Demand for the Disclosure of the discussed
Topics and Decisions of the 63rd Bilderberg
Conference in Tirol.
Demand to the President of the Republic of Austria
from Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Honored Mister President Dr. Heinz Fischer!
In these hours you have the dubious honor to be able to
personally participate in the Bilderberg Conference. Since
the days of Kreisky, it is said of you that you like to make
the most important decision while sitting on the toilet.
You will not get into this awkward situation with the
Bilderbergers, because what is being discussed and
decided there is entirely withdrawn from the public
eye – and this for decades.
From a democratic perspective it is an audacity that as an
elected President of the Republic of Austria you participate
and until today are completely silent toward the citizenry,
just as if this meeting does not really occur or that you
yourself are not there.
If I consider how the government machinery jumps around
the citizens, how we are being eavesdropped and almost
completely surveyed, it is frivolous how the global elite
protects itself from the citizens and at the expense of the
citizens with walls, fences, helicopters, soldiers and the police.
And you Mister President, otherwise vernacular and gregarious,
you are not only participating, but in the middle of it.
»Whoever is not up to anything also has
nothing to hide«, is being said in connection
with our surveillance!
Therefore the conclusion is close that you and your friends,
from mass murderer Henry Kissinger down, are up to very
much and have a lot to hide from us.
For this reason I demand from you that
after your return from Tirol, you give
us information about the meeting of
the Bilderberger and about the actually
discussed topics and decisions.
Which egg does the global elite really hatch in these
hours in the eagle nest Interalpen Hotel Tyrol?
I am convinced that many people – and not only
in Austria – have a great interest in this.
And foremost: People have a right to know!
Any other behavior is unbearable in a
democracy and is unworthy of a President.
If we do not hear anything from you in the coming
days, I must surmise that you are again sitting on
the toilet.
Respectfully Yours
Jahn J Kassl
Stop the US- Free Trade Agreement - JAHN J KASSL:
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