Honored Readers,
On January 22nd, 2011 „Bodhisattva“ was
first published
in German in the Lichtwelt Blog:
It was affirmed by JESUS SANANDA on April 22nd, 2015 and was
complemented with the message „Live your Assignments“
(You may read it shortly).
The contained topics, the wisdom and inherent Light in the
words are still valid today, are of great value and spread
their healing effect.
Therefore I have decided to reedit this timeless message,
republish it in the blog and send it to you via the Lichtwelt
newsletter. In addition, this message is also available in
English, translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb.
In the conviction of thereby providing a good
service and joy to you, I remain –
With God’s Blessings and in Love
Jahn J Kassl
in German in the Lichtwelt Blog:
It was affirmed by JESUS SANANDA on April 22nd, 2015 and was
complemented with the message „Live your Assignments“
(You may read it shortly).
The contained topics, the wisdom and inherent Light in the
words are still valid today, are of great value and spread
their healing effect.
Therefore I have decided to reedit this timeless message,
republish it in the blog and send it to you via the Lichtwelt
newsletter. In addition, this message is also available in
English, translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb.
In the conviction of thereby providing a good
service and joy to you, I remain –
With God’s Blessings and in Love
Jahn J Kassl

Conversation with Jesus Sananda
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Beloved Jahn,
What you experience is the broad mass of human Beings,
who cannot bear the spiritual Light. Therefore they become
aggressive and unpredictable.
Report: During the bus trip to the café, where I like to write,
the driver and the passengers, due to the entirely overcrowed bus,
were totally aggressive, and also here in the café a very young human
Being talks to me very indignantly – it seems as if the fuses in human
Beings have burned through…..
So it is, Jahn. Human Beings get lost completely, because they are
not used to look at themselves, they do not reflect and thereby
lack experience. Now they would urgently need these abilities,
yet they have not learned these and have not attained them.
Many clues from the spiritual realms were cast into the wind,
and now it becomes obvious that this time truly reveals
everything that has been hidden in a human Being.
It is the discharges of forces, which human Beings
tried to suppress so far.
JJK: And I also notice that it makes no difference if a human
Being is young or old, because I also notice that more and
more young human Beings are unredeemed and heavily
laden. Is this correct?
JESUS SANANDA: Yes, by all means. Human age is not the
clincher. Please consider that human Beings always come to
earth with their whole karmic garment, a garment, which is
claimed after the seventh year of life.
Regarding this also see: „The Biography of Jesus – Part I“:
Therefore it is the same how old or young a human Being is,
it is very obvious if he has not redeemed his issues. Therefore
also still young human Beings carry incredible energy packets
and energetic impurities with them. An exception is the great
swarm of new arrivals after the year 2000.
There you will perceive very few impurities, because these souls
come to you from a different level of Creation and are freed from
old burdens of time. They are Master souls or those, who are
immediately before master ship. Meaning, each agegroup,
which is now born on earth, is in its base mode more redempt
and more purified. Yet many human Beings of the previous
generation still have to cast off their karmic equipment and
this pertains also to the 20 plus year olds.
JJK: So far one has always pointed to the “Indigo Children”
and we even thought that only such children are born.
JESUS SANANDA: This is correct as such, for some
time and with transitions, since 2000 exclusively.
Yet please also consider, if an Indigo child does not receive
the appropriate environment, it begins to deny itself and
creates patterns, attunes to the energy of the environment
and gets lost.
It is not the direct karmic circumstances, which are working,
because these children bring little karma with them, yet they
must manage with the little that is offered to them and this
brings them to the edge of madness.
Therefore a mixture of realitires occurs, the in itself clear
becomes unclear, because it must exist in a world of lack
of understanding. Therefore it is so important for all parents
to know what they are dealing with, as they bring a child into
this world.
In summary it shall be said: Not every high yet in earthly
years still young Light, being human, is automatically
redeemed, because life conditions are still effective.
Beyond that it must be recorded that the change simply
passes by many human Beings. And these are presently
present on both levels, as well as on 3D and also on 5D.
There is still a certain mixture of human Beings, as well
as the levels are also intermixed.
This reveals everything, and nothing is excluded.
And it is also significant that for an unredempt entity it
becomes uncomfortable in a world, which is increasingly
interlaced with 5D vibrations.
The spiritual Light of the Central Sun has an effect,
does its work and brings light to all situations. Discharges
occur presently on all levels, as well as on the one of
humans living together on Gaia TERRA XX.
JJK: May I change the topic?
