Abstract from yesterday’s message during
the Light Reading and presentation of the
“Crystal Cube of Ascension”
Adama of Telos
Know: The dark forces thin out.
More and more shadow entities,
greys, dark ones
or representatives from dark levels of this universe
must leave this planet.
or representatives from dark levels of this universe
must leave this planet.
Even though it may not
necessarily look that way to you,
it is a fact. The last deadlines have expired and now these
forces are leaving this earth. Nonetheless the still existing
dark ones stoke fear and the try with all means to rule
mankind. Yet in all corners of this world this power slips
away from them and from now on this will become more
it is a fact. The last deadlines have expired and now these
forces are leaving this earth. Nonetheless the still existing
dark ones stoke fear and the try with all means to rule
mankind. Yet in all corners of this world this power slips
away from them and from now on this will become more
visible to you week by week.
In addition it is to be noticed
that the Love vibration
increases on this upper earth.
The Light affects this and it
also affects that everything,
which until now has carried out a comfortable and
existence in darkness, will and must show itself!
The more revelations come to
light, the more obvious
it will appear that one power is at work here that
it will appear that one power is at work here that
enables this. And this power is: God’s Light!
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Telos, Welcome to Agartha (digital) - JAHN J KASSL:
http://www.lichtweltverlag.com/de/grobritannien-uk/angebote/e-books/telos---welcome-to-agartha/index.php The Lichtweltportal is free of advertisement and declines
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any correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages
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