Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Report: With respect to the message “The last 20 Minutes,
Part I”, a day later another dream
was again given to me with
another indication of the number 20, whereby the 20,
me remembering any details of the dream, is continuously present
Beloved Ones,
The number 20, the number of divine Grace, of divine
and the 2 the number of the all-loving presence of the divine
will be imprinted in mankind in these days.
Symbols herald what is upcoming, symbols, which are
continuously transmitted to Mother Earth and to individual
human Beings.
The upcoming salvation of mankind is heralded due to
sacred 20, and this occurs even before God’s trombones will
sound on the
whole earth.
Heaven opens
The repeated indication to the number 20 shows that
the closeness to “the event” increases.
The 2 as the number of the divine Mother also reveals
that Mother Earth will be led back into oneness, the 0.
And this repeated dream picture points to another fact,
that the time of justice has come and that Heaven opens
for all of God’s children, who have entered unto the path
of Light and have never left it.
Heal Your Innermost!
The here unites with the beyond, this number also
points to that and thereby it becomes obvious that the
planetary ascension of Mother Earth and mankind into
the Light comes closer and closer, even if on earth
impatience spreads among human Beings.
Therefore you beloved Gods in human Gestalt:
1.) Lift yourself out of time whereby you
a.) go into timeless All-That-Is by meditating or
b.) due to the constant binding to the Source,
continuously live in the timeless reality of the Source.
Whoever waits today is surrounded with
disappointments and can barely orient oneself
toward the divine Light. Whoever remains with
self today and constantly lets the Light come into
one’s being, one’s attention will be oriented toward
the most essential until the last of all days: toward
the healings in your innermost.
It is of significance to know that it occurs!
the closeness to “the event” increases.
The 2 as the number of the divine Mother also reveals
that Mother Earth will be led back into oneness, the 0.
And this repeated dream picture points to another fact,
that the time of justice has come and that Heaven opens
for all of God’s children, who have entered unto the path
of Light and have never left it.
Heal Your Innermost!
The here unites with the beyond, this number also
points to that and thereby it becomes obvious that the
planetary ascension of Mother Earth and mankind into
the Light comes closer and closer, even if on earth
impatience spreads among human Beings.
Therefore you beloved Gods in human Gestalt:
1.) Lift yourself out of time whereby you
a.) go into timeless All-That-Is by meditating or
b.) due to the constant binding to the Source,
continuously live in the timeless reality of the Source.
Whoever waits today is surrounded with
disappointments and can barely orient oneself
toward the divine Light. Whoever remains with
self today and constantly lets the Light come into
one’s being, one’s attention will be oriented toward
the most essential until the last of all days: toward
the healings in your innermost.
It is of significance to know that it occurs!
It is insignificant when it occurs.
Say goodbye to all space and timelines, whereby you
give yourself to God’s timeless presence, until the Grace
of salvation has captured the whole earth and all human
Redeem yourself from the temporally conditioned
patterns of salvation, liberate yourself from the prison
of this world and you will be in Heaven – still today.
I am That, being amongst you,
I am the Way, the Truth and Life,
Causes of Failure on the Spiritual Path – ARCHANGEL MICHAEL:
The Lichtweltportal is free of advertisement and declines
give yourself to God’s timeless presence, until the Grace
of salvation has captured the whole earth and all human
Redeem yourself from the temporally conditioned
patterns of salvation, liberate yourself from the prison
of this world and you will be in Heaven – still today.
I am That, being amongst you,
I am the Way, the Truth and Life,
Causes of Failure on the Spiritual Path – ARCHANGEL MICHAEL:
The Lichtweltportal is free of advertisement and declines
any direct linking, in
order to guarantee the clarity of the
homepage and the pure vibration of its
The light world publishing and the author do not lead
any correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages
published on
this website.