JESUS SANANDA: Yes, go ahead, Jahn.
JJK: Now, pole reversal? What is the issue here?
JESUS SANANDA: There are different scenarios for it.
Yet one thing is certain, that it happens.
Pole Reversal
In these days we consider to create “hyper space”, which is
a space, wherein all human Beings, who will continue to live
in 5D, will await the events.
Yet this is only one option, because as earths have distanced
themselves far enough you are imbedded in a hologram,
which equals “hyper space”, and therefore you are nearly
unaffected by it. There has also been the option to keep you
in a longer sleep, to bring you to inner earth in the meantime,
yet these options are excluded more and more, because these
events get more and more integrated into the daily pattern of
this new time.
We create everything with as little stir as possible, and therefore
many scenarios, which we considered so far, will not occur.
This change shall occur in peace, except for the frequent
discharges of old energy structures, which still must be
redeemed on the planetary as well as individual level.
Therefore we undertake everything in order to alleviate
all necessary events, and as well as possible to let them
occur without further dramas.
We make an Appearance!
Also there is already a fixed date when we make our appearance.
This will change everything. Here not only the events of recent
times are meant, when many sightings of our space ships took
place, instead there is the plan for an event, which cannot be
denied by all human Beings on earth, in order to end any
speculation about us.
This occurs after our vibration levels begin to immediately
touch each other, because only then can you also accept
us and recognize us for what we are, the Lights from Heaven.
In one third of the human Beings, who want to live on 5D, all
fears must be removed, fears, which would stand in the way
of such recognition.
Meaning, any darkness must be removed, in a soul, because
otherwise it would consider our appearance as a work of the
“devil”. One thing you shall never dismiss, a sighting, wherein
we reveal ourselves, must also be understood by you and
must be correctly classified. You must be ready to recognize
it, only then will we appear.
Because even the greatest miracle does not work if a human
Being shuts himself off from this. Presently you are also prepared
for it, whereby you increasingly come to us while you sleep, and
therefore it will be easy for you to recognize us, as we appear.
JJK: This means therefore that all reports, which
circulate about it, are indeed options?
JESUS SANANDA: Yes, yet they are constantly adapted to the
new facts, which you have created due to your own work on
yourself, and therefore are also subjected to steady changes.
It is certain that everything changes, somewhat less certain
is the fact how it occurs and on what timeline, because every
timeline has its potentials and some are fulfilled 1 to 1, yet
others do not occur, because we can go back to new possibilities.
Also for us it is a very exciting matter; we have the overview of
all potentials, yet which one ultimately is being used, is determined
relatively short-dated and is determined due to your individual
JJK: Do you know, Jesus, I notice again and again, how many
questions human Beings have regarding this, and I often think
that many questions lead to nothing. Therefore when is a
question appropriate and when is it entirely superfluous?
JESUS SANANDA: The question should be asked like the
following: What is predominant in a human Being? Is it
the mind or is an entity already directly connected with
inner knowledge? As soon as this occurs, the end of
questions is very near.
End of Questions
Then every question is no longer necessary, because one
knows that at the right time everything will be given that
is needed. Also the mind receives explanations so that it is
satisfied and remains in peace.
On the other hand if the mind predominates, questions gain
a compulsive character and one wants to “understand”
everything on that limited level, yet knowledge remains
lacking, because the abundance of information, which
we bring to you for several years, can never be captured
with the mind! This is simply not possible, the mind is not
capable of it, no matter how much you try wanting to
understand and having to explain it to you.
Therefore if the inner certitude exists in a human Being
that everything will show, then all questions will remain
within harmonic limits of an entitity living in peace.
If the mind is the level upon which one seeks understanding,
permanent unrest and lack of peace will rule and one asks for
“explanations” of everything and yet one understands nothing.
Because: The characteristic of infinity, and we bring only such information to you, because you are raised from finiteness to
infinity, reveals itself only to human Beings, who understand
to answer their questions themselves due to their inner
Asking many questions is a sign that the search in the outer is
not finished. The steady attempt “wanting to understand” everything
is a characteristic of space and time, a level, whereupon success and
failure where defined due to the intellectual understanding of things.
Yet on the levels of All-That-Is knowledge occurs in a different
manner and now you regain these abilities.
Those, who ask a lot, still have not arrived at themselves,
and assume deep knowledge by seeing their questions answered.
Yet this is a fallacy, because knowledge occurs, as you trust your
life track and the strength in yourself, your inner knowledge,
wherefrom everything bulges out as you are connected to this
all-knowing Source.
