on-russia-jjk.html 
I received a letter from a very good friend 
wherein the following dream was described:

“I was awakened by loud sawing. Somebody was sawing 
wood with a handsaw and it was so loud as if it happened 
in the room next door. I slowly woke up but the loudness 
did not change. Only after I was fully awake and opened 
my eyes was it quiet in the room. Thereby I got up, prayed 
and went back to sleep and then the following dream appeared.
Together with other people I am held captive in something like 
a building. Even though I feel quite well it is clear to me that I 
am in danger. Then I see Mister Putin outside. I walk up to him 
and feel infinite trust.
He is very serious and his eyes are not “normal” but look into 
different directions. This does not frighten me, just the opposite. 
I feel a kind of affection and trust, a kind of love or a slight 
“being in love”. He puts his hand into his trouser pocket and 
throws a ring of keys to me. I do not know which doors they
would open but I am absolutely certain that this is my lifesaver. 
He waits for me and I am certain that I am safe with Vladimir 
and will be. He sends me thoughts that he expects me.” 
(End of dream)

(This morning I asked around if anybody had the idea of 
sawing wood. Nobody had done so and except for me also 
nobody had noticed the noise. Yet in my case I was pulled 
out of sleep!)

Return mail JJK: 

Many thanks and I have read your dream; 
and this is a perfect event of synchronicity wherein 
we presently live. Your dream is absolutely self-explanatory
and more than explicit – PUTIN the door opener, because 
he opposes the NWO system and thereby specific crimes 
will not happen. In my view Putin represents the combined 
resistance of human Beings on the 3D and lower 4D levels 
against the NWO – and thanks to Putin some things develop 
more softly and happen as such.

It is not surprising that presently the West built him 
up as the “enemy of nations” and “enemy of democracy”, 
as a “monster”. I also received a dream about Putin being 
followed by the message “RUSSIA” from SANANDA.

I very much would like to ask you if I could use your dream 
as an epilog to the message from SANANDA, which will be 
published in a few days!
Naturally by preserving your anonymity, because it 
does not always serve to be in the “public eye”...
Namely this dream is an excellent document wherein Putin’s 
role is described in such a way that it is easy to understand 
and remember.

With these words I send you my love and my thanks 
for sharing this with all of us.


P.S.1: After I read your mail I went into the kitchen in 
deep thoughts and took a thick “double-walled” piece of 
glass into my hand, and it broke without injuring me!

Meaning: Even the thickest walls upon which this old world 
is built, will brake – and we remain unaffected by it. 

P.S.2: I thank you for your permission to publish! 

After that I received a message from SANANDA.
This message will be published tomorrow at this site.

Sanctions against Russia - JAHN J KASSL: 