Message from the Light Reading on May 30th, 2015 in Vienna
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Labor Pains of the New Earth
Beloved Ones!
The powerful labor pains of the living Mother Earth
have started! Nothing remains as it has been!
I am amongst you and with a host of Light entities we carry
out provident so that this planet will be released from the
cocoon of space-time. The earth is under the care of Heaven,
nothing can happen to you, you, who are most intimately
connected with us. God’s trumpets sound, the trombones of
Heaven announce the change and introduce the new age of Light.
You can already perceive sounds at various locations from, out of
and through Mother Earth; they are the first audible signs for the
fact that something great, unimaginable and liberating paves its
way to you.
The new Life, the new earth, and the new world are on its way
to you and step-by-step it is now turned over to you. The sooner
you leave the path of powerlessness and the sooner you walk the
path of self-empowerment, the more visible, the more tangible
and the more experiential this gift will become; the gift of a new
mankind, which orients itself entirely toward the prime Source of
All-That-Is and puts God, the ALL-THAT-IS reality, into the center.
God is the center of all Life and human Beings, who are ready for
ascension, will experience this in the last days of the old mankind.
Actual Time Quality
Let us now pay attention to the actual time quality in particular
and to the further transformation steps of the individual.
The “spiral of discharges” continues to turn.
Transformation and change describe this time.
Extremely painful issues redeem in these days and
bring forth new injuries, create new karma and further
A whole world seems to get out of its center, out of its balance,
and this appearance does not deceive you, because truly: Before
this earth is put into the new position of All-That-Is and can anchor
itself there, it will be liberated from all chains, which shackled her
to the existing structures.
The dark burdens are taken off, dissolved and transformed.
The hate of many ages finds salvation and those, who create
new karmic loops, will experience their redemption at another
point in time and will experience it in another world. Meaning,
the great discharges continue and the climax still has not been
Simultaneously Mother Earth begins to shake off all dark energies.
Great movements of earth masses are already ongoing and will
also be increasingly perceived on the earth surface. Meaning,
the transformation of mankind occurs in harmony with the living
planet and what the individual human Being, what the human
collective, redeems, will also be released into the Light for all
times by Mother Earth. These processes aim toward a joint and
simultaneously finalizing discharge, and this day is already
registered in the “cosmic memory”.
This means for the actual phase of the ascension process that
the point when mankind seems to extinguish itself, planetary
and cosmic events occur, which bring a sudden end to this
process. Then the ones are separated from the others, we
will make an appearance at all locations of this earth and we
will uplift you into the light-filled reality of the new dimension.
„Levitation Beam of Heaven“
We possess “transportation technologies”, which are truly
from another world, which vibrate differently and feature other
capabilities. In those last hours the “Levitation Beam of Heaven”
will be omnipresent – at all locations of this earth, because no
human Being will be forgotten and many human Beings receive
a last opportunity for their choice.
God’s Grace works and reaches every human child and those,
who are without fear, will cross the bridge between worlds and
will take a place at God’s festive table, there, where we expect
Therefore we, from the realms of Light, say to you:
“Do not be afraid!”, this does not describe your behavior of
this time quality, instead it describes foremost this sacred
hour of the last day, when you shall cast off any fear and
shall ascend to us. Truly: Heaven knows its children and
we recognize our siblings from the Light, who perform
their service on earth.
Take Advantage of Time
For every human Being it is necessary to make good use
of the time until then. This one is valuable.
Prepare yourself, whereby you persistently continue to
work on your own ability to love. Refine your being and
mature to perfect creatures.
Even if the outer appearance forms give the picture of a world
of hate, it is possible and it is required to create the “World of
Love” within you. The internally realized Love vibration ensures
that you heal and that human society is quickly freed of hate.
Transformation occurs, according to intensity and devotion
of a human Being, quickly or slowly. Yet in each case human
Beings reach their goal and at the end they reach the gate to
the Light. It is significant that you remain persistent and never
slacken to bring Light into your being and Love into your heart.
This is the way, this is the necessity, and this is the task of all
light warriors of this end time: Ensure that your own house
remains pure, so that you can ask God at any time to come in.
For many the process of uplifting goes on too slowly! I say to
you: In the moment, when you will look back at the process
of uplifting from the spiritual realms, you will perceive at
what speed and in what dynamic this process occurred.
What for a child takes a long time for an adult retrospectively
has passed quickly. The illusion of time creates in you a
condition of waiting and expectation, taxes your patience
and creates impatience. Go into meditation and you will see
how everything around you dissolves. Also time.
If you succeed to keep this level in your day to day
consciousness, then you have reached a condition of
peace, which only a few know, because impatience
creates unrest and inner peace is lacking.
For the upcoming time it means that you shall as before
care for harmony and peace within you. More than ever,
this is what counts today.
Only Love can heal hate. Only due to empathy and
due to forgiveness are the energetic structures of
hate released from a being and all self experienced
or injuries done to others can be healed.
Here there is still much to do for many human Beings,
because truly: The Kingdom of God must at first be
established within you and if it is not within you,
it is nowhere.
God the Creator of all Life reveals himself to all human Beings,
who are ready for it. And ready is, whoever has devoted his life
to God and has fulfilled his assignments in this world in Love
and humility.
The global transformation process continues, notwithstanding
the individual transformation steps are set. With every day the
Light vibration on earth increases and God’s Love vibration
spreads out in individual human hearts. At the same time
with every new day, further discharges become visible.
The successful change of this earth requires only a small
number of realized human Beings and this number has
already been reached. Therefore these already “final steps”
of transformation can be set, whereby powerful energetic
structures are liberated.
Mother Earth releases any dark energy and Mother Earth will
be put back healed into divine order. And put pack will also be
a human Being, who has chosen Love, has anchored the Light
and has realized peace within self!
Come under my roof, I love you!
Do not be afraid, because earth is under my care.
…the World takes on the form of Love – in you.
Trust your power and our omnipresence.
I love you
Come to the Source (pdf) – MASTER EL MORYA:
The Light Reading is in German. Yet energy is not bound
by language barriers and therefore every human Being,
no matter what one's language is, can experience the
Light Reading lifestream or on location.
Invitation next Light Reading - MASTER EL MORYA:
Retrospective of Light Reading:
AUDIO of light reading (german only):
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