JJK: Does this not require practice and time?
JESUS SANANDA: Yes, yet you are already in
the process to acquire it more and more.
JJK: What I also notice is that so many “spiritual
seekers” function in this “mode of questioning”?
JESUS SANANDA: Yes, because this “mode of questioning”
was also taken over as a relict from one of the described
ancient times. Many human Beings, who today seek for
knowledge from All-That-Is, are highly “educated” and
have acquired their “knowledge” foremost with their mind.
It is necessary to discard this and to penetrate to the core
of knowledge, which always lies in the consciousness of an entity.
Many human Beings begin their spiritual search with old equipment
and it is part of the path to discard this. And this pertains to many,
who have entered the “spiritual path”, or at least claim it for
themselves. Foremost the “scientists” among you are reluctantly
willing to leave old paths and therefore the spiritual unfoldement
must stagnate and frustration spreads.
Evolution toward Buddha Nature
Enlightenment occurs far from the intellect.
The intellect has noting to do with enlightenment.
The intellect is not part as Bodhisattva1 appears
out of your essence.
As you become Buddha, the questions end and on the way
toward it, questions become less and less. It is a sign of
awakening that the questions decrease and it is a sign for
it that one is not ready for the insight of the last things,
as one incessantly searches for peace and knowledge in
the questions, which the intellect poses, in order to keep
you restless and preoccupied.
JJK: Therefore there are many “spiritual seekers”,
yet many also do not really want to find?
JESUS SANANDA: It is the evolution toward the Buddha, Jahn.
Everything that being human offers, wants to be lived by you.
Therefore you have decided to come here, and you enjoy
everything. Because they still need the experience that the
intellect cannot provide any true insight.
The intellect is one of the last hindrances on the path
toward seeing God. Once it is overcome, realization
occurs instantly – instantly.
It is insignificant what a restless mind is preoccupied with.
If these are “spiritual topics” or very worldly ones as long
as the intellect cares constantly for unrest, produces answer
upon answer, which seek for an answers only on that level,
any deep insight remains lacking.
As long as the intellect uses you and as long as you are
not capable to use the intellect, it does not matter what
you are preoccupied with, you remain far from any
JJK: But how can one overcome it, what can
one say to such human Beings?
JESUS SANANDA: Nothing! Jahn, this is it. Nothing.
For these human Beings it is significant that their questions
do not find any answer and like a Koan2 they unfold the
effect in their soul. Until the answers emerge from the inside
and until these are set free in the consciousness of a human
Being. Until a new manner of attaining knowlege is established.
Therefore we also advised you to no longer answer the many
letters from readers, because each one of your answers already
has many new questions in them. You can certainly handle this
even more consistently and this will unburden you very much.
JJK: Yes, this would ease my work very much. Because as
much as I value as human Beings come to me full of trust,
I also see as much that each one of my answers – like you
said – immediately brings about a whole string of new questions.
No end, so to speak!
Answers are given directly!
JESUS SANANDA: This is what it is about, Jahn!
Now we
enter the phase, wherein human Beings
have to search for answers, which we put into their
hearts, and not hang on to the answers from foreign lips.
This is important.
have to search for answers, which we put into their
hearts, and not hang on to the answers from foreign lips.
This is important.
yourself ENTIRELY from the task to elaborate
questioning mails from human Beings.
questioning mails from human Beings.
Pass on what you receive from the highest Light levels of
Creation, and leave it at that. You do not need to explain
anything, because the messages explain themselves to a
knowing spirit. And all, who are on the path toward this
knowledge, now require this turning toward their inherent
knowledge, even if this is initially new and unfamiliar.
Each one is God! Each one is his Master!
The time when one faces a Master in the outer
with his questions, even if they are of pure intent,
is over, because the time of master ship has begun.
with his questions, even if they are of pure intent,
is over, because the time of master ship has begun.
JJK: But this will hit many human Beings on their head?
Not that I
care about it, yet maybe a little bit of discomfort,
as the mail, which is very aggressive, should increase, as once
before, as I withdrew myself?
as the mail, which is very aggressive, should increase, as once
before, as I withdrew myself?
JESUS SANANDA: Certainly, this is also quite possible.
Yet this ebbs and thins out. It is a great service, which
you thereby offer to human Beings, because they must
be thrown back to themselves and as they have many
questions, initially search for an answer within themselves,
until there seems to be no other avenue, and then the intellect
fails and this failure brings everything on its way – it is the birth
into the awareness of consciousness; the moment, when knowledge
is given and the moment, when every question finds an answer.
Until they finally retreat entirely, because a higher force no
longer needs to take hold of this limitation.
It is high
time that human Beings change into the mode,
which their eternal consciousness predetermines, and no
longer obey their limited action of being human; also if
they foremost believe to be on the spiritual path.
which their eternal consciousness predetermines, and no
longer obey their limited action of being human; also if
they foremost believe to be on the spiritual path.
JJK: Now, this certainly cannot be any clearer!
SANANDA: This is what is required now, so that human
Beings no longer go astray and walk “empty kilometers”.
Now everyone can make one’s choice.
Beings no longer go astray and walk “empty kilometers”.
Now everyone can make one’s choice.
JJK: Also I will take back again regarding the answering
of certain questions?
(Meanwhile, over 4 years later, we from the Lichtwelt team
and myself have entirely ceased the “discussion” or “interpretation
of messages”. At the same time, questions have also decreased.
This is an obvious sign that human Beings have matured.
Rem. JJK)
SANANDA: Yes, please act like that, it is not only good for
you, it is foremost good for human Beings, who again and again
seak answers in the outer and still cannot trust themselves.
Because also in any fallacy resides great power, as one has
created this oneself.
you, it is foremost good for human Beings, who again and again
seak answers in the outer and still cannot trust themselves.
Because also in any fallacy resides great power, as one has
created this oneself.
Now it is necessary for human Beings to
step into self-responsibility – in every respect.
step into self-responsibility – in every respect.
No longer
“he or she has said”, instead I have said and
determined for myself, no matter what the consequences are.
This is walking school for those, who wish to awaken spiritually.
All others are not ready to step into their self-responsibility.
Also thereby it is valid: ”The chaff separates from the wheat.”
determined for myself, no matter what the consequences are.
This is walking school for those, who wish to awaken spiritually.
All others are not ready to step into their self-responsibility.
Also thereby it is valid: ”The chaff separates from the wheat.”
On 5D
there are only “mature” human Beings and no longer
any students, which attach any significance to the knowledge
of a Guru. As you wish to establish yourself on 5D, you must
go into master ship yourself, and this path begins now for
many human Beings on this planet.
any students, which attach any significance to the knowledge
of a Guru. As you wish to establish yourself on 5D, you must
go into master ship yourself, and this path begins now for
many human Beings on this planet.
JJK: Feels like a concluding sentence?
JESUS SANANDA: Yes, today it is given.
We go on and reach new levels of the Light.
You are
the knowledge, the power, which is inherent in
everything. Begin to take hold of it and trust in it, also if
some fallacies appear, in the beginning, as you are in the
process to obtain this ability.
everything. Begin to take hold of it and trust in it, also if
some fallacies appear, in the beginning, as you are in the
process to obtain this ability.
Because it is better to fall for a self-created fallacy
instead of a deep inner experience to do something
“right”, which was only given second hand.
about it – utilize your inner senses and
not your intellect. Begin now with it.
not your intellect. Begin now with it.
You are blessed and infinitely loved by us.
I am
omnipresent, amongst you,
1 Bodhisattva: In Buddhism, a bodhisattva (Sanskrit: बोधिसत्त्व
bodhisattva; Pali: बोधिसत्त bodhisatta) is an enlightened (bodhi)
being (sattva). Traditionally, a bodhisattva is anyone who,
motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhicitta,
which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddhahood for the
benefit of all sentient beings.[1] According to Tibetan Buddhism,
a Bodhisattva is one of the four sublime states a human can
achieve in life (the others being an Arhat, Buddha, or
Pratyekabuddha).[2] (Wikipedia)
bodhisattva; Pali: बोधिसत्त bodhisatta) is an enlightened (bodhi)
being (sattva). Traditionally, a bodhisattva is anyone who,
motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhicitta,
which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddhahood for the
benefit of all sentient beings.[1] According to Tibetan Buddhism,
a Bodhisattva is one of the four sublime states a human can
achieve in life (the others being an Arhat, Buddha, or
Pratyekabuddha).[2] (Wikipedia)
2 A kōan (公案?)/ˈkoʊ.ɑːn/; Chinese: 公案; pinyin: gōng'àn;
Korean: 공안 (kong'an); Vietnamese: công án) is a story,
dialogue, question, or statement, which is used in Zen
practice to provoke the "great doubt" and test a student's
progress in Zen practice.
The Beast 666 – JJK:
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